The Tom Bombadil of Coca Cola

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The Tom Bombadil of Coca Cola

you know, from tinolqa @ that other site and/or ayatlan @ that same other site. sorry but you're getting all of my ffxiv and general posts in the same place now. he/him
heard a rumor that raccoons keep attacking cybertrucks bc they're mistaking them for dumpsters and idevenc at this point i just want that to be true
🔵 This week's Tom the Dancing Bug - 🦊🐷🐹🐰🐶🐻 Richard Scarry's Busy, Busy Day at the Republican National Convention - Brought to you by the Inner Hive, including longtime member GGaminn and new member Janet L. - READ IT RIGHT HERE👇
Imagine saying “Biden is not subject to a vote of the wealthy” as a bad thing
Sucks to suck, i guess
is crystal pepsi made by the crystalline entity
sounds humiliating when you put it like that
One more day 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😁😁😬😬😬😬😁😬😁😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬
Hey folks. We are three days from launching The Unfamiliars. Please please please sign up here and share the link. I apologize in advance for being That Guy, but I’ve got…well, everything, riding on this one.
Get Ready for The From Ethan Kocak - Get Ready for The Unfamiliars
Fuck. $67k. Chemoradiation is expensive. This is 1 bill. If you're able, (and *please* only if you are), every contribution helps. If not liking and sharing this post as far and wide as possible increases the chances of it reaching someone who can spare a bit.
My book is done. It is the best thing I have ever done. You can read it (400pgs) cover to cover. Free on itch for the foreseeable future.
Exteriors by Exteriors - a graphic novel by Robin Enrico
Rekindling my love for .hack and like me as a wavemaster if I'm honest
Wheelchair users are not exclusively paralyzed. There isn’t reliable data for it, but many, many of us are ambulatory (can walk sometimes, either for short periods or on good days). When you accuse someone of faking because you saw a leg move, you’re not taking into account a variety of conditions.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
Pages from my old comics (some are 10+ years old) which I still kinda like
In the comics, Hellboy is a) a public figure and b) beloved by children With this in mind, there is a high likelihood that canonically, he was a special guest on an episode of Sesame Street
Jesus Christ talk about thin skin
Elon Musk said he will move the headquarters of X and SpaceX to Texas after California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law banning schools from outing transgender students to their parents.
Elon Musk to move X, SpaceX headquarters to Musk made the announcement after California governor Gavin Newsom signed a law banning schools from outing transgender students to their parents.
Casual reminder that I've been a cover artist for more than a decade. Hire me!
Also going to gently say that we should all get paid fairly for our work and that includes writers and artists and cover designers etc etc
Aisha Akeju — Book Aisha Akeju has almost a decade of experience in art and design, offering a variety of services including book cover design, logo design, and illustration.
America's mayor!
Yo Rudy Giuliani just drunkenly fell into some chairs at the RNC lmao
Okay one more thing. Jamelle Bouie was not the only new york times employee, not even the only regular poster with an opinion column on this website, and I think people should do some real self-reflection on why he was singled out for the sins of that fucking newspaper.
ive been hesitant to inject myself into all this but i will say that there is no excuse for being transphobic even if you're mad at a trans person about something, good god
Happy 36, Akira! 🙏🏻🥲❤️‍🔥
Yes, the Yiddish word for bedbug is וואַנץ / Vance Poor Bret Stephens has been replaced.
Differences in the head squamation of three snakes #WorldSnakeDay 🎨 🐡 🧪 🐍
I know that this is lowkey a “lol nothing matters election” but it’s kind of insane that this call got leaked and it shows Trump going pretty aggressively in on antivax conspiracy shit.
Trump echoes Kennedy's vaccine conspiracies in leaked phone Kennedy apologized to Trump for the leaked video.
our boys in uniform got entire lectures and handbooks on how to avoid getting anything viral in Paris and I’m following their lead
He didn't change his mind on Trump; he changed his mind on Hitler.
JD Vance said Trump would be America's Hitler back in 2016. He's obviously changed his mind. I wonder what did it? Was it the storming of the US Capitol to try to stay in power? Was it the detention camps at which children were separated from their parents? Was it his criticism of "globalists?"
I believe in few things as strongly that I believe that trans joy will win and that these are the fevered lashings of a bunch of people filled with rage at the realization that the world is passing them by and beyond their control
So far this is basically the trans-bashing convention and (1) it's disgusting, and (2) I'm really not sure it's what normal people want to hear from a political party. Also if any neutral media type really care about "lowering the temperature" they should start note the hate speech in Milwaukee.