Patricia L. Maples

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Patricia L. Maples

MS Nutrition | RDN | CDN-NY | Pilates & yoga instructor | Haribo stan | GORP-core outside w/ a gooey Goth center | LFC YNWA


Show me your pets.
Sharing this one more time because my GOD did I spend a lot of months reporting it
For Business Insider, a story I spent four months on: Joe Arden is the romance audiobook world’s biggest narrator, a bestseller maker and a bona fide star. Now, his sexting scandal is having a huge fallout that almost no one outside the industry knows about:
Joe Arden's voice made him the hottest narrator in romance. Then, a sexting scandal turned BookTok against Arden's reign as the "king of fuck" was threatened after multiple women posted online about his inappropriate and manipulative behavior.
Sergio Leone's DOLLARS trilogy is on TCM tonight. And if you're a cordcutter, all 3 films are streaming on Prime and Max. #FilmSky
This is also near Red Arrow Park where in 2014 Dontre Hamilton was killed by a Milwaukee Police Officer. Hamilton also was in crisis at the time of his killing.
Milwaukee police are looking into the death of a Black man in an incident drawing comparisons to the killing of George Floyd, after footage emerged that appears to show hotel guards pinning the man to the ground as he called for help.
Black man dies, crying for help, after hotel guards pin him down, video The videos of the incident drew comparisons to George Floyd. Dvontaye Mitchell’s mother said she believed her son was suffering from poor mental health.
Guess I should clarify: this is me. I founded an abortion activism group with three other women to fight for transparency after the city of Beverly Hills met with antiabortion extremists multiple times last summer. Check out the article:
Abortion access is under attack even in California. The city of Beverly Hills made the work easy for antiabortion extremists, starting with a councilmember asking “how did this get through?” when she learned about the clinic.
How Beverly Hills became an unlikely battleground for the future of abortion The campaign by an antiabortion group to block the opening of a specialized clinic in Beverly Hills may offer a playbook for similar efforts in other cities and states.
How Beverly Hills became an unlikely battleground for the future of abortion The campaign by an antiabortion group to block the opening of a specialized clinic in Beverly Hills may offer a playbook for similar efforts in other cities and states.
“This is the 4th attack on a school in the past couple of days…They justify that every time they target a school that there is a Hamas base & that Hamas fighters are in there, but we see that most of those who are injured or killed are Palestinian children women.”
Israeli attack on Gaza school kills dozens, mostly women and Gaza’s media office says 29 Palestinians, mostly women and children, were killed in the attack on a UN-run school.
Guys, we have two days left until the end of the week. We still need 1,060 to reach 10,000. Can you DONATE, even a small amount, to help them reach this goal? ✊🍉❤️🇵🇸 I know you can help them and reach their goal within two days.🥹🥹 Even if u can’t DONATE; REPOST, REPOST, REPOST 🔁🔗
Donate if you can and if you can’t repost and share everywhere. They have collected 7,596 out of 30,000 we need to reach 10,000 can we do it this week🥹 we can do it✊🇵🇸❤️🍉 Please help them guys repost it and donate if you can please they need us we must stand by them ✊🙏
Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza, organised by Amanda Hi, I am Amanda and I am a Brit who has become friends with a family and… Amanda Gray needs your support for Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza
Just a superlative use of spite
Today's newsletter is about how the media is lying to everyone about the GOP stance on abortion
A reporter ventures to one of the city's pet cooling centers, in the hopes of saving some money on his electricity bill, sparing his own guilt about the environment, and keeping his scruffy friend nice and cool...and finds out that they're pretty sick.
It's True—NYC's Pet Cooling Centers A reporter ventures to one of the city's pet cooling centers, in the hopes of saving some money on his electricity bill, sparing his own guilt about the environment, and keeping his scruffy friend nic...
I really cannot overstate how much it would be fucking amazeballs for the US to be fighting about positive visions for the future and on policy, and how much it fucking sucks that this year is our third cycle in a row where instead we're running a national referendum titled "sooooooo fascism?"
