Negative Creep

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Negative Creep

C Alexander records:

43 he/his hippie-married/boo’d up? Chicago living, NJ grown. Major Depression and stuff; no cop city, 🇵🇸 , socialism or barbarism, loves cats, etc. Fender guitars and amps. New York Mets, others
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There is a 7 foot tall guy behind Rishi Sunak who likely ran for office just to be able to hold a printed out L behind him during his concession speech.
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Absolutely losing it at Kendrick bringing out his actual wife and kids for the bit where he specifically kicks Drake in the teeth about Family Matters
Yes, and like Slim’s remix of “Brimful of Asha,” he has taken something cool and made it more acceptable but blander (still workshopping this joke, will never return to it).
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Election coverage in India: screen split into 192 windows with everyone shouting insults & analysis together Election coverage in USA: 16 cutaways per minute along with montage of Steve Carnacki & flashing chyrons & blinking graphics that make everyone dizzy Election coverage in UK: Here is a cat
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…against the next gang of ‘robbers’ who came to steal it & DID - & became swollen-hearted patriots in THEIR turn.” The birth of a nation is an accident of history & one which never goes too long without being remedied. END
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“Patriotism I s a word which always commemorates a robbery. There isn’t a foot of land in the world which doesn’t represent the ousting & re-ousting of a long line of successive ‘owners,’ who each in turn, as ‘patriots,’ with proud swelling hearts defended it… 8/9
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Mark Twain hated the Fourth of July. He was often invited to speak at Independence Day festivities. His audiences assumed that his reliably unpatriotic remarks were tongue-in-cheek jests. But he meant that shit. 1/9
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all my nonbinary friends dress like this
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“We need a strong institution that sits outside of electoral politics, that is not at the mercy of right wing courts, that has its own inherent form of power that can be exercised on behalf of the public good, that will naturally work towards progressive goals.… [T]hat is the labor movement.”
The End of Liberal Excessive belief in institutions is a proven failure.
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Baseball's most sacred tradition continues, even in this misbegotten year. cc
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Every day proves Thaddeus Stevens right: there should've been big Nuremberg-style public trials of leading Confederates, accompanied by seizures of the assets of all pro-Confederate large landowners and businessmen, which should then have been distributed to freed slaves as compensation.
These guys are traitors to the republic just like their heroes Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee
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You honor, with all due respect, there’s nothing at the top but a bucket and a mop and an illustrated book about birds. I’ve seen a lot up there, but don’t be scared; who needs actions when you’ve got words?
Your honor, with all due respect, I got a six pack and nothing to do
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Everyone is talking about the new viral sensation, Bungus Flimp. Bungus Flimp is now opening for Olivia Rodrigo. If you haven't heard of Bungus Flimp, fuck you. We've just heard that Bungo Flimp is now canceled. Bungus Flimp has been killed in a standoff with SWAT officers in Des Moines.
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Remember when it came out that the Trump White House staff was moving massive weight in heavy drugs through the private pharmacy? Like wild amounts of straight fentanyl
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It is pretty interesting in retrospect that when Bernie ran I remember a lot of news people going “how can you be doing all this CLASS WAR stuff?” “How can you be dividing us along those lines?” and meanwhile their rich buddies were like “yeah about five years until crime becomes legal for us lol”
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But the left is cast as childish, unaware of how the world works, when the most obnoxious freshman rich kid socialist has been correct on the subject on how power works for the last, oh, 44 years. There’s plenty to criticize the American left for - after Bernie lost decisively in 2020 there was 3/
no backup plan and little of the enthusiasm of organizing despite very promising labor gains. But the left are not “prominent/senior Democrats” playing Cassandra to every journalist they know. The left has little pull in the media and less in the party to call the candidate to stand down. Your 4/
energy is wasted arguing with people who had nothing to do with (gestures) ALL THIS, and who overwhelmingly voted for Clinton and Biden in crucial years. If we’re serious about both defeating right wing nihilism and making a better world, that means all of us. Idk. Think before you post, I guess.
Oh, 1 more: Republicans have won the popular vote ONCE since 1988! And the courts are this bad! The norms got us here! The constitutional EC got us here! The left instinctively doesn’t trust any of this! We’re getting preemptively yelled at for “hate to say I told ya so” when we haven’t said it!
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So many of these people spent YEARS telling people that things that political organizers said would happen would not happen due to 'precedent', norms, collegiality, etc and they were fucking wrong 100%.
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Yeah it’s bad enough without people who’ve been pretty dismissive of protest during this administration, just weeks ago, turning around and demanding people take to the streets now
then it’s somehow both “time to start fragging!” and “it’s racist to suggest the weak and weak-minded President will lose and Someone should Do Something.” Naturally this is somehow the left’s fault, like our anger comes from nowhere, like if we don’t point something out no one would see it. 2/