
Retail politicians win elections Jamal
That's one of the more embarrassing politics quotes I've ever seen
He's a very embarrassing politician
He's an activist who never really made the transition (many such cases). Guess what, your job as a politician is to talk to people, including your local party leaders. If you find that boring or exhausting or not real work, you might better off doing something else.
There’s a famous Tip O’Neill story about his neighbor who didn’t vote for him because, she said, You never asked.
And it’s even more important to talk to and listen to people and generally be present in your district if you’re running as a progressive in a mostly conservative district. Winning over a majority of constituents in that case is an uphill battle, and you’re gonna need all the support you can get.
I agree but Westchester County is not a conservative place and NY-16 is not a conservative district!
Weeeelllll, depends exactly which parts of it. It’s a very mixed bag covering a pretty broad range of demographics and viewpoints. It’s not at all unilaterally progressive, by a long shot. Hence why it would help to talk to people in the district outside the most progressive circles.
I always read it as "fiscally conservative socially liberal"
Jeez imagine using retail politician as an insult
It's like sniffing at a game player who uses cheesy tactics except your continued employment depends on winning fights
Retail politics is an incredible skill and the good ones are incredible at it, even the people we all hate. If you're a politician, and by running for political office you automatically are one, this is just admitting that they're better politicians than me
And its not cheesy! Its the most effective way at winning in this country! Its like sniffling at a short pass offense!
I noticed long ago that complaints of "cheezing" or "cheap" tactics are often just this. Same applies for the lost causers and dunning school's dismissal of Grant and Thomas.
I wouldn't go so far as to comparing it to the Lost Cause, but I take your point. There is definitely a weird note of not playing by the rules when describing *the* most effective political strategy in this country in pejorative terms
tapping the sign again 👇
there's a real "I only like this candidate because they are performatively *above* politics" while failing to recognize that "politics" is the actual job.
Drops mic:
“As opposed to standing outside Fenway Park? In the cold? Shaking hands?'' - Martha fucking Coakley, before her disastrous loss to a dude who did exactly that.
She took off *how* many weeks ahead of the special election? I still remember the perverse last ditch hopes that voters would turn out to vote for her because they were activated by all the frightening news coverage of how shitty her campaign was.
She also did super-condescending things like saying "nobody will give Ted Kennedy's seat to a Republican" without understanding the seat belonged to the Commonwealth and not Kennedy. She basically stopped campaigning after the primary.
Yeah, that attitude that she was the "heir" to Kennedy's seat ended up turning off a lot of people.
Then four years later she lost to Charlie Baker by a small enough margin that you almost could fit them all into Fenway Park
The worst campaigner I've ever seen. Bar none.
I can't think of one that's worse, tbh. Not in a democracy.
Still my gold standard, but this is very close (& very close to the same sentiment)
Yes, I saw several other people in this thread bringing that up, it really left a mark.
If you want my autopsy results I'm pretty sure he lost the election when he jumped early on the "gotta hand it to Hamas" train (e.g.: early doubter of mass rape allegations) after 10/7
I'm being incredibly generous not bringing it up
It's either alone the reason such a big target was slapped on his back or a microcosm of a greater habit of publicly taking extremely unpopular positions that have nothing to do with the office and then walking them back. Either way, it's election-loser behavior.
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I must be getting old. I want good retail politicians who also have good policy, let their staff get into the weeds and have good teams behind them.
Whoah whoah whoah, this is entirely too reasonable of an expectation to be shared on this platform.
Scuse me... um, I just want all of MY personal beliefs validated by my candidates, whomst I send to act on behalf of me, and will assiduously perform my bidding beyond my best expectations
My dream would be to make classes of freshman progressive electeds visit with Keith Ellison for a weekend.
Keith Ellison is a fascinating politician to me, and in part because he survived Congress during the Hell Years of GWB, was absolutely hosed by the DNC in his bid for leadership, and fought for progressive policies a lot of the time, and yet he’s a *really good* retail politician and team player.
many would be surprised how much voters will respond positively to "candidate quite literally touches grass."
MN CD-5 is a safer seat, but Ilhan keeps that locked down because Keith has shown her the ropes, imo. Ilhan going out and participating in fishing tournaments like Keith was a real sign
"hey! the other guy like shot the shit with constituents without having the online vibes, thats not fair!" is unbelievable loser shit, im sorry.
I think folks get the order of permissions backwards. People can handle a lot of posting or online energy if the elected office is good at their everyday shit like constituent services and district issues, not the other way around. At least for Dems.
There should be DFL boot camps for newly elected Democrats.
Wait, he actually said "he's a retail politician" as a negative?
What fascinates me about that quote is that, as a school principal, Bowman should have immediately known and understood the value of this skill set.
I dunno I've known some incredibly self-regarding school principles who absolutely believe for whatever reason that it's beneath them.
True, it's just that being a successful principal has a lot in common with being a successful politician.
Absolutely! The best principles (and teachers) I've known are all incredibly involved in the goings on of their families and kids. It's the exact same skillset and it makes a world of difference.
My mom just retired from being a public elementary school teacher and librarian for the past 30+ years and we had a little get together at the house. Former students and parents showed up, totally unexpected, with gift baskets and things and she was absolutely beside herself.
Some people become principals because they are sick of dealing with parents (often with good reason). But yeah good principals interact with parents and the public a lot!
Guy has been running for local offices in Westchester for 30 years now.
Insulting constituents in a direct quote to the press seems like bad politics.
That's what you think, lib.