It Watches From Behind The Stars

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It Watches From Behind The Stars

I sure do miss posting new pages of Atomic Robo (FYI we are currently working on the new series)
I was told once that smart people can still be stupid. they're just better at justifying it.
can we tax the churches with clear political bias? or at least the churches doing "prosperity gospel"?
No No No I was told by many very very MASCULINE men that an average man can beat any woman ever. Fake news
Posters in Melbourne mocking Australia's richest woman, mining magnate Gina Rinehart. The posters feature a painting of Rinehart by indigenous artist Vincent Namatjira. Rinehart recently tried to pressure the National Gallery of Australia to remove the painting from display
Hey I also thought it looked like an ai did it.
if you're playing with a cat correctly, you'll be working roughly 900 times harder than the cat. 99% of the effort must be yours. playing with cats is not about exercise, it's about drama. And cats are harsh critics. they need to BELIEVE that plush banana is afraid for its life.
i'm stuck on the "bloodless if the left allows it to be" phrasing like "we won't kill you if you just let us do what we want" is what terrorists say
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Dedicated to everyone who fell in love unrequited. 💔
Is Nick a prankster? a jester? is he making a satirical post making fun of people who dont understand scale by saying something that doesnt take into account scale? or is he a genuine idiot? i literally cannot tell anymore.
supposedly they are using above ground storage facilities now because it can be recycled later. least thats what ive heard. dont know how true it is.
Theres also the less conventional power plants. Tidal generators are kinda cool. Geothermal That weird algae one thats kinda like solar, Helioculture. Space lasers! of course nuclear. We have so many options and we should be using all of them
do you want to see a tumblr post that changed me as a person
I wish i could convince you that they are not the same. That baby steps in the right direction is better than bull-rushing the wrong direction. That we are a two party system because, like, 35% of each side is devoted to their color. I didnt vote in 2016, even if it didnt matter, i still regret it.
gad your a hateful one. sorry i didnt slander you with proper spelling. im very tired it is past my bedtime and i try not to interact with bigots but im my sleepy haze i have made the grievous mistake.
forgive me if im wrong but this looks like turf shit. And people act in all kinds of ridiculous ways when they are afraid or confused about something. Denial, Anger, Hate, Violence, Disgust, Paranoia. Just look at how people react to spiders.
This is whats called a tragic choice. but i will sadly have to vote for someone who supposedly wants the war to end rather than the one whos excited for the tally to rise.
Great, but surely that's too many
Blow up the weekend! 💣
It's MY birthday tho, Supergirl! 😊🎁
I have placed buckets like this all over the city batman. If you want to save Gotham you’ll need to solve my riddle