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Middle aged she dragon who enjoys curling up with a good book and has zero f*cks left to give
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Fyi to journalists: Hillbilly Elegy is not about the brave nobility of rural poor/working class people. It’s deeply insulting to rural poor people - presenting them as lazy addicts who rely on welfare instead of working. The book is about how amazing Vance was to escape that backwards culture.
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I think the strangest thing about Internet horniness is 15-20 years all the OF models/amateur strippers were trying to appeal to guys who liked sports, guns, "generic guy stuff" like Hooters. Now I open Twitter and everyone is cosplaying as a video game character I've never heard of.
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I am begging -- begging! -- you and everybody like you to not be so negatively polarized by The Discourse that you end up ushering Trump into office. I don't think it's much to ask.
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I have yet to get anywhere close to a solid answer to this, and laughably, some people say "the debate" with a straight face.
What has happened _in the real world_ that would make you look at 2024 and go "this is gonna be worse than 2022". Not poll numbers, real world events that would massively shift coalitions.
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A local church here in Salem, Oregon just contacted me and asked me to give a presentation on Project 2025. This is why the Trump campaign and the GOP is trying so hard to distance itself from this document produced by people in the vanguard of their movement.
On Chris Hayes podcast with Jamelle Bouie they talked about a possible reason for optimism: Project 2025 seems to have deeply penetrated TikTok. Anecdotally, my 15 yr old mentioned to me all the counselors she works with at camp have been talking about it and what rights they’re worried about losing
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if you operate from the assumption that biden is going to win, and we are going to hold the senate or win the house or both, progressives in congress have sure played the long-term power game much better than the centrists are playing it
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I am genuinely in a fucking rage that this whole fucking thing was fomented by a bunch of Hollywood megadonors who wouldn't put themselves out there when they could have put their names and reputations on the line and instead are trying to gut check the Dems into a disastrous decision.
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Newspapers over here are doing the anti AC discourse again and it’s infuriating every time. Imagine telling someone to not heat their home during winter. Same thing. If we beefed up our infrastructure and took climate change seriously this wouldn’t even come up as an issue.
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One of Meta’s policy directors is a Project 2025 author.
Remember when Dorsey, Zuckerberg and Pichai were repeatedly hauled before Congress over allegations of liberal bias? Now we have a major social platform solely controlled by one of Trump's biggest backers. I wrote about what it means for X and the election. www.washingtonpost.com/politics/202...
Analysis | What Musk’s Trump support means for Xwww.washingtonpost.com Conservatives long accused Twitter of liberal bias. What happens now that its owner openly backs Trump?
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Starbucks is anti-union, so Starbucks is choosing authoritarianism over pluralism. Boycott now!
Starbucks joins the Heritage Foundation as an official sponsor of the RNC as they roll out Project 2025. You know what to do.
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The wallet inspector visits the NYT newsroom every day and they keep complying with his orders.
Media and political professionals who’ve been alive since Reagan or before: ah yes this NEW Trump GOP stressing the importance of MAIN st over WALL st and making appeals to the Working Class (citation needed), this sounds NEW to me, somehow
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Since Day 2 of the RNC will be largely about crime, a reminder of what has actually happened (with murders falling rapidly in 2024 so far)
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If the United States loses its democracy, it’ll be the dumbest slide into authoritarianism in history. Others cases had mass unemployment, a major war, something. None have done it with low unemployment, rising real wages, declining crime, and no troops fighting in foreign wars.
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yes 100% this
I don't understand why they see "loud anxiety can unseat an incumbent who won the primary" as a legitimate strategy but see "unify around the candidate we have and spend 4 months loudly and feverently arguing why they're the best choice" as an impossible task steeped in denialism.
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Political scientists call this agenda setting. When the SCOTUS public approval rating is at a historical low, the Prez should talk about it in the election--loudly. Let people know you heard their anger. Even if Biden fails, put the GOP on record with votes against Court reform. tinyurl.com/yc7h7xsr
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
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Baltimore leaders sued to block a proposal that would let voters decide whether to give new parents a one-time $1,000 “baby bonus” City leaders argue that the proposal gives voters too much say over legislative decisions
Baltimore officials sue to block 'baby bonus' initiative that would give new parents $1,000apnews.com Baltimore’s mayor and city council are trying to stop a proposed ballot measure that would give all new parents a $1,000 “baby bonus” meant to help reduce childhood poverty from birth.
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"And yet we are two days into Trump’s nomination party, and no one has asked — much less answered — whether Donald Trump is a business partner, paid foreign agent, or merely an employee of Saudi Arabia."
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again, the press' failure in this moment is so severe, profound, and widespread that it almost doesn't feel real
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WSJ has fired Hong Kong-based journalist Selina Cheng after she was elected chair of a local journalism union. She was told advocating for press freedom “would be incompatible with my job.” Cheng’s full statement (posted via twitter):
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more to the point none of the coverage seems to note this fairly remarkable fact, especially amid all the talk of unity or whatever
The pre-Trump GOP has been memory-holed
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Maybe SCOTUS will make up a Senatorial immunity for him.
NEW: Sen. Bob Menendez found GUILTY of multiple charges in corruption trial
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Finished reading my first novel up for critique as part of the @romancingthevote.bsky.social charity auction, and it turns out that people who care enough about democracy and voting rights to donate to an auction for it tend to COINCIDENTALLY also write really great novels. ❤️
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The white supremacist gunman who murdered 23 people going about their day in El Paso five years ago next month had been obsessed with an alleged “Hispanic invasion” of Texas. There is no pivot, or softening. This is the Trump Republican Party. They keep telling us who they are, so believe them.
Lake also warned of the "Bidvaion" reference to the replacement theory that smashes the claim that Biden is intentionally facilitating a literal "invasion" of the United States, before leading the crowd in the nativist "build the wall" chant.
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One reason they will never disavow Charlottesville is that "You will not replace us!" has become their whole thing.
RNC night two is the replacement theory addition. So far, multiple Senate candidates have used their minutes on stage to promote the white nationalist replacement theory, which has inspired multiple deadly terrorist attacks and is a lie that actively threatens American democracy.