Chris Hepler

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Chris Hepler

Former Mass Effect writer now at Airship Syndicate. Less frequently: short stories, novels, TTRPGs, comics, TV.
Random jokester, distractible bother, compensates for morbid streak. Some political posts.
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Hepler
The new COVID variant seems to be evading immunity from vaccines and past infections. COVID cases are up 250% in NYC. Remember the more you get covid your risk for long covid increases significantly.
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This photo is pure 2024.
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We watched a grieving father with a known stutter and a head cold have his dead son denigrated to his face. Then we still expected him to have a pristine debate performance, and are trying to punish him because he did not. I have lost a son. Let me be very clear.
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on the one hand, SCOTUS has ignored precedent, taken away rights, consolidated their own power and declared Donald Trump a special boy who can do all the crime he wants, but on the other hand, we must respect our sacred norms
Biden Campaign Brushes Off Idea of Reforming the Supreme Biden surrogates brushed off questions about reining in the court, while emphasizing the gravity of a second Trump term.
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Official act. Immune.
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his lawyer argued as much in front of the court its absurd for Roberts to say that the dissenters are being dramatic when this is the verbatim quote from the defense with regards to using the military to assassinate a political rival
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Brb declaring myself a corporation so I can have some rights
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Prediction: Trump will argue that his NY conviction must be overturned because the court admitted evidence of conversations he had with his staff while President in order to prove knowledge and intent. He will argue those conversations were “official acts.” Judge Merchan and higher NY courts …./1
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The Second Trump Administration
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the conservative theory of law in one headline
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roberts essentially ignores the purpose of separation of powers, which was not to create entirely separate spheres of action but to prevent the emergence of unchecked authority. instead, he says, separation of powers *demands* unchecked authority.
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With less of a check on presidential criminality than many of us had been counting on, it becomes all the more important not to elect a brazen criminal to the presidency.
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I used to spend energy ranting about news images of giant needles and screaming kids in pro-vaccine articles. This is the climate version. 🧪🐡
god damn it, c'mon
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And then their various political groups hammered home that inflation was Biden's fault to pave the way for a regulatory environment more favorable to their aims.
This is my shocked face.
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In adopting a candidate news: This is hyper local, but I really want to encourage all of you to consider tossing a few dollars to He's in the minority on the city council in Huntington Beach, CA. He's been fighting a huge battle against book bans + attempts -
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❌️Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. ✅️ There's a family feud in Verona. Been going on a while.
❌Goddess, sing of the cataclysmic wrath of great Achilles, son of Peleus, which caused the Greeks immeasurable pain and sent so many noble souls of heroes to Hades, and made men the spoils of dogs... ✅ Here's the story of of how Achilles got mad and a bunch of people died.
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Fuck all your doomposting. No one who has ever accomplished anything did it by giving up and whining that there was nothing to do, the bad guys won and we are all doomed. Defeatism is death.
It's time for my every-two-years plug for Volunteer from the comfort of your own home. Calls, letter writing, etc. Prevent one particular idiot from getting elected and at the same time, work on keeping out all his crappy sycophants up and down the ballot.
What you would do when authoritarianism comes to America is what you're doing right now
Vote Vote Forward volunteers send heartfelt handwritten letters to unregistered and low-propensity voters encouraging them to participate in our democracy. The letters have been shown to significantly boos...
I look forward to: "Everybody knows when a bro got money the next thing up is you need bitches." "The sky was gray like TV y'all." "Lolita, you hot. Lo-li-ta, even your name is fire."
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
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My friends, the story of Donald J Trump and his weird decades-long obsession with sharks is stranger than you know. I, your friendly neighborhood shark scientist and science journalist, made an annotated timeline.
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NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here
God Bless Paul Davies and the @PhillyInquirer: "The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump...There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."
To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
Trump has one tactic, and he keeps at it -- ignore the question and talk about how good he is and how horrible Biden is, no matter the context. He doesn't need to prepare, he just throws out his talking points.
Tech startups just literally opening up old Shadowrun supplements for ideas now because they failed to notice the word "dark" in "dark future" (see the Lone Star sourcebook).
oh my god now there's a "future of prison" startup that says it will use AI and brain implants to plant fake memories into the brains of criminals, "rehabilitating" them in minutes instead of years and I am going to spend the rest of the day screaming now
Cognify: Revolutionary Prison Concept Uses AI and Brain Implants to Fast-Track Criminal Discover how AI and brain implants are transforming rehabilitation. Read more on Cognify's innovative prison concept now!
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Also in the article, they threw campaign finance shenanigans into the mask bill, because that's just where they go, right?
The North Carolina House overrode the Governor’s veto of the bill to criminalize masks. There is an exemption but it may be too vague to protect mask-wearers from arrest and illness. Now the bill will go the Senate where Republicans also have a “supermajority.”
Republican-led NC House overrides three gubernatorial vetoes • NC Republicans in the North Carolina House made short work of three of Governor Roy Cooper's vetoes on Wednesday afternoon.
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Every morning I check the news and it's like -SCOTUS Eliminates Three More Basic Rights, Only Six Remain -President Mispronounces a Word, Will Now Lose Election to Senile Hitler -New AI Company Uses Artist Blood to Let Billionaires and Racists Live Forever, Gets $45 Billion Valuation
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Science fiction is all about a Great Forgetting age where records are lost etc and sometimes it's natural disaster and sometimes it's revolutionary action but in our world it's apparently for tax write-offs