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Hey I took the afternoon to get away (for obvious reasons) and can't seem to find it anywhere. Did we get sentencing recommendations from NY?
Reposted byAvatar Brian
Reposted byAvatar Brian
A country where a minority of voters can elect a president with king-like authority and impunity and federal agencies that lack the power to do any of the things they are meant to do if big rich companies say they don't like it. Culmination shit for the right wing project.
Reposted byAvatar Brian
Homeless people can be arrested for sleeping, Presidents cannot be arrested for rampant graft and corruption done while in office. There is no clearer a summary of "conservative 'law and order'" than this.
Send the drones, Brandon. You are a god-king now. Free of all mortal responsibility.
Reposted byAvatar Brian
Still very sick but perhaps people sharing this will make me feel better? No I am not above such tactics
Avatar Scott. I am in a MOOD this evening and I fear that we share it. I hope you're well and I hope for... better *everything*.
Reposted byAvatar Brian
NEW: When Judge Aileen Cannon drew the Trump classified documents case, two more experienced judges in Florida's southern district—including its chief—urged her to step aside and let someone else take it. She refused. (gift link)
Judge in Trump Documents Case Rejected Suggestions to Step Two federal judges in South Florida privately urged Aileen M. Cannon to decline the case when it was assigned to her last year, according to two people briefed on the matter. She chose to keep it.
Everything gets worse all the time. This is so pointless.
Pollsters are simulating political surveys with AI because nobody answers the phone: "The big difference between humans and AI agents is that the AI agents always pick up the phone..."
Using AI for Political Polling – Ash
Reposted byAvatar Brian
Reposted byAvatar Brian
12 regular people doing their level best. I don’t ever want to know their names. They’ve earned a lifetime of safety and privacy.
The only people who've ever held Trump meaningfully accountable over the last nine years have been ordinary Americans and they've spent that entire time being lectured to and berated by elites who've failed to do anything.
Reposted byAvatar Brian
I would appreciate one (or several!) of the Central Park Five doing the funniest fucking thing ever and taking out a full-page ad in the NYT…
I think this is the right attitude for tonight. Things'll change, probably get worse, but just for a moment let's bask in consequences finally happening to someone who has done far worse things than what they were convicted for in this trial.
you know what, i’m gonna go ahead and let myself feel good about this for a little bit. fuck him. at least i know he feels like shit right now
NYT: Trump is a convicted felon, here's why that's bad for Biden
Reposted byAvatar Brian
Nothing scream "personal safety" like "guy who used to be a cop, but now is driving an Uber for unspecified reasons"
The Kidnap Express is apparently trying to market to women in particular
Reposted byAvatar Brian
sorry, i've been looking at this image multiple times now and can't get this out of my head, so: here's sickos spider-man
Reposted byAvatar Brian
This is a must-read piece making a vital point
Democrats need to make the Supreme Court - not just Dobbs, but the threat posed by the court itself - a bigger issue in the campaign. I make the case at MSNBC:
Opinion | It’s time for Justice Alito to face some Democrats should make the Supreme Court more of a campaign issue
Reposted byAvatar Brian
Reposted byAvatar Brian
I wrote about what the panicked and violent response to this protest movement has revealed about the weakness and fatuity of the people behind it, and the wonder-working power of telling bad-faith actors to fuck off.
They Are Insecure For A Reason | You have probably forgotten about the guy who worked at National Public Radio and got so upset because of how woke it was that he wrote a furious post about it for Bari Weiss’s newsletter, which I bel...
Reposted byAvatar Brian
Bragging about what you have done is the most common way to get caught for something if you didn't get caught during the alleged criminal conduct
a note for those less experienced with participating in *direct action*: it is ESSENTIAL to keep your mouth shut about your involvement. don’t even hint at it, especially online. don’t even tell your friends or family. this is for your safety AND theirs. don’t let your pride put you in prison.
Reposted byAvatar Brian
patriot front is marching unopposed in West Virginia right now no police in sight. People really need to be asking why neo-Nazis are allowed to march with impunity while peaceful students protesting against genocide are being beaten, mercilessly and treated like a invading army.
Reposted byAvatar Brian
I’ll stop flogging this piece soon, but I just want to say: I am tremendously thrilled and humbled by the response it’s gotten, especially since I was pretty sure I was mostly going to get yelled at
The Judgment Of Magneto | Somewhere beyond death, in a realm of judgment and pain, a concrete labyrinth filled by countless names, a man walks. He is Jewish, and has been made hard and cruel by his experiences in the Nazi deat...
If the president was kidnapped is it constitutionally allowed to find dudes bad enough to save them?
if Air Force One was hijacked while the president was on board, is he constitutionally allowed to kick Gary Oldman out the cargo bay door after telling him to 'Get off my plane?'
Reposted byAvatar Brian
I want to caption this, "All the information was on the task, Pete."
Back to work.
Reposted byAvatar Brian