A.S.K., a librarian

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A.S.K., a librarian


Another Twitter escapee. @thestackscat most places.

You don't get to take your trauma out on other people.
respectfully: if couchfucking jokes are over the line for you, what content on Bluesky are you here to consume?
Blocked a dude wringing his hands about JD Vance jokes being uncivil. My dude, Vance spouting off about childless people being second class citizens is fucking uncivil, he's lucky we're all diverted by couchfucking jokes at the moment
Have you tried treating depression by sleeping 18 hours a day, preferably in somebody’s way?
does anyone know of a good book on orbital mechanics in the context of human-constructed spaceflight that a non scientist who wants to write a novel involving a war in low earth orbit with some level of ~plausibility could learn from?
if i can tell anything from having been on the internet a while, it's that america is ready for an attractive stepmom
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Video game actors vote to strike over artificial intelligence concerns in latest entertainment industry work stoppage.
i’ve got a young neighborhood kid who uses the little free library. he asked me today for a “modern adventure book” & i promised to provide. he’s 9 or 10. bonus points for a MC who is a POC so he can see himself. suggestions please? i’ve got a couple weeks.
I'm not seeing enough of you sharing this. Black trans & enby folks deserve to live. We deserve housing. We deserve healthcare. Donate something & pass it on. Rebeka is deserving of our help- cancer is no joke.
i'm rebeka & i've been diagnosed with a type of gastrointestinal cancer: GIST i'm facing the toughest of times bc i've been served a final eviction notice. i'm effectively homeless unless i remedy the breach i need $1190 (total of $1620) for this 🙏🏽 pls help if you can 🙏🏽 ko-fi.com/rebekamash/g...
Support Rebeka Mashaba on Ko-fi! ❤️. ko-fi.com/rebekamashko-fi.com Support Rebeka Mashaba On Ko-fi. Ko-fi lets you support the people and causes you love with small donations
I have now seen multiple posts saying that Harris is just a politician and people need to stop idolizing her, and like, do people no longer understand what simple enthusiasm looks like? Cheering for someone does not mean automatically mean you have joined a cult of personality & think they’re Jesus.
Minnesotans asking how to help dislocated Rainbow Health workers who just abruptly lost their income & medical insurance: Latifah needs urgent help. gofund.me/ef8b9a99 Every little bit you can donate will make a huge difference. Could you donate or share to spread the word? Thanks a lot!
Jess was absolutely, completely correct about what she said. What she actually said, not what you couchfucking self-righteous shitstained rags imagined that she said. But even if she had been wrong, absolutely nothing that you fucking did to her would have been justified, righteous, or virtuous.
It's rude that my dog is able to wake me up to let him out to pee and then he will be immediately asleep again while I stare at the ceiling and think about every mistake I have made in my entire life and wait to be unconscious for hours.
CAN CONFIRM. The food at Harris campaign offices is going to be very, very good.
The desi auntie network on WhatsApp is *fully* engaged. Shit is wild.
That's the incredible thing with these recent rulings. We're supposed to believe that we've been governmenting all wrong for decades while no one noticed until these FedSoc geniuses came along and figured it all out.
Y'all we REALLY REALLY need to talk about the 5th circuit. Shit over there is Not Good.
what's going on here is absurd the 5th circuit ruled that SpaceX is *so likely* to win their case that a preliminary injunction should be granted. SpaceX is arguing that the NLRB has, for the last 89 YEARS, been operating unconstitutionally; that the NLRB was never legal to begin with.
It feels so wacky as a Black woman on the left that there are actual problematic things about Kamala Harris (namely, that she was a prosecutor and the admin's stance on Gaza) but the GOP attacks all just boil down to DEMOCRATS WANT A MULATTO TEMPTRESS IN THE WHITE HOUSE
That white woman zoom call was as full of the type of righteous crying out for sisterhood and saving the world that makes everyone shake their heads and hope y’all don’t do us dirty when it comes time to vote. Historically we can’t count on y’all to do the right thing so expectations are low
Again: if you want to volunteer for electoral work without getting involved with the Democratic Party, WFP has tons of opportunities to door-knock, call and text for progressive candidates and causes.
The Working Families Party, after a member vote, is endorsing Kamala Harris for President
Join the Party! · Working Families Party on Mobilizewww.mobilize.us WFP is a grassroots political party building a multiracial movement of working people to transform America for the liberation of people and the planet. Find an event and get involved!
Reminder: IF you’re struggling with your WordPress website (or you’re on Squarespace/Wix and need to move!) But you can’t afford to hire someone to move or redesign the thing, I can actually walk you the whole way through it in real time via zoom. Don’t play. Tell a friend 👇🏽 ruthnineke.co/book
Book Your Consult - RUTH NINEKE Coruthnineke.co Let's pretend you're serious. Book your 1-hour consult and get steps you can take today toward your business goals.
southwest every customer would appreciate more legroom and u fuckin know this already
Southwest Airlines is doing away with its 50-year tradition and plans to start assigning seats and premium seating for customers who are seeking more legroom
Southwest breaks 50-year tradition, plans to start assigning seatsapnews.com Southwest Airlines is doing away with a 50-year tradition and plans to start assigning seats. The airline is also looking to introduce redeye flights.
Would you like a stuffed Space Unicorn or Hugo the Uncanny Cat? THAT IS A BACKER LEVEL in the Uncanny Magazine Year 11: This One Goes to ELEVEN! Kickstarter!! www.kickstarter.com/projects/lyn...
The coverage of Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s protest of Netanyahu in the chamber as he spoke mostly does not mention it is also her birthday today. To thank her for her courage, and for her birthday, today I donated to her campaign fund. secure.actblue.com/donate/rashi...
Have we mentioned how evil Project 2025 is? It bears repeating. It is evil.
Of course Project 2025 put low-income in sneering scare quotes.
this one wins it’s over
JD no that’s not what intersectional means
I do not want to speak for all people of South Asian descent but, since coconuts have many meanings, many of them joyful, I do not suggest you replace your coconut emojis with lotus emojis, which have a very specifically hindu nationalist meaning on the contemporary internet
Very excited for the inevitable shots of someone in a couch costume haunting all of Vance’s public appearances.