
Loving the right wing “thinkers” pivoting to “Sunak lost because - if anything - he was TOO centrist”
Of course the titanic mind of Lord Frost got in first
I will say, charitably, that "winning from the centre" hasn't been tried for a while.
I mean it’s all comparative but Johnson, the Tory right’s lost prince, was undoubtedly way closer to the centre than Sunak
Johnson was way closer to anything that would be of benefit to him personally. The very definition of an opportunist.
Well, yes, sure, I have no doubt that this is his personality. But it is undoubtedly true that what he offered the country was closer to the centre than what Sunak is offering.
Yeah, agreed, although I suspect his winningest argument was "vote for me and we'll shut up about Brexit"
Sure, but what benefitted him was winning. So he had a whole load of mainstream-appeal policies in there along with the right-wing stuff.
They basically want someone who can be amusingly rude about their perceived political enemies. And who fucks.
Which itself seems interesting since a similar group has been crowing about how they should never have got rid of the messiah. I'm going to go out on a limb and say there's a certain incoherence to the current Tory position. Come at me.
Well yes, he was, when it suited him. It all depends on his target, though? London Mayor? Look at me, I'm a liberal, pro-EU candidate. PM needing "red wall" votes? Hey, I'm still near the centre, there's nothing to be frightened of. Revenant PM needing Reform votes? I dread to think.
there must be an appearance element to this? Johnson ran closer to the centre but is a barely constrained id in athleisure wear. Sunak dresses expensively and is comfortable with finance types so is coded as technocratic despite being far more to the right.
Imagine trying to get votes by going where the voters are, ludicrous. Anyway, National Service is centrist now? Presumably Frosty wants everyone under the age of 21 shot instead.
If Frosty the Snowman thinks that Sunak's panic attack is attempting to "win from the centre", then they truly are completely f***ed.
Why any of us give the rare interventions of this brain-farting buffoon the slightest notice is increasingly mysterious to me. If there’s any possibility that the ascension of Sir Kier will render the dolt silent for a while I think it should be the top line of the Labby Manny.
Think that's a real possibility. Sunak's a Brexiter, but I don't get the "the Anglosphere is in various stages of conflict with the Untrustworthly Other" vibe I get off a lot of the rest of them. His being Asian will compound that as well.
Just double checking... the centre is usually the bit in the middle, right? Is that where the Tories are supposed to be?
Mmmm, those takes are the reheated conclusions of the left in 2015 which worked out so well for them..
I never want to hear about this man unless the story is that he's doing a podcast with someone called Nixon.
Effie Deans, the woman who claimed she got lost driving through Fort William because the bilingual signage confused her (map attached to illustrate the profound stupidity of this).
If you can get lost in Fort William, the road signs aren’t your problem.
I have a terrible sense of direction (whatever language signs are in), and even I couldn't get lost in Fort William.
And obvs ignoring the fact that Starmer is destroying the Tories with carefully crafted 'centrist wet mush', rather than hard-right wet dreams.
Brexit is the Marxism of the Right, part 94.
Let's not forget that Jacobs is ... not to put too fine a point on it ... fucking mental
Yeah, I mean one doesn’t like to judge a book by its cover or anything, but if any Fleet Street writer has a byline picture that screams out “don’t go home with this person”…
Serving their own Cat Fud.
I love the Telegraph's collective commitment to ignore the fact that Labour is between14 and 26 points ahead
Love to say that the center is not where elections are won when the election is about to be won from the center.
I see we've reached the "u ok hun" stage of the meltdown.
To be fair, the left wing cranks always do the same when Labour lose. It's a standard line for ideologues to take in a democratic system.
Tory Corbynisn, it’ll take them at least a couple of election cycles to realise that tacking hard right won’t win the election
If Reform are that good, why is it Labour that are polling at 40%?
Ah. So that's why Reform will be forming a Government
I wonder what on *earth* these people mean by ‘conservatism’.
They mean Sunak (who is quite socially conservative and has campaigned and attempted to govern* along quite socially conservative lines) hasn’t regurgitated social conservative talking points every single hour of every single day *in as much as the most incompetent PM ever could attempt to govern
‘Social Conservative’ feels pretty euphemistic to me, in the way I suspect these people mean it.
The Americans use "conservative" as a broad term just meaning "right-wing", I suspect they're doing the same.
These days I’m increasingly shaky on the use of Left and Right too, TBH. It feels like the cart lies before the horse very often re political taxonomy.
Basically Sideshow Bob running for Mayor of Springfield: "Your guilty conscience may move you to vote Democratic, but deep down you long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king."
Look forward to this piece ageing phenomenally well when Reform win a handful of seats.