Thomas Lecaque

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Thomas Lecaque

Scholar of religious violence and apocalypticism from the Crusades to contemporary America, living and teaching on occupied Baxoje, Meskwaki and Sauk land.
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'We'll kill you if you try to stop us' is terrorism.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Hey , are you going to be at the WHA/SHA in Kansas City in October?
So excited that 's new book arrived!
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I want better reporting on the motivation and pressure behind Columbia and NYU’s shitshow reactions. Which donors or politicians are making threatening phone calls? What/who are administrators afraid of and why? Coverage so far offers basically no insight.
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adding this article on the to read list - funny that “rural white rage” gets all the blame for challenging the constitutional order and not say “middle class white rage” - the judiciary that constrained reconstruction, the second klan, maga, etc were all middle class/upper middle class in origin
This piece about how Democrats have alienated rural America because they don't understand what rural Americans want contains not one word describing what Republicans have done that's more attractive
What Liberals Get Wrong About ‘White Rural Rage’ — Almost The 'White Rural Rage' narrative gets the research wrong. I know, because some of it is mine.
My book pile is now a Jesuit text of Marian miracles (and scholarly articles around it), the Codex Canadensis of Louis Nicolas, and van Baerle's History of Brazil, about the Dutch occupation of Brazil. This is fun. I like this.
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This is extremely extremely true and the premise of all the work me & are doing
All of which is just to say history is messy and fascinating and full of *people*, and their stories are messy and fascinating and a product of their own time, and it sort of defies the simple narratives that create the great national mythos, but those myths are *also* important, even if simplified
Hey academic and journalist and other interested parties! I'm hoping to put together a roundtable for the US-IH conference in Boston in November on Christian nationalist reactions to the 2024 election--kind of a rapid turn around conversation about it, with hopes of publishing remarks.
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I'll talking about my essay "Deferred but not Avoided: Great Britain and Latin American Independence".... hope to see you there! Happy to send a copy to anyone who wants to read it.
The John Carter Brown Library is pleased to be hosting an event to celebrate the publication of The Cambridge History of the Age of Atlantic Revolutions. This hybrid event will take place at the Library on Friday, April 5, 2024. Register here:
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Having a genuinely relaxing Spring Break, which is great, because the back half of the semester is going to be a metric fuck ton of work.
...thinking about putting together a panel for the US-IH conference in Boston, because all the people attached to it are cool and I have a paper idea in mind I'm excited about and mostly I fucking love going to Boston...
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I know we all want to shout about how wrong that penn trustee motherfucker is. and he is. but the story is: get stupid motherfuckers out of the way.
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university trustees should be people who understand universities and love them
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stop appointing stupid motherfuckers as university trustees.
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NEHA is excited for our Spring conference. Please plan to join us at Saint Anselm College on April 13, 2024!
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God I am stoked for this AHA panel. Hope it gets accepted, the other papers in it are so damn good and I'm actually excited for mine.
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My book is coming out in three months and I am grateful and humbled by the early reviews from a number of amazing scholars whose work has been a huge source of inspiration for me. You can pre-order the book here:
This conference paper is shaping up to be a classic "why haven't we poked at this thing more" deal, which is not what I wanted, but hoo boy have I gone down a deep rabbit hole of Dutch history and it's... great? It's really great.
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🗃️ So excited to post the call for papers for a special issue of French Historical Studies on incarceration (broadly defined—eg prisons, asylums, penal colonies, detention camps etc) in French & francophone histories. Co-edited by Sophie Fuggle and me. Papers are due 15 Aug 2024. Please share!!
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