
***SCOTUS rules 6–3 that Trump is immune from prosecution for "official acts" during his presidency. NOTE: This does not sink Trump's prosecution altogether, because as Justice Barrett noted during argument, Trump is being prosecuted for many *unofficial* acts
Sotomayor: "Today’s decision ... makes a mockery of the principle, foundational to our Constitution and system of Government, that no man is above the law."
Uh, Roberts appears to say that you can't even use *evidence* related to a president's official acts when you're prosecuting him for unofficial acts?
Hmmm, the majority opinion says, in response to criticism, that *of course* you can point to the president's official public acts in a trial; you just can't "admit testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing the official act itself." (Sotomayor calls this "nonsensical")
So much righteous anger in Sotomayor's dissent: "It seems history matters to this Court only when it is convenient."
Jackson: "The very idea of immunity stands in tension with foundational principles of our system of Government."
Honestly, they should call a press conference at this point I mean why not
So are the Court's Republicans still Sotomayor's good friends? She was pretty adamant about that recently. Will she tell everyone that in the cafeteria at the prison Trump sends her to?
I'm glad the liberals are finally outright saying it. Took long enough.
Absolutely written by someone who understood both the gravity of the situation and that their writing would be heavily studied by future historians and students.
Don't forget to notice the cases she's citing there at the end.
By this, would the Nixon Tapes have been inadmissible?
I'm not one to overreact, but please, everyone, have your passports up to date and a plan. And please encourage your loved ones to do the same.
Not everyone can or has the ability to leave. I hate using the word "privileged" but in this case "get ready to leave" is a supremely privileged take. You're arguing to abandon millions of people and fuck off for your own sake. It's a trash take.
Who ever is not voting for Biden, because he is old: Please get lost!
i am extremely not a lawyer, but if a presidency could be "crippled" by having to consider not doing illegal things, maybe that's a good thing...?
Isn't that functionally just executive privilege?
Eh maybe not exactly but a similar idea. Like you can't have a special prosecutor ask him questions in private about an official act and then prosecute him in an unofficial act trial for his answers. That would encourage him to not answer the questions about his official act.
The morass this decision has created will haunt this country for decades. And it's a green light for Trump to prosecute Biden if he wins. And that's why our task remains exactly as it was at 9:59 AM. We have to stop Trump at the ballot box. There is no other choice.
Sotomayor: "Finally, the majority declares that evidence con- cerning acts for which the President is immune can play no role in any criminal prosecution against him."
This was written with surgical precision to get the just about the whole case tossed under the guise of “well we said you can prosecute him for some stuff, too bad you can’t prove it.”
Yes, this is the part that Barrett disagreed with (and why she only partially concurred).
Pence is no longer a witness. And the whole Jeffrey Clark thing was kosher.
Because John Roberts is a fully bought and paid for piece of human shit who hates working Americans and thinks we all must be completely subject to the whims of him and his friends
The “intended effect” is to shield Trump and install him as dictator.
Yup. That’s what the pundits on MSNBC have said about that passage
Genuine question, how can Biden abuse this? I know he won't but please do something just to fuck the court up, I am so upset
No “respectfully” damn she’s taking the gloves off
Taking the gloves off and holding up a sign: "With fear for our democracy, I dissent."
I'm no lawyer, but I kinda understand what they're trying to differentiate here. However, what if a POTUS makes up a "national security" excuse to, say, assassinate an opponent?
I expected something like this, but I actually feel sick to my stomach now. The Republic is lost, isn’t it? 😕
So if he accepts 20 million dollars to pardon someone, a core constitutional duty, he’s immune from prosecution? lol this country is really circling the drain.
I mean bribery is not even illegal if he receives the money after the pardon. Nothing to see here.
That’s just a little “thanks for the pardon” gratuity!
"Get yourself a little something nice, k?"
No signed, notarized quid pro quo agreement, no foul!
Unfortunately, I think the circling part is over.
As long as it's a gratuity and not a bribe...
"the President may not be a King, but the Supreme Court may be."
We gotta start doing 1775 style charicature cartoons of King Roberts
What this does do is allow trump's legal team to file a motion to determine what acts are official and thus protected, delaying everything out even further.
Exactly. The next round will simply make it back up to SCOTUS for each supposed unofficial act, which they’ll rule on narrowly in perpetuity. They know what they were doing here.
Perhaps Biden should have the 6 conservative judges whacked, nominate new judges, and call off the election in November.
Finally! Great idea. 💡 Thanks for this constructive comment!
Of course, the Democrats wouldn’t let him, but the Republicans would be impressed.
From my brief reading, they have broadened the range of official acts to such a degree that almost anything the President does is official, esp. since motivation and mental state may not be considered. If you can fire an AG for good reason, you can fire him for not breaking the law for you, too.
They sure seem to be counting HEAVILY on the fact that Biden is a good, honorable person. Personally, I kinda hope Biden asks his VP for advice on how to respond.
Is it bad that I hope MULTIPLE people are pointing out to Biden this morning that if he had packed the Court when we asked him to, this would not have happened?