When you realize that right this instant as the boomers begin to die in significant numbers and their houses are sold to pay for their end-of-life care, rental firms are kicking their feet in delight at the prospect of a future where housing has been effectively privatized in the west.
"Over the course of several months in 2024, TIME spoke to more than 40 people in the Granbury area who reported a medical ailment that they believe is connected to the arrival of the Bitcoin mine: hypertension, heart palpitations, chest pain, vertigo, tinnitus, migraines, panic attacks."
Inside the 'Nightmare' Health Crisis of a Texas Bitcoin A Bitcoin mine moved to a small town in Texas. One by one, the residents fell ill.
The new perks we're rolling out during our BIGGEST EVER sale (33 percent off annual subscriptions for new subscribers) are hot enough to stop a bridge in midair: - FRIENDS get commenting privileges - SUPPORTERS get quarterly event invites -BELIEVERS get... well, you'll have to click to find out 🤫😉
Hell Gate's Biggest Sale To celebrate our new site and our second birthday, we're giving you 33 percent off all our annual subscriptions—plus new perks.
what we need: a meaningful response to climate chaos what we're getting: tech billionaires ramping up emissions to build bigger and better bullshit machines
This guy, and apparently the whole "culture" at his company, continues to be absolutely gross. What. A.Tool.
“It can’t be that someone that pounds the table that hard, that has enough money to just throw whatever challenge up there and see what sticks, can stop a federal agency from functioning—it can’t be,” Abruzzo says. She pauses for a moment, then adds, “I mean, that’s obviously what we’re arguing.”
At SpaceX, Elon Musk’s Own Brand of Cancel Culture Is When employees asked Musk to abide by his own policies, he had them fired, according to their lawsuit. Now he has regulators in retreat, too.
Saw that former Senator Jim Inhofe, a notorious climate denier, just died. Just an absolutely terrible human being. Reminds me of my line: Do you know what they say about speaking ill of the dead? They can't hear you.
Oregon has had 6 straight days of record breaking heat and the Oregon GOP just tweeted out the "This is fine" meme, only unironically.
I think what hurts the most is that in the end it feels like too many cis people may think that transphobes hold bigoted bad opinions but that distrust and a weariness of trans people is a perfectly respectable position to have in general and reasonable to codify in law
My heroes, I’m jamal from gaza and this link the only way and only hope helps getting our stuff in the war and let us evacuating from gaza , I hope from everyone repost and share this link
Here is the website for my workshop. The fountain pen section is not very comprehensive yet, but please take a look.
fun fact — even without doing a quoteskeet like i’m currently doing with maya, just normal riffing (NOT weird creepy shit 🤨🔪🩸) keeps posts more visible in following feeds to their followers & yours. nobody is expected to loudly proclaim $ support either so it’s only weird if YOU make it weird.
thank you!! everyone i know makes it a point to mention free ways to support.
what did he say next
Biden: "Folks, there's a lot of people still struggling because since we ended the pandemic... Well, I'll be blunt, since *I* ended the pandemic, he didn’t, corporate profits have doubled." Wow. Though a gaffe, this reveals a truth in how the White House thinks about COVID and who they prioritize.
FULL EVENT: Biden Campaigns In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, As Calls For Him To Step Aside (Editor's Note: Date on video should read July 7, 2024)President Biden speaks to voters in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.Fuel your success with Forbes. Gain unlim...
here's my beautiful b, exploiting her presence to say i am really in a tight squeeze financially. if you know of anyone who needs a grant writer or a copy editor or someone to coordinate comms and social media, write press releases, design/layout a publication, i have ample clips and references.
can't get a foothold in anything that isn't existential doom save for scout's brat summer. (scout turned 16, my friend got her a car, i've been fussing with the paint job, still a wip bc the gold topcoat read glossy in my test samples but it is in fact, not)
i summed up project 2025 in one sentence. feel free to use.