
it really fucking bothers me that this collective hysteria has me defending joe fucking biden
I have a simple plan: 1) Joe Biden gives a tearful speech about the need for someone younger to lead. 2) Contested convention. 3) By secret ballot, Dem delegates select the new candidate: Jimmy Carter.
4) just in time, the Islamic Republic collapses under the weight of its own mismanagement and Carter wins 47 states+DC
Then we all wake up to the soothing tones of Crystal Gayle on the AM dial, and realize it's November 1980, and we just hallucinated the last 44 years.
Wait, interest rates at WHAT? Also, where'd my XBox go?
It's time for Dem politicians to take a stand on something, and that something is, "who is the oldest possible candidate we can field?" That's right: Jimmy Carter.
he's only 99, not even going for a centenarian? typical democratic wishywashy nambypamby shit
It's the centrist compromise: a President who isn't 100 yet, but will be as President.
Carter would survive the whole term and then die peacefully in Plains with a hammer in his hand
Such a pity Walter Mondale isn't available to be his running mate. But Michael Dukakis is 90 years old and no doubt ready to spring into action.
Carter will turn 100 in October! (before the election)
Willie Nelson just got a clean bill of health. Cleanish. Just saying.
He’s the only Democrat in the field who successfully survived a contested convention
Jimmy Carter has been reported as "not awake every day" and I'd vote for him over Joe Biden because he sees Palestinians as human beings. The bar is so damn low and Joe could have made it! Even at 82! But alas! I'm being told to just ignore a whole ass genocide by American weapons and money!
And so you're going to do nothing to stop someone who wants to happily expand that genocide and harm your supposed allies. Brilliant plan, can't possibly backfire exactly like the last time the exact same thing happened
I'm putting pressure on the *current president of the United States* that if he would like to continue to be so, he needs to listen to his constituents who are asking for our country to stop funding the mass murder of little kids.
I support the new unity ticket. Harris / Manchin.
Man this would’ve been Joe Lieberman’s miment!
just once let me be angry with him in peace without having to counter 47 terrible arguments instead
I’ve had a stance for basically his entire presidency of “I hope he dies before the election, but if not, I’ll vote for him again,” and it’s really hard to feel like your opinions matter after sitting with that for several years.
I tell myself I'm less defending Biden but simply demanding people actually complete their thought processes
only libs make people think things thru Swole
It's the "one weird trick" theory of political change.
I laughed so hard a fart got out
you don't understand, you are LITERALLY supporting genocide by understanding the separation of powers.
Right. There is literally nothing that would be better if Biden lost, and very very very very very much that would be oh so much worse. And hey,I'm not even gonna argue any more about the brokered convention scenario-wtf do I know. If that happens, cool. If it doesn't, cool. Wish we could focus tho
You mean, it's frustrating stepping in a turd, which you can recognise, because if you dodge it you might drown in a cesspit?
It's got me going to bat for Kamala Harris. Please release me from this hell
honestly I think it's really funny to think about how she's probably slightly better. slightly. maybe.
At some risk of this being more copium than reality, she'd have room as Pres to separate herself from how Biden approached Israel. Whether she'd choose to use that...I have no idea. It's not like she's made her FP preferences known - and she really can't fight the admin on something like this as VP.
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I take more than two minutes to think this through
I don’t even know why they still make crazy pills.
Imo, shouldn't the fact that Biden's presidency is the most progressive administration in modern history be a good enough reason to defend its continuation?
A lot of people defending Barack Obama's record in 2012 felt the same way. Drone strikes on civilians, letting finance bros skate after the financial crash, offering to cut Social Security, Medicare, & Medicaid in budget talks; there was a lot to be mad about.
I'd argue that there was more!
Like, is systematically drone-bombing dozens of civilians (& even a few Americans) more or less a moral outrage than providing bombs & other munitions to another country & repeatedly impotently asking them not to use them to kill civilians? Yet we had to choose then, & we have to choose now.
I'm going to skip over arguing any one issue because it's a losing proposition to compare one tragedy/horror to another. I just mean that Obama was disappointing on more issues. Biden's administration keeps surprising me in good ways.
My general experience with Biden/his admin has been stress/worry followed by pleasant surprise it turned out better than expected and sometimes even good. With the very, very very glaring obvious exception that yes, darkens -everything- else.
I mean, other than the PPACA, Obama really didn’t make much progressive progress. Biden has done IRA, BIF, CHIPS, reinvigorated the labor department, unilaterally canceled massive amounts of student debt, cut oil leasing by 10x… In the face of as much or more pushback as Obama had.
choosing a genocide supporting candidate will get more genocide support or maybe don't vote for a genocide supporting candidate