Tom Hawkins

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Tom Hawkins

You could call on Lady Day; you could call on John Coltrane
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Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
Reposted byAvatar Tom Hawkins
so... here is the survey! it's for parents of boys aged 9-12 in England, and asks about HPV vaccine intentions. please complete or share
N: Kiruna S: Guangzhou E: Shanghai W: Seattle Fun fact: The purpose of travelling to two of these places was to play the triangle
Furthest I've been: N: Tromso, Norway S: Te Anau, NZ E and W: Guam
Reposted byAvatar Tom Hawkins
I think the problem with the wizard is once a political party or campaign introduces one to elections, it is really hard to get the fucker out again. I think this is essentially the legacy of the 2019 election and its impossible promises from Johnson.
I’m pretty sure that driving for people who don’t habitually break speed limits will, in fact, be the same.
Are ‘speed limiters’ – now mandatory on new vehicles in Europe – the death knell of driving as we know it?: Driving in the U.K. and on the continent will never be the same. We’re sure to see similar measures in North America
Are ‘speed limiters’ – now mandatory on new vehicles in Europe – the death knell of driving as we know it? Driving in the U.K. and on the continent will never be the same. We’re sure to see similar measures in North America
I believe knows ships
Any 18th-century ship experts out there? I am trying to understand how big this ship is. Built 1758-1760, tonnage 150, standardized tonnage 272.3 (data from If anyone knows any images of ships that might be comparable, I'd be very grateful!
Reposted byAvatar Tom Hawkins
Every single picture I see of Lee Anderson, I’m left thinking there’s a flat roof pub that doesn’t serve away fans somewhere in the north of England missing a landlord.
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My favorite tried-and-true resistance tactic: Being Extremely Fucking Annoying.
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I unexpectedly find myself with FOUR spare copies of Sticky. So, it's giveaway time! TWO available here and TWO on Mastodon. Open to all 🌍 To go in the draw for one, reply to this post with this emoji: 🦎followed by your favourite sticky or slippery thing! Winners chosen 48hrs from now. GO! ( fyi 👩‍🔬🧪)
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Gemini: It's time. Raise an army of scorpions and destroy everyone who has hurt you and never asked to be forgiven.
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Absoltuely zero tolerance for doomers today. Reform vote was a protest vote after the most catastrophic few years for the country, but it's a dysfunctional "party" and will remain marginal. Meanwhile as many far right MPs (Mogg, Galloway, Truss, Baker) are out as Reform gains. Labour might have
Reposted byAvatar Tom Hawkins
Harriet Harman wearing a necklace made of the C2 vertebrae of defeated Tory MPs.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Hawkins
Arcane experiments to probe the very limits of the universe conducted in a crypt. Mysterious machines funded by a bankrupt postwar government as a critical priority. An entire cathedral then built atop the abandoned crypt. Quatermass? No, Liverpool.
The legacy of Liverpool’s forgotten synchrocyclotron – Physics The University of Liverpool’s synchrocyclotron helped define physics in the 20th century, yet little trace of it remains. Rob Lea looks into the history of this lost machine
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To my UK followers, don’t put off voting today. All indications are that this is a done deal. Even so, in some constituencies a handful of votes could make all the difference. Vote with your conscience, vote tactically, whatever. And don’t forget your ID!
Reposted byAvatar Tom Hawkins
Ok everyone. Let’s not fuck this up. After 14 years, 5 abysmal prime ministers, a shitload of contempt, lies, corruption and total steaming uselessness… we need to tell these Tories what we think. Our vote is our voice and we should use it. Or nothing will change. Get. Them. Out.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Hawkins
Combining all of the MRPs, there aren't very many seats that they all think are staying Tory. There are: Drumroll Drumroll ELEVEN
Reposted byAvatar Tom Hawkins
Happy birthday to #physicist Harriet Brooks (1876 - 1933) who discovered atomic recoil, Radon & recognized radioactive elements could undergo chains of transmutations into a series of new elements.👩🏼‍🔬🎢🐡🧪⁠#histsci ⁠ She was Rutherford’s 1st grad student at McGill. After publishing her results 🧵1/n
Reposted byAvatar Tom Hawkins
Seriously, fellow British peeps, go and vote on the 4th. Don't take it for granted that the Labour landslide victory is a done deal and your vote doesn't matter. Brexit was such a catastrofuck because half the people who had a right to vote on it couldn't be arsed because OBVIOUSLY it was done deal.
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Illustration for this weekend
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"Haven't been camping for a while, should get some refreshers from AI."
Reposted byAvatar Tom Hawkins
This is the kind of number that is so obviously wrong (*fourteen times*?) that I had to look up the original source. The report being quoted cites a meta-review, but when you look up the original paper it says... this lmao
Maybe the real AI was the data management we did along the way
Are you KIDDING ME? This is exactly what they've been selling! The whole thing is that AI is meant to magically change your business!
Reposted byAvatar Tom Hawkins
Soliciting #kidlit book recs for my 10yo advanced reader. She has LOVED the Brave New Girls series. Now she wants full-length sci-fi about “girls using their brains to solve problems.” 10yo is extremely earnest—no snarky narrators, please. Doesn’t need to be cozy, but nothing too “scary”, either.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Hawkins
Reading a novel or watching a film is already an interactive process, active not passive. It’s how we can watch or read the same story multiple times and react to it differently each time, or deepen our engagement. We already “choose our own adventure.”
The “Oliver Cromwell” character was based on the real-life Hector Protector, obvs.
Such songs exist, though.
Pleasingly sigmoid
Made a quick-and-dirty cumulative graph to help work out peak declaration hours. <2am: 10% of seats 2-3am: 20% 3-4am: 35% 4-5am: 25% 5am and onwards: last straggling 10%, nail-biting recounts, etc.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Hawkins
How dads comment on someone leaving the lights on, around the world...   5. It’s like the Blackpool illuminations in ’ere (UK English) 4. Are we living in Bethlehem? (Croatian) 3. We’re not in Versailles (French) 2. Is it Diwali again? (Hindi) 1. Was your grandpa Nikola Tesla? (Serbian)
This is touching and I think absolutely true.
whoooooooooo wants to read 2,000 words on crushing loneliness and unexpectedly getting really into art?
So this. They deserve it.