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Reposted byAvatar dxpack
Absolutely right! As long as we discount the extraordinary levels of violence both sides generate, promote, and benefit from when that violence is directed outside the U.S. But when we think only of ourselves, there is a clear difference between the two.
Are we pretending Biden’s political agenda is not also violence by making arbitrary nationalist distinctions to flatly discount Biden’s slaughter of Palestinians?
Is it the same awkward spot as those Democrats who insist Trump is the beginning of fascism and the end of democracy, while thankful he’s doing fine?
My timeline has been full of people telling me another Trump presidency is the end of everything, including Trump assassinating enemies. Does #1 apply? Will it be the end of everything but that’s ok as long as we don’t do assassination before he gets in? Or is my timeline full of fear mongering?
Not only that, it’s just bullshit. Facebook has been caught multiple times intentionally using their tech to manipulate people. It wasn’t accidental or complex - it was financially lucrative.
When was US big-media political journalism on a righteous road (or whatever you want to call the opposite of shameful and disgusting)?
“He once said he plans to die there” We really should be doing everything we can to help get him there as soon as possible.
Biden did not get pulled left - he remains a firm center-right politician. It’s more likely that Sanders and some of the squad have simply decided Biden is the best option to beat Trump. A reasonable position to have.
Biden’s policies don’t need supermajorities because his policies are right wing.
It’s completely deniable because it’s absolute nonsense.
No there wasn’t. It is true.
Especially considering most of those Republicans (22%) are going to vote for him anyway.
Reposted byAvatar dxpack
Anyone keeping track of the narratives pushed by law & order centrists during the pandemic that have disintegrated? I've got the shoplifting panic, cops quitting because of protesters, progressive DAs ushering in new age of crime & violence, bail reform = more crime . . . Others?
This narrative has been pushed by heterodox types for years. It never made much sense.
Reposted byAvatar dxpack
I'd be shocked if data came back showing a new desire for Biden to step down is a top down phenomenon. Every relatively normal (non political junkie) Dem I talk to, every one, thinks the debate showed Biden needs to step aside. NY Times coverage is annoying, but the debate created this.
Reposted byAvatar dxpack
Simultaneously humiliating Macron AND Le Pen? Oui, s'il vous plaît.
For every one of those there will be nine who grow up to smack their own kids in the face, just like dad.
“Banning non-competes” How’s that report from Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court doing? Does it have enough dust yet, or do we need to send more money so it can sit on a shelf for four more years? That’s the strategy right? Let them roll us, and then campaign on how we just got rolled.
Reposted byAvatar dxpack
The entire genre of dancehall (more or less) came about when a reggae producer repurposed a "rock" beat he accidentally discovered on a casio kid's toy keyboard. People recently discovered the long-anonymous Japanese woman who programmed the beat was in fact a huge reggae fan and scholar.
Okuda Hiroko: The Casio Employee Behind the “Sleng Teng” Riddim that Revolutionized Reggaewww.nippon.com The “Sleng Teng” riddim revolutionized reggae music in the mid-1980s, and has spawned hundreds of versions in the decades since then. Less well known is the story of how the distinctive bassline origi...
Oh well, for a second I thought we might have gotten better footing towards a meaningful discussion. Apparently you just want to argue.
I did interpret your statement as related to the efficacy of protests. If my interpretation was wrong, then I think my question is: If not the success of a protest, what do you think the benefit would be if the media reported on it “better”?
You stated it was the underlying issue. I agreed you’re right it *is* an issue - but the *underlying* issue is that electeds have minimal need to care. From there you just went straight to arrogance and stupidity. Why? Who knows.
You want to latch onto my use of the word “elected reps” (in the U.S. context), and then say “ah ha! There are none of those in dictatorships!” Are you daft? What’s an elected in the US? A person with power to address the issue of a protest. Do dictatorships have people with power? Hmmm
One group who cannot actually implement a change to address an issue you are protesting is the media. In the US or anywhere. They could be useful, to increase pressure on the people with the literal power to address the protested issue - but, that has proven ineffective in the US.
In the US, the elected official, particularly Democrats, know they rarely need to do anything beyond lip service towards a protest, and they will be re-elected anyway. In dictatorships, the media is just PR for the dictators - even less of the “underlying” issue.
Now, you’ll probably just respond with some random new context, and that will be unfortunate. I think this could have been, or maybe still could be, an interesting discussion. But you’ve wanted to turn it into a stupid fight for some reason. That’s too bad.
But can he stay if all he does is dissent with his full heart?