
What a fuckin hellhole
Remember when you used to go to Twitter for news and you’d actually get news?
Wait, I'm sorry, so the story is that the ship hit the bridge because of diversity, and if cops had been there they could have stopped the ship hitting the bridge, but they were defunded, and also the bridge got hit because it was woke?
Yes, also Budlight did an ad with Dylan Mulvaney
If only there were cops stationed at Bud Light to prevent this
Only Sydney Sweeney and her bodacious anti woke killer jumbo yumyum honkahonkas can save us now.
Also, if a good guy with a gun had been there, he could have stopped this tragedy.
if Mark Wahlberg had been on that bridge, things would have gone down different
Please don't be so ignorant. The cops would have shot the boat to death, preventing it from hitting the bridge, but they weren't there to do so because of woke.
shooting at the center of mass to stop the suspect, as per training
*a single cop, tear streaming down his cheek, seeing the boat approaching the bridge, playing Candy Crush as hard as he can trying to prevent the collision*
No no, the cops would have knelt on the boat's neck in a deescalating fashion
Cops today couldn't to shoot the boat to stop it because the bote did DEI which means if they shoot the bott they'll be called racist and get arrested by George Soros DAs.
Why would they shoot the boat? Is the boat black?
They used to buy this for every new bridge but the budget got cut to fund DEI classes smh
We used to have gentleman bridges that would move out of the way of a ship (lady), but not anymore, because of woke
They could only afford the first edition
John Trimmer, upon publishing the first edition of his opus: "Aww fuck, I forgot to tell them about bridges!"
"Awww fuck, I forgot bridges can't read!"
i firmly believe anybody peddling this rhetoric should get SAW treatment (drillbit their brains)
You forgot about Sydney Sweeney. I'm not sure how she factors in, but it makes as much sense as all the other fake culture war nonsense they're spouting, so may as well include her too.
They used to have billboards mounted on the side of the bridge centered between the two support posts with Sweeney on them in a cleavage-revealing photo, so her woke-killing boobs naturally would steer the gaze and boat of any captain towards them and away from the posts.
If the bridge had big enough boobs, certainly it would've floated. Or at least everything else would still be erect.
Could have totally been diverted by a Sharpie.
Don't forget the mango orange rapistmobstercocaineaddictedGawd. He can save us all. 🤪
However, this is going to result in one hell of a Well There's Your Problem The God Damn News segment, which is always something to look forward to (unless it is about infrastructural disasters caused by societal decline, alas)
Am I going to hell, because that is the first thing I thought of too.
Most of all your last point: this stupid, woke bridge had it coming!
If the woke people didn’t defund the cops, the cops would have shot so many bullets at the boat that the boat would have deflected and missed the bridge.
The bridge was built in 1972, a famously woke year dominated by the Baltimore DEI cabal. Global shipping companies (who are smuggling the drugs/immigrants/crime/wokeness into our cities) have finally taken their wokeness too far! If Trump was there--a very fine pilot, the best--he would've fixed it.
If all the boat experts who are making fun of this had spent less time learning critical race theory and more time learning critical ship theory, they'd understand that a well-trained cop could've shot a hole in the hull and sank the ship sink before it hit the bridge.
Obviously the cops could have just shot and killed the ship to make it stop resisting.
Obviously the only thing to stop a bad guy with a ship is a good guy with a gun.
woke bridges are the worst bridges, amirite
Look, alls I’m saying is that if a good ol’ god-fearing white boy was in charge none of this would have happened
The impeccability of white supremacist logic once again shows itself
Well you just gotta make sure you only trust the people with verified accounts! *touches earpiece* Well that was a fucking idiotic decision
On top of that if you're a bluecheck and get a bunch of views you get $$$ from Musk so they're incentivized to post the craziest stuff imaginable.
Do these Geniuses somehow think that a ship registered to Sri Lanka would be manned by white guys for some reason? And the only reason why they had an Indian crew was Dei or something?
My son Braeden wasn’t even invited to pilot that ship from southeast asia, he has a 3.1 GPA he deserves it
My son heard about it, bowed his head and said “bridgekanda forever”
The captain of the boat was prevented from turning because the rest of the crew kept on snapping their fingers in protest over the captain saying he once visited Chick-fil-a.
My Kaelynnnn was 188th place to become captain of the ship. But then a woke person showed up and took 187th place. Clearly my little one had her job stolen from her.
Crew got confused because you have to call a ship they instead of she because of woke
This far into a shipping channel approaching a port, the boat was likely piloted by a local expert pilot. They are going to be devastated when it turns out that is was Frank Sobotka’s cousin that crashed the ship. Though it will be an opportunity for transvestigators.
You are heading in the wrong direction with the word „think“, I‘m afraid
“It should have been registered to British Ceylon!”