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It's a choice to publish this ... on July 4.
Here it is, the dumbest thing you will read today www.nytimes.com/2024/07/04/o...
Vote. Also knock on doors, volunteer for campaingns. Get involved locally. Go to meetings, work with others, make your own community safer, better, more organized. Know what's on school board agendas. Show up and comment. Give politicians a reason to know what you want, and why they should care.
Terror provides a means to intimidate public officials into doing what they don't want to do. But add formal power (the DeSantis administration tried to have this teacher fired, removing her from her school), and things become much worse. donmoynihan.substack.com/p/the-future...
Wall Street’s pathological and ruinous demand that companies show perpetual growth, as opposed to healthy sustainable profits, is only possible in a world where firms are allowed to lock up markets, eliminate competition and collect increasing extractive rents at increasing scale.
washpost hired back a former editor specifically to oversee coverage of their terrible new publisher and incoming executive editor. incredible
The purpose of this behavior of course is the same as that of organized crime: to prevent any future convictions by intimidating jurors with the threat of violence and harassment bsky.app/profile/adam...
Remember when the most important issue was civility in politics because restaurant workers politely decline to serve Sarah Sanders and now everyone targeted by Trump or his cronies needs private security and we don’t talk about civility much anymore www.nbcnews.com/politics/don...
Trump supporters try to doxx jurors and post violent threats after his convictionwww.nbcnews.com On social media and web forums, users called for jurors, judges and prosecutors to be killed after the former president was found guilty on 34 felony counts.
Dems are going to regret it if they just sit back and let Trump surrogates fill the airwaves with accusations the trial was corrupt because it didn’t end in an acquittal
“If a former president can be convicted for breaking the law then so can anyone” seems to me the entire ever-fucking point
This is not accurate. Prosecutors specified the unlawful means under the election conspiracy statute in their opposition to Trump's motion to dismiss the indictment in November 2023, and the judge locked them into those arguments in Feb 2024. Why do people keep saying this? nymag.com/intelligence...
Compared to the FEC? It does! One example. Byron Donalds illegally transferred money from a state PAC to a federal PAC when he ran for Congress. The law is crystal clear: You can't do that. The GOP FEC commissioners let it slide, then DeSantis did exactly that with his POTUS bid.
Alito lied about the reason the flag was up because he didn’t know the couple had text messages establishing the date of when the incident took place. They were supporting the insurrection. www.nytimes.com/2024/05/28/u...
This is the kind of shit I was talking about when I described the culture of supreme court reporting being one of extraordinary deference to the justices www.washingtonpost.com/politics/202...
“Do you think the FDA is infallible?” - Justice Alito, asking the important and legally relevant questions of the counsel for the mifepristone manufacturer and definitely not being a weird little troll
Gotta read all the way to the bottom to get to the comparison that people will truly understand: "Medical organizations supporting mifepristone’s availability say the drug’s safety — given the rate of deaths — compares to “ibuprofen, which more than 30 million Americans take in any given day.”
Meanwhile, in the other place, Glenn Greenwald and the child porn guy console Catturd2, who announced he had run over his own dog. Completely normal stuff.
I'm getting into this for a story tomorrow, but Trump's end-run around the "legacy media" leads to coverage like this. He does interviews in safe settings - Gorka used to work for him! - and the MSM plays catch-up. And that often means verbatim quotes from zero-pushback interviews.
Typically, and infuriatingly, this is pure stenography, simply quoting Trump's disgusting comments about Jews without explaining why they're disgusting, just assuming everyone knows. Shit journalism. www.nytimes.com/2024/03/18/u...
Donald Trump accused Jewish voters of hating their religion and Israel if they vote for Democrats, reviving and escalating antisemitic claims he made as president that were widely criticized. His comments, which he made on a conservative radio program, drew outrage from Jewish Democrats.
Trump Says Jews Who Support Democrats ‘Hate Israel’ and ‘Their Religion’www.nytimes.com The comments, on a conservative radio program, echo an antisemitic trope and escalate claims he made as president that were widely criticized.
I don't write this to panic or catastrophize, but rather to just to say what the stakes are. I deeply wish it were not the case, but this is just not a normal election between two normal candidates. It is a straight choice between ceding the country to outright totalitarianism, or just ... not that.
This dynamic is unavoidable, which is why: Minimizing civilian suffering in Gaza *should be* an existential strategic priority for Israel's government (it isn't) and The West should be extremely careful and thoughtful about when and how it pressures Israel (it isn't) So ... great work, everybody
'Creating an secret alt account to write "you are a great father" to your own account' is perhaps the saddest sentence ever written in the English language
surmising for sure here but with this level of precision & ubiquitous intel it’s a fair guess u.s. intelligence was also screaming at netanyahu about this for a while and he just did…nothing
That's not even remotely accurate, and I didn't get that information from her. However, you're choosing to pick the worst event in her life, 20 years later, to throw it in her face and insult her. That makes you a piece of shit.
This is Harlan’s brother, the billionaire Nazi memorabilia collector and sugar daddy of SCOTUS justice Thomas. He’s alleged to have financed a sex trafficking ring involving 100 people where women were drugged and abused
Texas Philanthropist Trammell Crow to Face Sex Trafficking Suitwww.bloomberg.com Trammell Crow Jr., a Texas philanthropist and the brother of Republican mega-donor Harlan Crow, must face a lawsuit that accuses him of running and participating in a sex trafficking ring, a judge rul...