C. "Count Deathtoll" Reynolds

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C. "Count Deathtoll" Reynolds


Some asshole from Charlottesville
Der Spiegel's cover on the brutal states of America, asking whether we are headed to civil war.
-Expand the Supreme Court to 15 justices (Chief Justice rotates via popular election alongside the presidential electionwith all seated justices as candidate) -constitutional amendment binding the Supreme Court to a code of ethics and imposing term limits of no more than 12 years
- Mandatory retirement age for federal office holders (all branches) - Replace the secret service with a special squadron of the armed forces - constitutional amendments protecting abortion, lgbtq rights, and eliminating for-profit prison labor.
I hope this reminds people of what I have said all along. Trump is beyond beatable whether it’s Joe, Kamala, or someone else. Fucking act like it.
In that case, Damn the Torpedoes, full speed ahead. We can afford nothing short of fire and brimstone against these fascist bastards.
I am old enough to be having terrible flashbacks to 1968. I was a naive teenager among those who marched against Lyndon Johnson over Vietnam. Johnson had given us civil rights law but was hounded from the ticket, a tragic character. 1/
Except, if the wrong side wins this time, we're staring down the barrel of death camps and de facto slavery.
The mass deportation scheme is probably the most immediately scary part of Trump 2025. It’s not just the just the forcible deportation of millions of people and accompanying family disruption That’s bad enough. Nor is the let’s-see-what-pulling-this-lever-does-hurr economic recklessness./1
Full quote from ex-ICE director Tom Homan: "Trump comes back in January... I will run the biggest deportation force this country has ever seen. They ain’t seen shit yet. Wait until 2025.” Tonight in Florida Trump pledged to bring Homan back. Homan, BTW, is a listed Project 2025 contributor.
The result: the Chicago disaster, Nixon, his Southern strategy, leading to civil war today. The short-sighted rush to push Biden out is filled with such peril. And if Harris and Black voters are in turn bypassed, we lose the election and everything for generations. We lose democracy. Stop. Think.
Let's start calling them the Bund, because that's what they've become.
The more I think about it, the more it seems like Navarro and Bannon are just doing some book promotion the Bavarian way.
Wow, Peter Navarro is going straight from prison to a a speaking slot at the RNC today. “Fun” fact: he was a professor of econ/public policy at UCI (where I got my PhD). And I have heard from someone who served on the academic senate with him that no one could stand him lol
It is comically irresponsible how the news media claims Trump is a "changed man" and "somber" and "serene" and "adopting a new tone"
Clarence Thomas is a cunt
Judge Cannon went and did it. She has dismissed the stolen documents case against Trump on Clarence Thomas’s (nonsense) appointments clause rationale.
Have we done this one yet
Two months ago Greg Abbott pardoned a murderer who texted a friend "I might go to Dallas to shoot looters" then drove into a BLM protest in Austin and killed a protester. The universal response from conservatives to the pardon was "Yeah! Woo-hoo!" Now they say liberals should turn down the rhetoric
This is NYT’s portrait of a Trump rally, where the explicit agenda was putting millions of people in concentration camps before deporting them.
Senator who last week promoted a tweet that called his legislative opponents traitors punishable by death now asks “to take the political temperature down.”
MSNBC just interviewed a Trump supporter who was at the rally and she said “There is too much hate” and we need to pray for the country. She is wearing a “Know Your Parasites” t-shirt. These people have no self awareness.
Seriously, please stop this shit
could we stop with the WE’RE DOOMED whenever literally anything happens
The moron early-warning system is going off.
Popping on to say: A lot of rumors are about to fly about this rally. Trump's team is 100% going to try and take advantage of this situation. So will malicious foreign actors/bots/etc. Please don't auto share. Check your sources, and vet their wording/sourcing carefully.
I wouldn't put it past the son of a bitch to stage something.
Hell, the methodology is even outdated with an easy to manipulate sample size. Who the Hell even answers the phone these days?!