Joe Berger

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Joe Berger

Magazine media consultant specializing in print and digital audience building.
All those years of talking up this #magazine, watching how they grow their audience, nodding approvingly at their sometimes witty covers, and then they do this…
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
Yeah….no. We’ve been heading to this outcome since the Reagan years. The only shocking thing is that it took so long to fully destroy all of the norms that held our government together.
Honestly still in shock that the most crooked American President in history said "I need immunity" and the GOP Supreme Court said "well, it's nowhere in the constitution, but sure, why not? Whats the worst that could happen?"
Further evidence that these generational divides are sheer bullshit. Exactly what, culturally does someone born in 1964 or 63 or 65 have in common with someone born in 1946? Or someone born in 1965 with someone born in 1980?
And as I learned earlier today from, the cut-off for Boomer/Gen X is mid-1964, so that means Walz is Boomer and Harris is Gen X, despite them being born just 6 months apart.
NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here
Wait...isn't he supposed to be the smart one of the six?
on the very day the Supreme Court's conservatives said 'we know best' and put themselves in charge of complicated agency decisions one of the geniuses confused nitrous oxide and nitrogen oxide. So they had to have a do over. Not exactly an auspicious start.
Supreme Court Corrects EPA Opinion After Gorsuch Confuses Laughing Gas With Air The error came in an opinion blocking an EPA policy meant to improve air pollution.
In some other parallel universe, this would be what happens to one of my more favorite authors when he went onto MS Teams for a meeting...
Here's me being extremely normal with one of my Hugos today
How much would you bet that for the few million over x years they saved, they rewarded the c-suite multiples of those millions.
Especially because unsubscribed doesn’t seem to mean anything
I know it is a minor thing but I wish there were a mechanism to meaningfully discourage companies from putting you on their list to spam forever once they have your e-mail address (when you have definitely NOT clicked the "okay to contact me with offers" box). Unsubscribe after the fact isn't enough
So…. I should learn to code? /s
While out walking and on the phone with a potential client, Joe had a sudden epiphany...
This is wild stuff. I spent much of my childhood being told by friends who were conservative or orthodox that I wasn't "Jewish" there's a NY Congressman, who isn't even Jewish, telling me that. What an absolutely weird, m-f'n world we live in...
NEW: I wrote about Ritchie Torres wading into the Bowman/Latimer primary by anointing himself the arbiter of who can really represent Jewish interests.
Kind of like all those enshittificstion annual software updates where they rearrange everything and get rid of the stuff you actually use. I can hardly wait… /s
“Remember that generative AI is not once and done…You’re going to continue to push compute, and build models that are larger, and so you will have to continue to upgrade devices in order to keep up with the pace of generative AI.” 😩
As a former Illinoisan, yeah, I used to say stuff about Milwaukee 'cause they would say stuff about Chicago. But Milwaukee is cool. So is Wisconsin. So the orange dude can eff off. And his political instincts are terrible:
Here's how social media is reacting to Trump's 'horrible city' comment about Milwaukee is the host city for the Republican National Convention, where Trump will be nominated for president in July.
I am terribly sorry… Narrator: No, he wasn’t. …but I’m kind of thinking evil thoughts.
NEW: Steve Bannon has been ordered to surrender to prison on July 1. Judge Nichols has revoked his bail. (via Kyle Cheney, Politico)
Honestly, an airdrop of millions of dragonflies would be incredibly cool.
i have this one family member who loves asserting facts about nature that have no basis in reality. favorites so far: "bats die if they touch water" and "the government airdrops millions of dragonflys every spring to eat all the mosquitoes"
Yeah. No…
Others in this series - chief, cop, soldier, construction worker, leather daddy.
Here's another fabulous example of non-stop consolidation... Years ago I was a PrimeCo customer and US Cellular bought their business. Then US Cellular sold to Spring and then Spring was bought by T-Mobile and now T-Mobile is buying US Cellular...
T-Mobile will buy U.S. Cellular’s wireless business in $4.4 billion The deal would expand T-Mobile’s presence to millions of people in “underserved rural areas,” the company said.
I could totally see this.
New York Times headline: Freewheeling Maverick Goofus Forces Reevaluation Of Scissors Protocol Even As Thousands of His Followers Are Accidentally Stabbed, Meanwhile Gallant's Tired Recapitulation of Norms Bores and Alienates Voters.
All last week I found myself reading about my business and saying to myself "Really?" So that's this week's #newsletter. I mean, Adam Neumann (formerly WeWork), still in real estate buys an indie mag and turns it into a house organ. Really?
`The week in "Really?" Are you too big to care? ...Issue #129
Further evidence that is a really good writer.
here's something ive been working on for over a month: the story of a jewish women's sex strike, the reasons behind it, and why no woman should be chained:
‘Mitzvah Night Is CANCELLED’ Inside the sex strike that has infuriated husbands and shaken the ultra-Orthodox world.
As I work with numbers and databases all day, every day...yeah, this happens. Regularly. HT to @employeetears on Instagram for this. #excel #wfh #freelancelife #permalancer
Hey wait a minute!!! I thought we needed everyone back in the office right this very minute or the whole economy would collapse and the stock market would die and it would be the worst thing in the world...
More Americans are working remotely for international companies—here's where they International companies are eager to hire Americans to fill jobs in research, sales, software engineering, content and product.
It’s this way in the magazine world too. The cost of production, retail distribution and simply the burdensome cost of consolidation of the business leaves very little left for marketing and promotion.
Something I wasn’t prepared for when getting a book published is how much of it happens with little to no fanfare. I wasn’t prepared for the radio silence from publishers. I wasn’t prepared for how much the author has to actively seek out positive press, and generate their own hype around it.
One of the numerous things I’m missing about Chicago.
Why you should root for the Chicago Sky:
As a freelancer to US businesses this is a familiar daymare
This is like the best, nicest thing I have read on social media in a rather long time.
Hello Blue Sky-ers, I was recommended this platform by wonderful editor Lezli Robyns ! I am a total newbie to the fantasy world having just found my tribe at the ripe age of ... *cough cough. When I found this world I found my writing voice and finally got to write about something I love!
In case you didn’t know, Nebraska is very flat.