Matt Graham

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Matt Graham

Political Scientist. Beliefs, polarization, democracy, measurement error.
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EPSA folks! Interested in how threats of violence affect who runs for office? I will be presenting new experimental research on this on Saturday at 10am in MP5-Rom, together with a great panel dedicated to violence and political behavior. Polisky
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For the millionth time: Asking people how they think they were affected doesn’t tell you jack shit about whether they were actually affected! NYT can’t keep getting away with this! See paper from
absolutely incredible framing. in ten car pile up seven drivers survive
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Reposted byAvatar Matt Graham
One of our favorites! Action Comics No. 12. May, 1939. Clark Kent comes upon the aftermath of a car crash that kills a friend of his. As Superman, he takes to the airwaves and declares a... wait for it... war on cars.
Superman, welcome to the war on cars
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Polisky: what are some comparative politics journals with good turnaround times & friendly to work on bureaucratic performance? Asking for a grad student who could use an R&R before the fall market
Reposted byAvatar Matt Graham
The highly pro-inflammatory and pervasive microplastics and nanoplastics: previously found in arteries and associated with increased in heart attacks and strokes, now in all human testes that were assessed.
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Reposted byAvatar Matt Graham
Every article about Red Lobster filing for bankruptcy is "ha ha endless shrimp, what did they think would happen" and then buried ten paragraphs down is the usual:
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Cornell's encampment ends, voluntarily, after 2.5 weeks of being more or less left alone by uni admin. A marked contrast to Dartmouth, Columbia, etc. Too bad peaceful ends to peaceful encampments don't make national news. Grossly distorts public perception.
Coalition for Mutual Liberation Voluntarily Ends To close out a two-and-a-half-week encampment, approximately 250 supporters surrounded the original
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A very fun Five Boro Bike Tour yesterday, partially because it was great to experience 40 miles of car-free city streets and highways but mostly because my 11-year-old son finished the entire thing! Thanks Bike New York for a wonderful event we’ll remember forever.
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Voting is a choice between alternatives We don't see young voters flipping based on views of Israel-Hamas conflict Those who want Israel to stop military actions in Gaza choose Biden at similar rate to young voters overall (And Biden's approval decrease among young may be more related to economy)
MI/PA/WI are even Majorities rated state economy badly four years ago during pandemic Evaluating Trump today, voters focus on pre-pandemic economy; many feel they'd be better off financially with him But Trump/Biden elicit more worry than confidence, lots of anger
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Wow. "Mass Reproducibility and Replicability: A New Hope" "We uncover coding errors for about 25% of [econ/ps] studies." "52% of re-analysis effect size estimates are smaller than the original published estimates"
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A lot of the current POTUS race narrative is likely being driven by low propensity voters. If you shift from "hasn't voted in last 3 elections" to "has voted in all 3 of last elections" it goes from Trump 44 Biden 26 to Trump 39 Biden 50
Reposted byAvatar Matt Graham
And from the same survey: -78% said the benefits of vaccinating dogs out weight the risk -84% said their dog(s) were up to date on vaccinations (5% unsure, 11% said they were not)
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So if you have any doubts at all about vaccines and cognitive issues, you might see "cannot cause" and just choose the other one. These results do not in any meaningful sense mean that 37% of all dog owners think vaccines cause dog autism.
Everybody needs to read this, & then stop demanding that people to do Bonferroni when it's not appropriate (Mark has at least one other good paper on this topic as well)
New article from me: “Inconsistent multiple testing corrections: The fallacy of using family-based error rates to make inferences about individual hypotheses” Open access: #Stats #Methodology
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Reposted byAvatar Matt Graham
Would anyone be willing to discuss 2 comparative interest groups papers at MPSA on Sunday at 8? The discussant pulled out and the participants are traveling internationally to attend.
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Beware the temptation to downplay the authoritarian threat. Could be president again in 294 days.
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CONCLUSION -Misinformation & harmful language *are* related in important ways- but not so strongly related that harmful language is a useful diagnostic for info quality -Shows opportunities to integrate largely disconnected strands of research & understand psychological connections
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Reposted byAvatar Matt Graham
If the US is serious about protecting people’s data from ending up in the hands of foreign adversaries, Congress should toss out the TikTok ban and instead pass comprehensive data privacy legislation to prevent the collection of data in the first place.
Congress Should Give Up on Unconstitutional TikTok Congress’ unfounded plan to ban TikTok under the guise of protecting our data is back, this time in the form of a new bill—the “Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications
Deadline March 28 --- tell your students & recent grads!
Student paper competition with a cash prize. Open to undergraduates, grad students, & recent grads from CT, NY, NJ, and PA Cosponsored by NYAAPOR and, two regional chapters of AAPOR
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I recommend pairing this excellent Pew study with this paper about diversity among opt in online sample providers we were discussing last week, as I think they illustrate some important trade offs in research related to why people answer surveys 1/
We just released a new analysis about the potential for opt-in surveys -- those where people volunteer to take surveys -- to provide misleading results, especially for young adults and Hispanics
Online opt-in polls can produce misleading results, especially for young people and Hispanic We examine how an opt-in poll may have unintentionally misled the public about the sensitive issue of Holocaust denial among young Americans.
Great to see debunk the recent misinfo about Holocaust denial among young people.
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From the New Yorker Profile of President Biden
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once again begging everyone to stop asking "would you be more/less likely to vote for CANDIDATE if THING" questions, which tell you a lot more about pre-existing views of CANDIDATE and THING than anything about how many people would actually change their minds
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No-one has ever been able to replicate Gregor Mendel's observations of pea plants. They're a little "too perfect", lacking even random statistical noise that would have been expected from small sample sizes. The big question: was it scientific fraud? (Art: Harald Ritsch)