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Recovering journalist, newbie lawyer
It is deeply disturbing how much legacy media came to rely on the turmoil of the Trump admin to remain afloat financially, and how clearly they now seem to be hoping for a second term to combat falling subscriptions. It felt too cynical to believe at first but has become too transparent to ignore
the editor of the New York Times reacting to a potential Trump second term with “fasten your seatbelts” is so deeply vile i can’t wrap my mind around it. these people have detached themselves so completely from the things they cover that the rise of fascism becomes just something exciting to watch
Is there a fandom more deranged than Bridgerton book fans
By what contortion of the English language could an elected official accepting bunch of money from someone for doing something that person wanted *not* be an instance of that official “accept[ing]…anything of value…intending to be…rewarded” for an official act? “Reward” is in the freaking statute!
Gratuities! You know, gift cards, lunches, plaques, books, framed photos, or *disguising the phrase with a yawn* thick envelopes full of cash. www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23p...
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Not that there weren't reasons to run against the court before, but "The justices who have taking a lot of bribes says it's okay to bribe elected officials" seems like the kind of thing that an average voter can both understand and get mad about
The center left often accuses the left of placing moral superiority over political practicality, and some on the left are guilty of that. But many of those critics are guilty of the same thing because they place their desire to be dicks online over the need to build/maintain an effective coalition
There are significant contingents both of people who go too far defending Taylor Swift & her fans and people who go too far expressing their dislike for her & her fans, and they make each other worse in a ridiculous downward spiral
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If your leftism isn't fundamentally centered on the idea of human dignity and freedom as universal and immutable values of everyone, frankly, what is the fucking point of your philosophy.
Hot take but I think prosecutors should try not to fuck up really important cases by, for example, introducing testimony that could be grounds for a mistrial or reversible error on appeal, or having affairs with their special prosecutors
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beyond horrifying that we’d rather turn the war machine on the next generation than stop using it to kill children thousands of miles away
NYPD officers in the middle of Broadway outside Columbia
Doing everything we can to push Biden and the Democratic Party to stop enabling genocide is—in addition to being the right thing to do—probably the only way to save American democracy from the existential threat of another Trump term
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At UNC's encampment, Duke Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology Emily Lim Rogers had her cane forcefully removed by Chapel Hill police, who said "you know what? Fuck your cane," and then threw her to the ground, partially dislocating her shoulder.
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Lots of hemming and hawing over what counts as genocide over here in the States while the Israeli cabinet is apparently trying to make things as clear as possible
NYT sure does love to publish an op-ed calling for cops to bust some peaceful protester skulls
Oh NOW Steven Pinker has some thoughts about when it's time to call the cops
There’s something extraordinarily disorienting about the fact that in mainstream American politics it is verboten to suggest that the *country* of Israel might not have a “right to exist” but it’s common to suggest that the *people* being bombed and starved by Israel do not have that right
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Look at the video - the professor expresses concern about the assault of a protestor, touches no-one, and then is assaulted herself by police twitter.com/robertmackey...
“Outside agitators”: another professor at Emory arrested after being knocked to the ground twitter.com/UICProfWatch...
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just got an email from my alma mater saying it had been compelled to deploy police to defend the Community from violent outside agitators who had begun to protest on the quad; the first video in my feed is cops in full gear arresting the chair of the philosophy department
The lesson we should take from the Weinstein ruling today is that prosecutors shouldn’t fuck up really important prosecutions, not that judges shouldn’t apply the law that protects defendants’ rights
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Throughout the morning, conservative justices have been citing infirmities in the criminal justice system writ large as reasons to give former presidents immunity, rather than things that ought to be fixed for everyone.
(I also feel this way about sovereign immunity ftr)
in a country founded directly on "no kings, fuck kings in particular" it is beyond insulting that supposed "originalist" judges are taking seriously the proposition that the President is in fact a king
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conservatives spent YEARS shrieking about illiberalism on college campuses and now students are being arrested, dragged away, banned from campus and kept from their education, but because their views are progressive those same people won’t say a fucking word
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The number of times per day that the news think to myself “we live in hell” has gotten completely out of hand
It is hard to be a worse institution than Harvard University but Columbia is somehow managing it
For years I heard about how badly NYT fucked up in its coverage of the lead-up to the Iraq war but bc I was too young to follow it at the time I didn’t fully understand the scope until seeing how fundamentally they are failing now in covering Israel, pro-Palestinian protests, trans care, & Trump
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Rufo is posting dozens of tweets of the NPR CEO, the NYT makes it a story, and Rufo claims victory. They are not falling for his game, they are co-producing it
The NYT lesson from Claudine Gay fallout is that continuing to legitimate the views of Chris Rufo about who is allowed to lead institutions is good actually. Chris Rufo tweeting something is not actually news until the Times & co. it make it news. They keep running this play for him.
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Some of my colleagues at Barnard and Columbia have been working long hours since December to accompany students to increasingly draconian disciplinary hearings for alleged involvement in campus protests. Here’s an anecdote from one colleague, shared with permission. Wrong place wrong time? Too bad