Joe Berger

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Joe Berger

Magazine media consultant specializing in print and digital audience building.
In this week's #newsletter: -Target bounces checks from the cash register -BusinessWeek is now a monthly -I have feelings about Louis DeJoy -The former Johnson Pub Bldg is for sale again. All that, and our favorite stressed out #magazine marketing team:
Hey, Donnie Two-Scoops… incredible that this can happen on this country??? Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy would like a word.
Trump says he was hit.
so some anti "woke" internet screamers start screaming at you and you drop you barely "woke" initiatives and now everyone is mad at you...and you failed to actually study the market you service...Poor Tractor Supply.../s
Tractor Supply may have thought it solved a big problem. Now it has a few The retailer retreated from its diversity and climate goals after an “anti-woke” protest on social media — and ignited a backlash.
I seem to recall Studs Turkle referring to 2000 as a “coup”
This week's #newsletter focuses in on the recent acquisition of Denver's Tattered Cover Bookstore by Barnes & Noble. The chain was in bankruptcy and B&N offered the best way out. Will the chain retain local control? I think so:
Not exactly bonus Some personal thoughts about Barnes & Noble and Tattered Cover Books...issue #132
Unsurprisingly, the word Shanda come to mind every time I contemplate Stephen Miller.
All those years of talking up this #magazine, watching how they grow their audience, nodding approvingly at their sometimes witty covers, and then they do this…
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
Yeah….no. We’ve been heading to this outcome since the Reagan years. The only shocking thing is that it took so long to fully destroy all of the norms that held our government together.
Honestly still in shock that the most crooked American President in history said "I need immunity" and the GOP Supreme Court said "well, it's nowhere in the constitution, but sure, why not? Whats the worst that could happen?"
Further evidence that these generational divides are sheer bullshit. Exactly what, culturally does someone born in 1964 or 63 or 65 have in common with someone born in 1946? Or someone born in 1965 with someone born in 1980?
And as I learned earlier today from, the cut-off for Boomer/Gen X is mid-1964, so that means Walz is Boomer and Harris is Gen X, despite them being born just 6 months apart.
Well which do you want? Breathable air and drinkable water or a supreme executive who can order your death ‘cause it’s Monday?
Well sure, didn’t the founders in their incredible foresight and near godlike brilliance just want to trade the English king for their own king?
NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here
Those would totally fry my brain
yeah, but old habits die hard and the old dem way was to try and correct the record. They've been doing this since the 1980's and that's Biden's generation.
They don't care who is running for their side and they don't care about policy. The anger, rage and victimization is the point.
Wait...isn't he supposed to be the smart one of the six?
on the very day the Supreme Court's conservatives said 'we know best' and put themselves in charge of complicated agency decisions one of the geniuses confused nitrous oxide and nitrogen oxide. So they had to have a do over. Not exactly an auspicious start.
Supreme Court Corrects EPA Opinion After Gorsuch Confuses Laughing Gas With Air The error came in an opinion blocking an EPA policy meant to improve air pollution.
Avatar just wrapped up a Teams meeting?
In some other parallel universe, this would be what happens to one of my more favorite authors when he went onto MS Teams for a meeting...
Here's me being extremely normal with one of my Hugos today
I just turned it off. Too painful to watch.
So…beehiiv also has not so great people on it. Imagine that.
How much would you bet that for the few million over x years they saved, they rewarded the c-suite multiples of those millions.
I work in a declining industry mostly controlled by PE firms, so, yes! Almost every day.
Especially because unsubscribed doesn’t seem to mean anything
I know it is a minor thing but I wish there were a mechanism to meaningfully discourage companies from putting you on their list to spam forever once they have your e-mail address (when you have definitely NOT clicked the "okay to contact me with offers" box). Unsubscribe after the fact isn't enough
You mean, like not waking up at 2AM after dreaming that I was falling through the earth while being chased by rabid clients who wanted all the reports now and hadn’t paid in 90 days? Those dreams?
So…. I should learn to code? /s