
Technology Connections
Technology Connections
I'm that YouTuber who taught you how dishwashers work. Guess I'm tryin' out the whole Bluesky thing now.
Julie Mason
Julie Mason
Host of the Julie Mason Show on SiriusXM, weekdays 3-6 p.m. ET. Former WH reporter, honorary Texan; total Masshole.
Institute for the Study of War
Institute for the Study of War
ISW is a policy research organization focused on U.S. national security. Email: [email protected]. For more:

Just a few of my posts here to look at . Make sure to look at my links and my posts and to click on all my links and like my posts .
Alt Text Generator
Alt Text Generator
Tag me and i will respond with an Alt-Text.

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misc:explain (Explains the Image)
misc:short (Very short description)
misc:delete (delete alt-text)
Less estranged from Elon than most of his kids.
Brad Heath
Brad Heath
DC reporter for Reuters on crime, justice and investigations. Data, documents and "convoluted KGB style back-door" stuff. Lawyer, but not yours. 202-527-9709, [email protected]
Philip Bump
Philip Bump
Washington Post: National columnist. Newsletter: "How To Read This Chart." Book: "The Aftermath." [email protected]
Darth Putin
Darth Putin
Czar for life of all Russians. Master Strategist. Thought leader. Influencer. Content creator. Author. Wanted in 123 countries. Parody, apparently.
Ben Jacobs
Ben Jacobs
Gabriel Malor
Gabriel Malor
Oklahoman in Virginia. Attorney. I talk about federal court decisions. A lot. Sometimes the most you can do is the best you can do. [email protected]
Elad Nehorai
Elad Nehorai
Ex-Hasidic, pro-good-trouble | Writer: extremism, antisemitism, & how tech spreads both | MSNBC, DailyBeast, HuffPo, the Forward & more | Founder: | Newsletter:
$4.99 JFF & OF. Charlotte cub. Queer druid. Polyamorous/pansexual/agender married to two handsome daddies 🐻🐻🐻
Arieh Kovler
Arieh Kovler
Writer, political analyst, comms consultant. UK, Israeli, US. Politics, current affairs and technology. [email protected].
It's really cute that you're gonna "defeat me with the power of friendship and all," but again, I am the devil from the Bible
fascists not welcome
No longer in good standing with the New York State bar
Travis View
Travis View
Father. Husband. Tap water goblin. QAnon Anonymous podcast host.

QAnon, conspiracy theories, disinfo, and other signs of the dystopia.

Email: travis @
Brian Gongol
Brian Gongol
Make money. Have fun. Clean up after yourself. Mind your business.
Comfortably Numb
Comfortably Numb
Principal software engineer. AWS/CDK/TypeScript.

Interests: Pink Floyd, Star Trek, coding, biking, VR, cats. Not necessarily in this order.
Kevin Gannon
Kevin Gannon
Educational developer, historian, abolitionist, purveyor of fine doggo content | Higher ed, critical pedagogy, technology and teaching, 18th-19th century history | Wrote: | Fueled by coffee and spite.
Dave Weigel
Dave Weigel
National politics reporter at Alum: WashPost, Bloomberg, Slate, Reason. Author of “The Show That Never Ends.”
Kelly Carlin
Kelly Carlin
Leader of the free world inside my head. Writer. Talker. Doodler. Escorting people toward their authentic agency via Humans on the Verge. My Substack is Story/No Story.
Natalia Antonova🇺🇸🇺🇦
Natalia Antonova🇺🇸🇺🇦
Ukrainian-American. President, Concerned MILFs for America. Safer Dating Now creator. OSINT, but make it girly. The arc of fucking around is long, but it bends toward finding out ✨
Rob DenBleyker
Rob DenBleyker
she blue my sky til I skeet
Don Moynihan
Don Moynihan
Policy Professor @McCourtSchool @Georgetown. Irish immigrant. Administrative burdens guy. Free newsletter:
Nicholas Grossman
Nicholas Grossman
International Relations prof at U. Illinois. Senior Editor
of Arc Digital. Author “Drones and Terrorism.” Politics, national security, and occasional nerdery.
Joshua J. Friedman
Joshua J. Friedman
Freelance writer and editor. Formerly of The Atlantic, Boston Review. Copy chief at Columbia Magazine.
Denys Beecher
Denys Beecher
15 years in disability law
Shayan Sardarizadeh
Shayan Sardarizadeh
BBC Verify journalist | disinformation, conspiracy theories, extremism, verification, open source investigations | [email protected]
Lawyer; Rockstar; Wolf.
Gabi 雪
Gabi 雪
Misanthrope. Lawyer fetish. Spooky Action at a Distance. A bit Mimsy. Aspiring ornamental hermit. Brilliantly bipolar.
Jean-Michel Connard
Jean-Michel Connard
The endless search for clout continues.
Adam Steinbaugh
Adam Steinbaugh
Philly. First Amendment lawyer at FIRE. Licensed in CA, PA. Opinions my own.
Andrew Parker
Andrew Parker
Formerly of the birdsite as Apark2453, but staking my claim to the full name!

Lawyer, overanalyzer of godawful subcultures, always up to dunk on some chuds.

If you’re into all of that too… I’m sorry, but welcome friend!
Yair Rosenberg
Yair Rosenberg
Staff writer, The Atlantic.
Teller of stories, troller of Nazis.
Josh Chafetz
Josh Chafetz
Agnes Williams Sesquicentennial Professor of Law and Politics, Georgetown Law:

Author, most recently, of _Congress's Constitution_:
Andrew Fleischman
Andrew Fleischman
I represent people who are charged or convicted with crimes.
Jake Tapper, long-suffering Philly sports fan
Jake Tapper, long-suffering Philly sports fan
Dad, husband, CNN anchor, author, doorman to our two dogs. My novel, ALL THE DEMONS ARE HERE, came out in July.
The First Amendment
The First Amendment
I am the First Amendment. I love to post about myself. Take advantage of me but please don't violate me.
Daniel Drezner
Daniel Drezner
Political science professor, writer, podcaster, shaker of hands with Mel Brooks — you know, the usual kinks.
Col. Boozy Badger
Col. Boozy Badger
Song & dance man/comedic performer/Law Talker. Kentucky Colonel. Host of Boozy’s Legal Funhouse podcast. He/Him. Find Me Other places: . Not your lawyer.

I am an adult. There will be adult things. Filter accordingly.
"Independent Journalist" covering Conspiracy, Politics, History, Extremism, Corruption & More
"An account often critical of conservatives" - Newsweek
Renee DiResta 🆒
Renee DiResta 🆒
NEW 📖 Invisible Rulers: The People Who Turn Lies Into Reality (preorder:

✍🏼Studies influence, propaganda, abuse

🦹🏻‍♀️ Recurring Twitter Files supervillain
The Serfs
The Serfs
Métis (he/him)
An indentured pleb gives you his spin on twitter 2. LGBTQ+ activism and civil rights are my jam.
If you enjoy my sillies check out
Sahil Kapur
Sahil Kapur
Senior National Political Reporter for NBC News covering Capitol Hill and elections
Karl Bode
Karl Bode
💻I write about tech, telecom, media, politics, and consumer rights.🕺🙄🤦‍♂️
Whey Standard
Whey Standard
Cornell Law ‘14. Financial regulation, law, politics, България, and now featuring fatherhood.
Benjy Sarlin
Benjy Sarlin
Washington Bureau Chief at Semafor