Tracy Chou

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Tracy Chou

building block party to make the internet safer. new product PRIVACY PARTY available now on chrome web store!

cofounder project include, previously early engineer at pinterest and quora. stanford ee and cs. 2022 time woman of the year.
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Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
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He might be our greatest poster
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Over on the other site, the usual crew of folks are arguing that DEI meant the Secret Service has been hiring unqualified women and that's why what happened yesterday was possible.
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Social media is where marginalized people can build community and anyone who undervalues that has never been the only ______ in a crowded room.
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[guy inventing social media] what if we let short-tempered dimwits weigh in on everything immediately
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This meme is relevant again.
does anyone else feel goofy trying to recycle and conserve power after reading about how much energy AI consumes on a daily basis
white guy next to me has a tattoo of the chinese character for white (白) on his arm do we think - he thinks it says something inspirational? - he thinks being white is inspirational? - he got trolled by his tattoo artist?
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The project is complete. The feline has expressed her satisfaction.
I gutted an old CRT TV today. It's eventually gonna be a cat bed. 3
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I keep seeing people today say "these labeler implosions just prove that Bluesky needs a T&S team". Folks: Bluesky has a T&S team. runs it. They've gotten incredibly fast at handling issues. I've seen sub-5-minute responses on some of my reports.
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Kintsugi is the Japanese practice of mending broken pottery repair with visible “scars”. For a marketing campaign, Oreo sold tubes of their frosting so people could repair their broken Oreos in the same way. []
Oreo Kintsugi is the Japanese practice of mending broken pottery repair with visible “scars”. A creative agency working for Oreos came up with the clever idea of selling tubes of Oreo frosting so that people could repair th
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“Soon, ChatGPT will have doctorate-level intelligence.”
No notes, GPT. 10/10.
it’s important to know your selfie angles for today’s image-heavy social media environment
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ai startups tired: technical innovation wired: ethical innovation
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This is probably part of why everyone on bluesky is 38 years old: 38 year olds are basically the only people who consider it totally normal to flee a sinking ship and then just casually resume the conversation on the tropical island they end up on. They've outlived dozens of ships.
please tell me again how you went to stanford, i didn’t hear it the first three times, i’m so impressed, you must be sooooo smart, it’s an honor just to be in your presence
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i’m sulking on the couch in a gorgeous luxury home in the hamptons, avoiding a group dinner at this founder networking event i’m here for, trying to figure out why i’m so upset about being treated like dirt. dirt that’s just a little bit annoying, something that you could ignore or maybe flick away
it’s far from the most insulting situations i’ve been in, but it feels dehumanizing. it’s not even that people don’t respect me for my work, or my opinions, or anything like that. it’s like they don’t respect me, they don’t SEE me, as a human being.
it makes me really depressed to realize that as a woman, there is something inherent and intrinsic to my identity that will forever be a barrier, esp in the tech industry. it has nothing to do with how “good” i actually am at anything. in the eyes of the power brokers, i will always be a nobody.
it makes me even more depressed to realize that these assholes are the ones “innovating” the future and deciding what kind of world we are all going to live in. and they are utterly detached from humanity, morality, decency, and respect.
i need cody rigsby’s commentary on this justin timberlake story
it’s less that people here aren’t receptive and more that the fracturing of attention and reach across platforms sucks :(
amongst the many reasons why i am so sad that twitter has been destroyed is that it was a good way for me to meet people who care about what i have to say. brutally reminded of how in-person so much of the tech industry still treats me as just another dumb woman to ignore.
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“Do not use your phone to answer phone calls” is not advice as much as it’s a condemnation of regulatory inaction that has led a vital means of communication to ruin.
The first rule of avoiding scam calls is to never answer unknown numbers, and even some known ones. Curious? Bored? Worried it’s an emergency? Wait the extra minute it takes for the call to go to voice mail, then decide if it’s legitimate.
Sick of scams? Stop answering your Phone scams are still hugely popular — and they depend entirely on people curious enough to answer.
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The way we’re all told to treat all this as normal. It’s fine that half your email is scams. It’s fine that you can’t answer your phone. It’s fine that every Instagram post is full of scam bait comments. It’s fine that people text you weird phishing links. Just adjust your behavior.
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this one got a good snort out of me
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We have the technology to find precisely what existing thing you’re looking for on the Internet but instead here’s technology that finds nothing at all and makes up nonsense instead. That will be $100 billion and all the electricity please.