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artist, designing a bongle with a lot of bingles on it: haha yeahhhh yeessss woohooo heehehehe artist, drawing all the bingles again later: WHY'D I PUT SO MANY BINGLES ON THIS BONGLE
Turns out it is hard to concentrate when you live in a fascist theocracy.
I finally watched My Neighbor Totoro for the first time and this is all I want to do for the rest of my life.
if i really wanted to watch two old men argue I'd watch these guys
Heck imagine if Obama had five kids with three different wives
I don't want to keep being that guy but imagine how the media would react if in 2012 Obama was on trial for election campaign fraud involving a sex with a porn star. Literally every oped in America would be calling for him to drop out.
I think the vocabulary the press uses to describe the Trump & Stormy Daniels situation — "tryst," "flirtation," "one-night stand" — misses the nuance most women (especially women who've been poor) get was at play here. He offered her the potential for big $, she gritted her teeth and played along.
Is it devastating how many evil people there are in the world or is it heartening how many good people there are in spite of that? Anyway just something that I think about 22 hours a day every day.
how would these students who have been doing active shooter trainings since elementary schools possibly know how to barricade themselves inside a room???
Idk how anyone can deny climate change is real when cop riot season is starting two whole months earlier than usual
The justices: we are going to take way your most basic rights unless you are a white conservative christian Also the justices: please no yell at us we are smol beans 👉👈
It's not lost on me that the CDC released this anti-science guidance not only on a Friday afternoon but on the first day of #LongCovidAwarenessMonth and #DisabilityDayofMourning.
The attacks on birth control and IVF after Roe is because Republicans wield power when they have it and Democrats recoil from power for fear of not being able to get reelected and campaign on hypothetically using the power next time.
FUN FACT! i was ~very~ entertained to learn that when you controlled for population differences, human sacrifice by the aztecs was slightly less common than hanging hungry children for stealing bread in england. such a great system we have here. superior, one might say! /s
The CDC dropping the five-day rule simply because some people aren't willing to do it makes me think we could all band together and stop paying our taxes.
pop up video was a culturally invaluable resource to the entire world and im no longer afraid to say it
Bluesky is officially “open” now (no more invites). So just a reminder to not engage with trolls and bad actors, there is no algorithm here to promote or spread them, replying to them is what puts them on everybody’s timelines. So block and give no oxygen.
OUT: "Quinta Brunson is first Black woman to win best comedic actress Emmy in over 40 years," which implies a dearth of talented Black comedy actresses. IN: "Emmys award best comedic actress to a Black woman— Quinta Brunson—for the first time in 40 years," which is far more accurate.
If my TV was actually smart, I'd be able to program it to show me a black screen during election cycle Jeopardy commercial breaks.
Cloning myself for the sole purpose of putting the decisions of what to listen to/eat/watch onto someone else with the guarantee that I will like their selection.
open bluesky scroll for 3 minutes through horrific news about 19 different issues grandpa simpson sex cauldron gif
NYT really said "okay, FINE, we'll publish something critical of Israel, happy now?"
I bought a SAD lamp direct from the manufacturer. The lamp has one screw, connecting the head and neck to the base. I lost the screw. The company "does not" sell or send replacement screws, nor do they have any specifications about the screw they can share with me.
now that we're in "vote argument" season, here's a comic i drew about voting
Final Will and Testament_v8_final_rev_use me_FINAL.docx
My anecdotal evidence of rampant covid/pandemic/modern hellscape-inducted brain fog is that a majority of my job these days seems to be reading past emails and chats back to the people who originally sent them.
i am less convinced that AI is going to replace jobs than i am that companies are going to cut jobs on the premise of AI replacing them and then hire those people back as contractors for less money and fewer protections, because that’s what’s happened a *lot* in the last 20 years.
It might mean the end of a lot of jobs potentially and the fear is that it might become harder and harder to find new places to land.
There’s no reason for us to use the phrase “publishing world drama” when we could be saying “hateration in the library.”
in this house we believe Ghostbusters should be mostly a comedy with minimal plot