V Park Anderson 😈 πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ πŸ‰

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V Park Anderson 😈 πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ πŸ‰


She like a pirate ship & they like a murder of crows.
Creator/Writer of BLOOD CITY ROLLERS (2024). Audio Producer. Screenwriter. Creative Project Manager. Former Lit Agent w/opinions re: Publishing. Lit Rep: Paige Terlip.
It’s true β€” thanks to corporate consolidation, Algonquin Young Readers is closing its doors. I’m proud of our list, sad for our excellent authors and artists, doubly sad for our staff. I am wrung out right now and don’t have a lot more to say.
Breaking news: A newly surfaced video backs up the accounts of witnesses, who said they warned police before shots rang out at Trump’s rally, showing a chaotic scene in which bystanders started calling out to police at least 86 seconds before the gunfire.
Witnesses warned police of Trump shooter at least 86 seconds before gunfire, video showswww.washingtonpost.com A Post analysis of the video backs up reports from other witnesses, who have said they tried to alert police in the moments before shots rang out
So people are talking about the fake version of the JD Vance sparkling water. Here’s the real one. And you know, as someone who had kind of a crash-course introduction to the world of the American elite, let me tell my very similar and extremely different story.
J. D. Vance: What I didn’t know how the world of the American elite workswww.foxnews.com I went to Yale to earn a law degree. But that first year at Yale taught me most of all that I didn’t know how the world of the American elite works.
The US Publishing industry needs to reckon with the number of white supremacists it has platformed entirely by allowing certain people to pre-purchase a spot on the bestseller list. Publishers will publicly deny culpability for what they print/promote while pursuing proximity to power at any cost.
The best meme, whoever created this is doing the lords work
The number of people Trump says he'll deport keeps going up. It's now 20 million, 50% higher than the largest estimates of the undocumented population. It's clear sign that distinguishing legal from illegal won't be a priority. They're just going to round up people they don't want to be here.
A man who fakes his wealth paired with a man who fakes his poverty. Sounds about white.
Vance was Heritage's pick so don't forget about Project 2025, which proceeds apace
JD Vance going from 'Trump is America's Hitler and that's why I oppose him' to 'Trump is America's Hitler and that's why I'm running to be his Vice President' -- truly, what an arc
So my take is we shouldn't get too distracted by the Appalachia debate. Hillbilly Elegy was a smokescreen. He's been a VC-funded fascist from the beginning who happened upon a very old narrative to use. Frankly we lost the battle over it bc he got what he wanted. Fight him like a normal fascist.
A fun fact about JD Vance is that he's openly backed purging anyone who disagrees with him from the government, comparing it to "de-Nazification," and illegally defying court orders to do so.
Daniel Craig looks like a hacker working for Hans Gruber
This is deranged. The press has just decided that criticizing Trump is no longer okay. www.cnn.com/2024/07/14/m...
New Grant Application: For this application please submit a timeline, a fully completed project, six supporting documents showing that you have already self-financed all of the work the grant would hypothetically support, and 7 letters of support from everyone remotely interested in the subject.
When I got jumped in March 2016 at a Trump rally by Neo Nazis and Trump cheered it on from the stage the Democratic mayor issued a statement about violence on both sides and the ACLU supported Trump’s right to yell at people to attack me. Stop looking to institutions to protect you from fascists.
'he's for the working man' 'the guy who started life with 30 million from his dad and never cleaned a toilet or changed a diaper or bought a gallon of milk from a corner store in his life?' 'yea him'
Artist Duke Riley uses discarded bottles of engine coolant, bleach and Gatorade to bend the rules of an artform that’s become illegal to practice using the customary whalebone. A piece of his recently acquired by the New Bedford Whaling Museum depicts a grim scene of industrial pollution.
Not your grandfather’s scrimshaw: Duke Riley engraves pollution scenes on ocean plasticwww.wbur.org Artist Duke Riley uses discarded bottles of engine coolant, bleach and Gatorade to bend the rules of an artform that’s become illegal to practice using the customary whalebone. A piece of his recently...
A thousand angers await you.
It starts in childhood and continues well into adulthood and now has become a political weapon wielded by cis politicians on the right and the left who aren't concerned with your ability to survive. You're told it doesn't matter, that you should feel grateful that they allow you to exist at all.
Today is International Nonbinary People's Day. There are cis and binary trans people who still don't believe that we exist, that we are trans, that we deserve respect, basic human rights, heathcare. That we matter. But we do exist. We do matter. And more of us should still be alive today. 🧡
Being told that everything you feel about yourself is wrong and dirty; told that you have to dress, behave, groom, feel in ways that are not natural to you; told that the things you like aren't for you; told that there are differences and they are supposed to matter -- all of this is traumatic af.
Al Jazeera reports that after the massacre today, Israeli forces additionally targeted rescue workers and health teams. www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblo...
Welp here we go...
jodie foster remains unimpressed
look i know we're all clinically depressed leftists but automatically going WE'RE DOOMED does not seem prudent