CJ, The Guy™

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CJ, The Guy™


You just praised the music supervisor on Suicide Squad (2016)
Strange name for a pet but you do you
Going to the nearest church and flipping through the hymnbook, tallying every song that says 'with spirit' in the upper margin. So far, we're 237 for 237
Everyone has noticed how radical Mike Lee has become in recent years, but not enough have noticed how dumb he is.
not to be too extreme here but if having another child drives you to replace something valuable with LLM slop then you should have to give that child to be raised by the machine
Reposted byAvatar CJ, The Guy™
No killing? Alright, have it your way: Who would you sterilize?
Someone didn't like being told to own up to their ecofascism if ecofascism is what they want
we need brave soldiers like him to put all these jokesters to task
She's using KEYBOARD CONTROLS somebody stop her
Thank god someone finally had the courage to stand up and give voice to angry white men
Should I be afraid in a specific way of you or in my usual vague existential way
There are enough vacant houses in the U.S. to give every homeless person 23 of the fuckers, but I'm sure supply is the problem, so I'm sure all we need is to build more. 🛎️Waiter, more suburban sprawl, please!
What we need is someone who undertook a temporary witch's curse to tell us how similar the two experiences actually are
Thanks to pappy elon for removing another indulgent social component from his social media
Reeling at the implication that calling someone media-illiterate is "just calling ppl dumb in more words" and therefore it cannot be more useful than calling someone dumb in less words
This is an attempt at getting a little joel video made, thanks for asking
Pets, or as I prefer to call them, utility monsters
Chomping at the bit to write an op-ed about just how many factors "rarely factor into the national gun debate". There are so many reasons people shouldn't be allowed to buy guns, but liberals allow opponents to center the conversation on 'rights' while conservatives obligingly don't stop them.
Montana’s suicide rate has been the highest in the U.S. for the past three years, with most of the deaths involving firearms. Most gun deaths in America are self-inflicted, yet suicide rarely registers in the national debate over guns.
She’s Fighting to Save America’s ‘Last Best Place’ From Suicidewww.nytimes.com Montana’s suicide rate has been the highest in the U.S. for the past three years. Most of the deaths involved firearms. But suicide rarely registers in the national debate over guns.
BEGGING Elon Musk to post a specific example of what he thinks is him handling politics 'ineptly', and also what he thinks is a contrasting example of him doing so 'competently'.
Last week a group of children went running across the lawn at my residence in the twilight hours, and instead of calling the police, I put on shoes and asked them what was up. They were playing 'fugitive'. I said "Fun, I used to play that" and went back inside like a normal person.
"Children should become tramps"
Inspiration from @izjck.bsky.social and @merrittk.com reacted with the chemicals in iced coffee and sleep deprivation in my brain today, as well as a full morning of reading lefty labor articles, and I wrote a short story of my own Big thanks to Isabel, Merritt, brain chemicals, etc
Broke: The trans intersex POC pride flag looks fantastic Also broke: The trans intersex POC pride flag looks terrible Woke: The trans intersex POC pride flag looks terrible and we are prepared to make it worse until our demands are met
Reposted byAvatar CJ, The Guy™
Well I'm satisfied, put this thing in charge of firing control immediately
Wait, you have formal employment? I honestly don't know your work, I just thought you appeared from the void to sling bangers like the executive chef at waffle house slinging hash
I could forgive all other drama if the US got on the same page as the world on what's left- and right-wing. Tired of op-eds proclaiming 'Radlefts attacking lefties for talking to moderates'.* *Read: 'Mildly less-right social centrists gently criticize center-cons JUST for ceding office to Göring'.
Dear lefties, have you considered that NUH UH?
Shoutout to the LA Times for using cop tense to refer to the first time Michael Richards was recorded yelling racial epithets at hecklers
I nominate Aaron Paul for any eventual biopic