Archie Carter

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Archie Carter

Go team
Reposted byAvatar Archie Carter
So we built modern society on specialization, people not being jack-of-all-trades and yet now we demand engineers to be on Asana, Excel, Zoom, Outlook rather than hire a secretary for the department who can do all that for them
It’s very distressing to me the degree people learn anti-social behaviors online then carry it out offline
Fucking brilliant show can’t wait for the next season
A family member is a sitting republican politician on the county board of supervisors; not only were they disgusted by JD Vance’s’ cat women comments, they also shared like pro-Kamala memes the day after the switch occurred.
There’s a bunch of people who were raised with certain ideas about fairness and respectability, and so even if ‘democrats want to tax and spend your income to fund abortions’ like still be cool and respectful about it, or at least make it funny like trump. Unvarnished reaction is ugly and repellant!
The thread reply system here is wack
…it’s not the same Yiddish folk song as the one Larry David uses right
Reposted byAvatar Archie Carter
Reposted byAvatar Archie Carter
the wienermobile predates world war 2 but sure go off about how americans lack "culture"
My friends and I are starting a new poll, we’ll include it as a question
It’s the little ways of saying “fuck you”
p740 Eliminate “full employment” from the Fed’s mandate, requiring it to focus on price stability alone.
Harris is an empty vessel in which to pour our dreams and desires—a fresh avatar for our moment!
Reposted byAvatar Archie Carter
AFT divests! The NFJP asks that we all help spread the word.
It was by far the most powerful chant at the post-roe rallies I went to
Heard a thunderous “not going back” chant at the Harris rally in Milwaukee just now and honestly I think it’s hard to overstate the potency that could have and so meaningful that it’s a chant Biden absolutely could not have put himself behind
The people who cry loudest about “the downfall of civilization” be profiting most from its collapse!
You know how people are worried about foreign investors buying up US farmland? There's a company that helps them do that! It's like Uber for buying US farmland. And who's one of its key investors, profiting off of every sale? J.D. Vance.
Reposted byAvatar Archie Carter
Ask Vance about Roko's Basilisk at the debate, cowards
This video got released and it’s horrific
Holy shit have you seen this yet Fuck the fucking police.
If it can’t summarize then it can’t synthesize and if it can’t synthesize then it can’t think—agi is fake confirmed!
ChatGPT can’t summarise documents. It shortens them, misses key conclusions, adds errors, makes stuff up, and ignores actual summary sections. Use it to summarise important texts like meeting discussions at your peril.
When ChatGPT summarises, it actually does nothing of the One of the use cases I thought was reasonable to expect from ChatGPT and Friends (LLMs) was summarising. It turns out I was wrong. What ChatGPT isn't summarising at all, it only looks like it. What it...
Just as an idea it’s very funny the founding fathers were like “we hate King George but it’s crazy to think we can’t have a king at all—we must create a system which allows Virtue to Flourishe”
The way a lot of dem campaign operatives find jobs to earn their living is by navigating a network of mercenary relationships; it can take time for a message to be disseminated, and even more time for a decision to be made, but these are professionals at the end of the day!
Reposted byAvatar Archie Carter
Hot take: Harris nom makes this a more *normal* race. Ds had a below-replacement level candidate and it was suppressing their numbers in the polls and energy and enthusiasm from the base. We should see something closer to what fundamentals models would expect (but caveats on small n, inflation, etc)
You’re ignoring Max right now by dismissing his experience and substituting it with your own. If you want to have a conversation with yourself keep it in your head. The rest of us are trying to have a two way conversation.
I think this is what professionals call “sublimation”
It’s just clips of Harris laughing. It’s the most wholesome, joyous montage you’ll ever see and they think it’s a brilliant attack. They’ve built an echo chamber of sadism and have no idea what normal humans are like anymore.
Nah I think it’s a play for the VP slot by Manchin; he wants up and out of WV!
Oh hmmmm wonder how he started there…
Worth nothing that Jonathan Martin spent the run up to the Obama years at the National Review.
Jonathan Recent and archived work by Jonathan Martin for National Review.
It’s crazy Jonathan Martian feels ok to editorialize like this
I had to go check that this was real. A lack of interest in policy is the poison at the heart of the beltway press.
Like how fent was initially used to cut heroin, and now people started asking for fent
Reposted byAvatar Archie Carter