Philip Marks

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Philip Marks

I made it. I love my dog. I lost some fingers. I hate this country. Aspiring artist 🤙 he/him

Hit me up for pet portraits or other commissions 🙏🎨 message me for my discord or email

Prints available here:
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MARIO: my name a wario. im a evil. waaaahhhh WARIO: thats a not how i sound
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks
Do you want to make a real, actual difference in the world and in your community? Help track down the list of empty homes being sold between shell corporations. I have a place to start :)
“The housing crisis has left homeless people sleeping in the doorways of luxury apartments, while hundreds of thousands of homes lie empty…Action on Empty Homes support communities taking over abandoned houses in their area, strong steps towards a rebalancing of access” - Isaac Bell Holmström
Community ownership and the anarchist path to housing - Freedom Construction is not the cure for the housing crisis, no matter what election promises claim
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks
#MutualAidRequest Please share or help if you can 💸💕 Thank you 🤗
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks
Is a banana a sandwich if you eat the peel?
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks
Timid D
huh, turns out Tenacious D were never tenacious after all
Is a banana a sandwich if you eat the peel?
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks
[touches earpiece] folks,,, you are never gonna believe this. RONALD REAGAN IS DEAD 🥳
hey just wanted to check in and see how Ronald Reagan is doing. asking for a friend
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks
The instinct to defend celebs is weird...
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks
had to get a new microwave. the last time this microwave came down i noticed someone had glued two dimes in there to level out the microwave. i added the appropriate text. delighted to see it again, i forgot there were actual coins in the mix.
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks
Please help if you can! 😊❤️❤️❤️
Hi Link and friends :) My mom and I could use help for groceries and bills and weeds $LaurenMcKenziest 💜 ca,v,pp
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks
It takes a lot of balls to say something like this.
Scrotum care *is* skin care, losers.
Does anyone remember the TI 83 game, PIMP? I was describing it the other day and it felt like a fever dream
It's almost 4:20 Drink some water?
Gonna watch a film called Addicted to Fresno with Judy Greer, Aubrey Plaza, and Natasha Lyonne
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks
some people’s posts give off carpeted bathroom vibes
Pushing little children With their fully automatics They like to push the weak around
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks
Sketched again on bigger paper (done for tonight)
Another sketch.
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks
Sketched again on bigger paper (done for tonight)
Another sketch.
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks
Had to explain to a family member today how high Covid transmission is in hospitals and how few mitigations (if any) are in place and they were genuinely appalled. I think people really don't know and are assuming there would be masks if it were necessary.
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks
Ok folks time for a classic Fredo Participation Thread™: Reply to this to receive a weapon for the upcoming Soup Wars
I got some of those voice buttons for Taco and he has successfully used the "treat" and "outside" buttons on his own ☺️ it took 2 days
I just had some greens with balsamic and an apple. Please clap
People are going to hate watch the rnc so they can post bad jokes about it, aren't they? Woot
Reposted byAvatar Philip Marks