
Your regular reminder that I personally loathe Noam Chomsky for the reprehensible things he said in apologia for the Khmer Rouge - and has never really taken back. He was no friend to the Cambodian people. (Not to mention his stance on Ukraine).
Makes me sad that folks on the left like him, ngl.
It does indicate someone who perhaps has not done nearly as much research as they like to think they have
It's a bit funny because how quick the left usually is to cut people loose for failing purity tests, but there's always the few who manage to get into the state of grace where the test must be wrong.
Tbh the left is pretty fucking awful at enforcing the “supporting Russia/genocides committed by vaguely leftist seeming countries” purity test nowadays
I kind of got supporting Russia when it was a purportedly communist state, but now that it's basically a kleptocracy, what's the point?
I mean ... supporting Russia when it was a purportedly communist state was also really fucking dumb
I really, really winds me up with folks valorize the USSR. I really do not think most folks understand the sheer scale of horror and baseline violence society operated under, how totally pervasive the kleptocracy was, how incompetent it was, how vicious it was, or how nationalistic and expansionist.
Same here. It massively pisses me off
So much of ignorant baby leftist belief these days boils down to a baseline of “America always bad,” which then logically leads to “anyone opposing America always good,” which is how you get AnTi-iMpErIaLiStS supporting Russian imperialism.
it’s such utterly toddler-like logic
I know so many guys who did study abroad in St. Petersburg in the mid-00s and after mainlining propaganda for a year came home to teach us all about how Stalin was good actually and the crushing of the Hungarian uprising was necessary and moral.
Also it’s so infantilizing to run on the assumption that only America can truly influence world events
Very much denies agency to any actor but America. Which, yeah, not ideal.
And don't forget, "The U.S.S.R. fought Nazis in WWII, and Nazis are bad, thus is the U.S.S.R. is good." Which sure does ignore a WHOLE LOTTA HISTORY.
But somehow it doesn’t apply to the US.
Siri: what was the Winter War and the Continuation War? Who was the aggressor?
The "baby" part should be thoroughly emphasized as many of them don't even want to use critical thinking to come up with more nuanced solutions or answers.
I knew I was done on Twitter when some lefty people who clearly had never read any history were saying they wish there was a new Stalin.
Ok children. Grab your social media devices. your Task for today: Patriotism is a mental illness. Discuss.
That’s not true. No one believes “America always bad.” Everyone believes America can do better to live up to our promises and ideals.
I have seen people here say the Stasi wasn't as bad as the FBI and wasn't even a bad thing
(not to mean any defense of the FBI, just to be clear for those who might need it)
these idiots have *no fucking clue*
"oh, you just absorbed the propaganda of your day" no, I've known Russians. I spent three years in a relationship with a Romanian. I went to Germany a couple years after the wall fell and saw the difference still even in east Berlin
It was weird realising in East Berlin in 1993, there were still houses with bullet holes from machine gun fire. The one I saw on Rigaer Strasse in Friedrichshein looked in every way untouched since 1945. Plus the large bullet holes.
Oh, hell, you could still see the difference in 2004, when I was there. Mitte was very exciting, all kinds of new buildings and enterprises going on, but there were still a couple of ruined buildings from before the war that hadn't come down yet (although I'm sure they're all gone now).
Yeah I lived around Eastern European immigrants. My friends had family who had stories. I listened when they talked. I really listened when they thought I was asleep. Wasn't so hard, really.
The hammer and sickle crew are the most willfully stupid people in the country. Except for Trumpkins. Maybe.
They are *extremely* close to one another. Horseshoe taken to the extreme. I've been surprised to find acquaintances who were nostalgic for the old communist regime, switching to the far-right.
I’m also sick of the “Mao hated landlords!” takes that ignore the tens of millions of peasants he starved to death.
I was cute decades ago when people called themselves Maoist as an excuse for stealing labor in my grad school's polisci bookstore Not so much when they think he's a legit model because they've read millions of pages of theory and no history
That's because they like to imagine themselves IN it
Which ignores that half the Stasi was tasked with surveilling the other half (I know, oversimplification. but true)
The Stasi museum in Berlin is one of the most harrowing places I have ever visited…
They make themselves extremely easy to not take seriously
The ridiculous drive to identify a good guy when everyone sucks. US doing shitty things doesn’t mean our adversary is noble.
Now can y'all imagine how it winds me up? I was born in it. I grew up in it. It sucked!
my advisor grew up in the soviet union, he was in the science world so he played by a laxer set of rules (his beatles album that he bought on the black market with a month's salary would be confiscated but he wouldn't be thrown into prison for it, for instance), and it still sounded horrible
My aunt visiting from the Baltics to the USA in the 70s/80s broke down and cried when she saw American grocery stores, she couldn't believe it. An uncle was tortured by Soviets, and lived in paranoid fear in the USA thereafter. Just two small examples of many in my family. Really gets to me.
Yeah a friend's grandmother came over after friend's father from the former Soviet bloc. She made him spend literally days driving all over to grocery stores because she just couldn't believe the stores were real, and not state showpieces. I heard LOTS of these stories growing up in the 90s.
I visited my cousin in West Germany in the late 1980s and not only couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the 20 flavours in the ice cream parlour in her tiny Bavarian town, but also was amazed she could ask her teacher critical questions abt the material and not fear her parents would be fired
After the wall fell, my grandfather, who was a professor of chemistry--literally just chemistry, no defense contracts, nothing particularly special--and was approached by a middle-aged man who confessed that this man's whole job for years had been to spy on my grandfather. His whole job. For years.
That’s the thing that ppl today can’t really understand—the USSR wasn’t just oppressive, it was also just insanely deprived of all manner of goods that Americans took for granted. Everything was old, broken, and dirty.
It seems like East Germany was even worse than the Soviet Union in a lot of ways.
My grandfather had a story: he helped a lady he knew pick up her aunt who had gotten to the US from Hungary in the 50s - they drove in a car - they went to the store to pick up some stuff - and when the new arrival saw what was in the store, saw my grandpa had a car, asked the lady: "COMMISSAR???"
That's true, at the time only party functionaries had cars. On the other thing, that was about variety, not fully stocked shelves.