🌈Leah, Smut Collector

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🌈Leah, Smut Collector


• Mistress of the Estate and its Minor Charges • Hospice Chaplain • Abortion Doula • she/her • Disaster Bisexual • South Side Best Side • Chicago • Petoskey •
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
Oh no I'm having feelings and they're not pleasant ones. Someone put a stop to this immediately
OH in nursing home "Mary I am not going to give you a packet of sugar." Mary: (Mumbling) "Mary no one is dying today." Mary (skeptical noises)
Forcing John Roberts into a recursive contradiction that tears reality apart by asking him if a Jan. 6 participant could sleep outside the Capitol the night before
This was always what set Barclay apart, they were all doing it but not with their coworkers
like YES i’m doing freaky sex shit on the holodeck but not with real people i know. come on now
Look, I'm not a highly paid consultant so I could be wrong, but I think that probably I am not the only person who has left the store dozens of times without the product I intended to buy because it was locked up and no one responded when I pressed the button
Walgreens will close a “significant portion” of its 8,600 U.S. locations over the next three years as it struggles to keep up with a rapidly evolving retail pharmacy industry, the company announced Thursday.
Walgreens to shutter many stores as profits tumblewapo.st The retail pharmacy giant expects to close a “significant portion” of its 8,600 U.S. locations over the next three years.
From now on I’ll call it the Julius Rosenwald Museum of Science & Industry. Rosenwald didn’t want his name on the museum but he gave what’s today $200 million vs. Kenneth C. Griffin’s $125 million. Also, the guy was so cool his former mansion was torn down in Highland Park to become a public park.
Look how they massacred my boy
Demolition in Detroit is completely out of control. They decided to tear this down AFTER THEY SAW THE GOFUNDME TO REPAIR IT. And Dabls FOUND OUT THE PLANNED DEMOLITION FROM A REPORTER. He had talked to the City earlier in the day and they didn’t tell him. www.metrotimes.com/arts/detroit...
Detroit orders emergency demolition of collapsed Dabls MBAD African Bead Museum buildingwww.metrotimes.com Owner Olayami Dabls hoped to raise $400k to repair a partially collapsed structure in the arts complex
17yo has fallen asleep on the red line multiple times this week. They were fine, except that they ended up back at 87th after turning around at 95th lmao. No one tell the terrified suburbanites.
scrolling by some targeted ad for a pet treat dispenser & hearing "roargia o'reefe" in a scooby doo voice in my head all the sudden
Man, twenty years ago when I told people I disliked John Hughes movies it was as if I had defecated in the punchbowl, and if I said it today I would be accused of clout-chasing. Dang ol’ moral arc of the universe is long but bends towards justice, I tell you whut.
there really was a time in American cinema when movies ended with Will Smith going "woo" and then rapping the plot of the movie you had just watched, this actually happened multiple times
Oh I thought that was over the end credits. Bring Back Original Rap Credits Summarising The Plot! RETVRN!
I've actually started wearing short sleeves and showing my tattoos in hospice visits and it has gotten UNIVERSALLY positive reactions from patients, families, and nursing home staff. One little old lady who is nonverbal likes to pet the chickadee on my upper arm like it's an actual pet bird.
Things I write that I’m too chicken to post 😵‍💫
I didn’t think I could get even hornier for baseball, but you truly learn something new every day
Japanese bodybuilder Naotaka Yokokawa pitching for baseball game.
Even more importantly, slutty swimsuit season. I wanna see you rockin one of these options, no knee length board shorts allowed
Look. I care about climate change a lot. I'm close to a single-issue voter on the subject! But we have GOT to stop worrying about what are, in the scheme of things, rounding errors. I hate, hate, hate this kind of personal-responsibility climate stuff, it's deeply counterproductive.
dudes love to say “fair enough” once it becomes clear you know more than them about the topic they’ve chosen to lecture you on
Help my tiny tiny baby who was just born last week is graduating today
plz help my Cybertruck won’t start
Of all the subreddits and various online communities - I confidently assert the fringes of Strava may be the most insane subsegments of humanity
I love how Instagram tossed the still photographers who helped make the platform in the dumpster in favor of TikTok clone content and are then happy to rummage the dumpster for creative material to steal for their nasty little image machines
There are a lot of benefits to normalizing masking, but what really drives it home is that i spend a lot of time smelling poop at work and masking takes like 65% of the poop smell away.
It is extremely funny to me that i just got these two things in the same Amazon package.
Oh hey, it's the piano that turns you into Tom Waits
Good morning