

Reposted by Alex
france, currently on its 86th republic or whatever, renowned for its governability
France: Defeats fascists. NYT:
Reposted by Alex
Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
Reposted by Alex
my $0.02 is that there’s widespread fatalism on here about democrats’ ability to set media narratives but there is no faster way to shift the focus to trump also being old than for biden to say he’s too old for run and that it’s time for a younger generation to step forward
Reposted by Alex
Well this is grim
Pretty sick of octogenarian Dems putting their pride over politics
Still have no idea how this didn’t both end his political career and have him put in jail
Looks like something useful is happening on the Nazi site - this court document about Donald Trump’s involvement in the Epstein case is going viral This is a disgusting read
Reposted by Alex
Reposted by Alex
A president supporting court packing for the explicit purpose of reigning in presidential power, including his own, after a Supreme Court made a wildly un-American, precedent-breaking decision to expand it, would be making the best case for a president to support court-packing.
Reposted by Alex
“The Court’s conservative majority has revealed itself to be the most direct threat to American democracy and any Democrat who is not ready to shelve old fears about “court packing” and get serious about expanding and reforming the Court isn’t made for this moment”
The Radical Roberts The current Supreme Court of the United States has just cemented its place in history as the most radical Supreme Court ever. For a century and a half, that dishonor has gone to the antebellum court l...
Reposted by Alex
America can accept this Supreme Court as legitimate and its rulings as the final word - or it can have true democracy and a functioning state. But not both.   Wrote this a year ago - and things have only gotten worse: The Rogue Court vs Modern Democracy 1/
The Rogue Court vs Modern America can accept this Supreme Court as legitimate and its rulings as the final word - or it can have true democracy and a functioning state. But not both.
Reposted by Alex
So based on decisions from just this week, the President, as long has he has the gloss of officialdom, can basically do anything without legal restraint, whereas the President, acting via duly appointed agencies authorized by Congress, is more restrained than ever? What a coherent jurisprudence!
Reposted by Alex
in a country founded directly on "no kings, fuck kings in particular" it is beyond insulting that supposed "originalist" judges are taking seriously the proposition that the President is in fact a king
Reposted by Alex
Biden leaned into climate & environmental justice, & delivered in ways that would’ve been unimaginable a decade ago. It’s a huge part of the Admin priorities & accomplishments- b/c it’s important! We always need to push for more, forever. But if the climate coalition shrugs “meh”, we aren’t serious.
The fact that Biden has delivered on left-wing policy far better than any president in generations but is widely despised by left-wing voters reflects more poorly on left-wing institutions and voters than on Biden. This is not a movement showing political maturity, and I say that as a left-winger
The complete power grab by the Supreme Court is pretty much complete. Anything the legislative branch does can be ruled out and now anything the executive branch does can be vetoed by the judicial branch
Reposted by Alex
The right wing majority on scotus legalizes bribery and criminalizes homelessness because to them, rich people deserve rights and poor people deserve nothing. If they were deserving they’d be rich.
Reposted by Alex
The thing about the Presidential debate is the Biden administration has done a lot of things I like, while Trump is a twice impeached convicted felon and civilly liable sexual assaulter with three more felony cases pending (including one for playing a key role in a violent insurrection)...
Reposted by Alex
Just reiterating this, because, unfortunately, it appears to be increasingly relevant.
If Biden literally shat himself during one of the debates, his opponent would still be the guy openly vowing to send federal troops to take over cities, set up mass detention camps, and imprison his critics. The only sane position would still be Team Pants Shitter.
Reposted by Alex
the climate story right now is in a very weird state of flux a) the warming we've priced in is bad and really starting to show itself b) the renewable story is astoundingly good and getting better we are left with "warming is going to get worse but almost certainly not as much as it could have"
it's always important to demand better, but part of the reason that the story of climate policy isn't sticking is partly because bad news feels more plausible and partly because the people most invested in this policy understand its limits. hard to sell "mixed-positive"
Biden’s Record Is Full of Climate Wins — So Why Don’t Voters Know It? Environmental groups are making a concerted effort to educate voters about President Joe Biden’s climate policies ahead of the election.
Reposted by Alex
Reposted by Alex
Bitcoin consumes about 2.5% of US electricity, about the same as all residential cooling. An article decrying *that* electricity usage as a personal moral failing would be much less tone deaf.
Interesting article to run prior to a weekend where we expect a devastating heat wave and label it as “climate solutions”
Reposted by Alex
A good reason for the Democrats to fix the courts is that no one understands how the courts work and just blames the President when they fuck things up
Reposted by Alex
The problem isn't that AI can do your job (it can't). The problem is management thinks AI can do your job.
The NYT laying off half it’s art dept as they ramp up the use of A.I. tools is 100% related to UArts closing due to a “steep drop in enrollment.” Regardless of A.I.’s actual capabilities the story being told to (and accepted by) business leaders is damaging the perceived value of the visual arts.
Reposted by Alex
The planet is overheating and we’re just lighting mountains of tires on fire so computers can spew gibberish at us.
Google's AI Overviews must create entirely new information in response to a search query. That costs an estimated *30 times* more energy than simply extracting information from a source through a traditional search. 🧪 by
What Do Google’s AI Answers Cost the Environment? Google is bringing AI answers to a billion people this year, but generative AI requires much more energy than traditional keyword searches
Reposted by Alex
I just cheered a Celtic hitting a corner 3, I'll never forgive Kyrie Irving for this
Reposted by Alex
You might think this story isn’t applicable to you because you’re not in New York, but it’s important because it illustrates our basic problem: Every issue you care about is held hostage by a ruling class that is incapable of doing the right thing because it might make some suburban cops mad
Reposted by Alex
Studies repeatedly show that congestion pricing's popularity is lowest *right before it gets implemented,* recovering and quickly becoming popular once citizens start to see the benefits of it, so of course NY Dems are committed to staying in that "almost implemented" period as long as possible
Reposted by Alex
This was in 2015.
Exactly right. Biden set records for deportations and the right is still screaming that we have "open borders." Stop trying to meet these psychos halfway.