
One of the most heartbreaking details we learned from Uvadle is that the kids were being quiet because that’s what they’d been trained to do. You hear the earliest cops to arrive repeatedly telling each other there must not be kids in those classrooms because they didn’t hear any crying.
Active shooter training at work was mostly about how there’s nothing much you can do so just don’t scare any cops who might arrive by screaming or crying.
Yes. We really are a failed country. Seriously.
One of the eeriest anecdotes from January 6 is many of the lawmakers commented how their interns just snapped into their school shooting training. They’re the generation who’ve gone through it their entire lives
I hope the way we've traumatized a generation changed at least one congresscritter's mind about gun control.
Also heartbreaking because it showed us the kids were better trained for the situation than the cops were.
that’s because the kids were trained to survive a shooting, and the cops were only trained to do one
That and the chief of the school cops did not know school was in session. I mean, a society where schools have their own police force should expect those cops to know fundamental things about their beat, like the school schedule, classroom layout, how the locks work, location of keys, etc., but no
Yep. I remember that detail so vividly. Their perfect compliance with trainings they’d received from kindergarten is what the cops used to justify slaughtering them.
It's the most infuriating thing that after Uvalde the city did not unanimously vote to fire every single cop on the force for being cowards and reform the police from the ground up.
And people wonder why I'm anti-gun.
I didn’t know this detail. 💔 what a broken country
oh, I really can’t. I can’t even watch movies where bad things happen to children.
I have it saved to watch. I just can’t yet. I’ll never forget my niece and nephews running in from school one day recently and just nonchalantly mentioning they had an active shooter drill. I was appalled. My brother just shrugged. You said it right. We really are a failure as a country.
I can’t imagine what it’s doing to their young minds. Older people have always whined about kids being spoiled and soft but now whenever I hear that complaint I want to remind them that it’s routine to run drills with little children demonstrating how they could be shot at any moment.
that PBS video just reinforced my anger. To bad the parents took down their facebook video of them getting brutalized by the police while they tried to save their kids.
Yes. Thank you. The parent who had that on facebook took it down. Which made me believe they probably some sort of threats.
Every new detail we learned of that tragedy is somehow worse than the last one. Sandyhook might be when we died as a functional nation, but Uvalde was when we leaned into it.
truly felt like a point of no return
It felt like an even grosser step: not only were we not going to do the fundamental things to protect our kids but the literal people in charge of doing so would just... not do it. And nothing happened.
"the sounds of children screaming has been muted"
Re: the cops from uvalde, the uniform code of military justice — military law — classifies cowardice in the face of the enemy (a species of “misbehavior before the enemy”) as a capital crime. If the cops were in the real military instead of kosplay kommandos they’d be pleading down the charges
(For those interested the text of the statute is at the link. A discussion in the manual courts martial begins on page 345)
10 U.S. Code § 899 - Art. 99. Misbehavior before the
Teaching active shooter drills to children is madness. Only the teachers need to be trained, and the training would simply be to instruct the children to run as quickly and quietly as possible away from the school. Whoever came up with this shelter in place BS has blood on their hands.
100%! Yet the “shelter in place”protocol is still in effect most places. Idiotic. What’s worse is that teachers just mindlessly repeat it…still. (I’m a teacher—my students are running.)
I honestly say the cops used any excuse and used the kids as cannon fodder.
I’m still waiting for brave I-got-guns texas law enforcement to release the coroner’s report that shows a cop’s bullet killed the shooter. But they won’t because it doesn’t. Guarantee the shooter shot himself before those brave heroes stormed the classroom an hour after after he was dead.
Are there any jurisdictions which run police through the same active-shooter curriculum used to train students and staff, so that the responding cops know what to expect?
No greater representation in the diff between the gen that grew up with this and the generation that lords over us
Funny how times change. As a kid I had fire drills, and we'd all run outside to the field and line up by grade and class to be accounted for. As a parent my kids did lock down drills.
Still had nuclear war drills until about 1980 when I was a kid. We were in the blast radius of Norton AFB
I grew up under the gaze of an air raid siren in my school yard in the 60s. In Canada.
we still had your blackout curtains in my schools up till the 80s, but they switched the reason for the desk-crawl to "tornado drill"; more hand-me-downs from the atomic generation me, after seeing threads tho: man, like i even want to survive a nuclear war
More about the gross incompetence of the Uvalde police department.
An entire generation of kids growing up with ptsd, all so a handful of adults can own guns because they're "entitled to them" Yeah nah. Never visiting the US in my lifetime. Too risky.
Oh my gosh, that kills me. I didn’t know that.
That traumatizing shit has ruined Gen Z and we wonder why they can't cope. This and their parents not letting them be independent when it's okay to do so. It's a real problem. Now Gen Alpha (ages 0 to 14) is being conditioned this way too.