Will Stancil

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Will Stancil


Minnesota guy
my campaign team rejected my request for a 69k fundraising announcement :(
Here’s the next paragraph (written before Dobbs, by the way)
our political nerd class spent too much time learning how to do regressions and not nearly enough time learning about postmodernism www.politico.com/news/magazin...
bad luck for biden to run in an electoral cycle where "are you old" is the most important issue instead of in one of the cycles where email security procedures or accuracy of vietnam war medal citations was the most important issue in the country.
Me, a month ago: “Democrats, you must create a live controversy over whether the presidential nominee should drop out! Use your official, non-campaign channels! The real, non-performative debate will dominate news coverage!” *a finger on the monkey paw curls*
The “matter at hand,” of course, being the effort to force the DEMOCRAT to drop out
these people are trying to elect trump and deserve the blame for what they did
Biden really is just doing almost all the normal campaign stuff! A lot the debate right now seems to be “can reality break through or are Democrats going to be forced to react to internet memes as if they’re gospel truth”
the current unholy alliance between the hipster left and pundit center around “why bother talking about trump when we can destroy the Dem president instead”
They’re already setting up the next overblown freakout, this time to take down Harris. Nice work everyone
This is just pathetic email forward garbage, being propagated by left “journalists,” because they’ve seized hold of a narrative they love and now have the same disregard for actual truthseeking that your average Fox News host does
Just curious, does America have any other parties and does that party tell any lies that are widely believed
“leftists who have hated Biden for years and opportunistic pundits who have hated Biden for years quickly agreed that the key to beating Trump is to relentlessly attack the duly nominated Democrat until he’s totally unelectable.” with all due respect do people not realize this is extremely bad
lol “an alliance of Nate Silver centrists and leftists” - I can barely imagine a less competent and trustworthy political grouping than this
Can we start treating this "You have less than six months" refrain from neo-Nazis and far-right extremists as anything other than open death threats? It's out of control
Remember when this guy convinced everyone he was an expert in fascism? Anyway, with Trump newly free to commit crimes and target his political enemies, with total impunity, I'm glad he's focused on the most important thing: dunking on Joe Biden
There was a right time to grapple with the problem, but the choice was made! The end goal MUST be beating Trump, and our options are currently far from ideal
Lotta people like to hate on stancil but he was beating the “Biden is too old” drum a long time ago. Now he’s correctly noting that we’ve gotten to a point where it’s a lot harder to fix the problem!
these people are literally out of their minds
It’s wild how our political class has just given up on caring about this sort of thing. As if it’s somehow unserious to worry about the growth of authoritarian ultra-racism in politics. Future generations will despise the people who were silent
Right on cue, a perfect illustration of liberals’ myopic obsession with material conditions. This article goes through a long list of real conditions that fail to explain Biden’s ratings, mocking a a “magic metric quest”… and then concludes “it’s probably housing costs.” slate.com/news-and-pol...
Not to pick on this guy but this is what I’m talking about. Any theory that relies on some kind of economic commonality between Bolsheviks, Catholics in Northern Ireland, and Trump voters collapses instantly. There just is no economic comparison here and attempts to make one are absurd and strained
Yeah Dems’ lack of a plan for Trump’s conviction was itself so predictable that I actually tried to raise the alarm about it based on nothing but my previous experience with the party
for starters, it literally isn't
These kinds of nominally left-wing ragebait accounts are becoming a genuine threat to democracy in the same way Fox News and right-wing ragebait is
it’s a real campaign I promise
I don't think any social media is particularly good for democracy, but I strongly believe TikTok is far worse than its competitors. Someone asked me why months ago, and here's my explanation:
Unlike Twitter and Facebook, which are repeatedly shown to help the body politic make important decisions? Come on now. Tiktok is no worse than any other social media. And it's probably markedly better than Twitter, to say nothing of Facebook.
This is 100% true. Political polling has become, in significant part, a way for media to launder their own thoughts about politics through a facade of "neutrality." It's why they can't admit that people are affected by the ideas they hear in common circulation: because the whole fiction breaks down.
Also polls serve a vibes-laundering function, a kind of feedback loop where political reporters want to report on vibes they're fans of, but can't directly, so they hunt for them in polls (reinforcing the vibes-based content).
last time I interacted with Rufo on the other site he literally just could not come up with an insult beyond continually implying I was too much like a woman, it was wild