

Reposted by Toonwatcher
There was this guy in college who would yell "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE THEY REALLY ARE DEVILED EGGS" and then start convulsing on the ground after taking a bite if someone had them at a BBQ. It was a good bit.
My sister told me there was a guy in her dorm her first year of college who would “pretend to be possessed every month” I asked her what made him do it, and she looked very thoughtful and said “I think he just liked having girls take care of him”
You know what grinds my gears? When streaming services act like you haven't finished the show just because you didn't stick around for the credits.
Reposted by Toonwatcher
Official act. Immune.
It's a sad state of affairs when you realize Trump could shoot a man dead in front of a hundred witnesses and walk away. #fuckSCOTUS
Well, that's it. If they're not going to face consequences for breaking the law, we're going to need to MAKE them face consequences. Even the British have the Magna Carta.
Reposted by Toonwatcher
Reposted by Toonwatcher
The Philadelphia Inquirer gets it right.
If I had a nickel for every time a cartoon did The Hangover but with two kids that ate a lot of candy, then I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right? #craigofthecreek
The only change I'd make is to add a scene at the end where the actual actors are sitting around a DND table like "That was fun. Same time next week?"
We rewatched "DND: Honor Among Thieves" tonight and you know what? Still the greatest game-based cinematic masterpiece of all time
Reposted by Toonwatcher
I want this framed on my wall
Reposted by Toonwatcher
Let me be real clear, I would rather stand in community with people who define their gender with a series of arm movements and whose sexuality involves only experiencing attraction on Thursdays than a bunch of identity cops.
There is no debate as far as I'm concerned. There's either a guy who while not perfect generally seems to be trying to do right by people, or Felonies Georg.
I wish the Republican Party would just stop. I’m sick of every fourth year feeling like this pitched battle between good and evil.
Reposted by Toonwatcher
"Now, on Fox Kids, it's Eek! The Cat. And after that, a former child star grapples with a physical condition that keeps her from ever growing up and forces her into a state of psychosis that shatters her ability to process reality. And then, Bobby's World!"
Reposted by Toonwatcher
Finished the season finale of Doctor Who - all caught up! 80% good, 20% "Oh, come the fuck on" or "Wait, what?"
This is what an empire is: finding beautiful indigenous cultures, grinding them to dust, and planting a flag on top. #myadventureswithsuperman
For a while there I was like "Snap out of it! You're The Doctor! You always find a way!" #doctorwho #empireofdeath
Reposted by Toonwatcher
It is known that every “inspiring” story of a disadvantaged person raising money to address a social safety net failure is an appalling indictment of society but I think we should also include every glowing profile of teenage family-wealth-backed entrepreneurs who could model for the white boy emoji
Well, I'm done. With Scary Girl gone and Ripper still around, I've got basically no reason to keep watching #totaldramaisland #fartjokesaren'tfunny
Reposted by Toonwatcher
Keep us posted.
This child's toy came up while I was looking at stuff on Amazon, and all of my #gamedesign neurons fired at once. I didn't even have an idea, my brain just lit up. 🎲✂️
I can make you cringe with just 5 words: Spaceballs sequel starring Josh Gad.
Politics is the only career path where people seem to WANT someone completely unqualified for the job.
Reposted by Toonwatcher
listen, I’m driving myself mad thinking : none of this life we lead has to be this way. no one needs to suffer There’s enough to go around, for everyone why aren’t we making it so?
Did anyone else learn about this movie from Creepshow?
Another fun thing about this movie is there's a whole "international superspy" subplot that ends abruptly with the spy bumping into the Monster, like if James Bond went through 40% of From Russia with Love and then got murked out of nowhere by a hopping vampire.
Reposted by Toonwatcher
More than 500,000 books have been removed from our lending library due to the publishers’ lawsuit, including more than 1,300 banned and challenged titles. 📚🕳️ Sign our open letter to the publishers urging them to restore access to these books. 📖✍️ #LetReadersRead 👉
Calling it now: this "Kryptonian Empire" is going to turn out to be just Kara and the AI that raised her.
Reposted by Toonwatcher
Tiredman™️ Marvel (2024) A fifty-something man who suffers from constant tiredness and the ability to wake up for a piss 5 times a night discovers a plot to take over the world, which he passes on to the Avengers because he's going for a nap