
Do you remember literally anything about how Michelle Obama was treated when she was a live political figure and not just a warm memory of a better time?
And I will continue to raise my eyebrow at this comparison because at no point has Michelle Obama sought high-level power in the American political system.
If a dark-skinned woman who is a descendent of slaves were openly fighting to be president of the United States she would not be beloved by all, even if she were Michelle Obama.
You can't even convince a moderate Republican that she is even a woman. People across the spectrum still complain that she cared about having kids eat a healthier diet.
They even complained about her having a bestselling book!!! A fucking book, something I never thought anyone could possibly find objectionable in the slightest.
If Michelle Obama was running I would fully expect Hannity or Jesse Waters to drop a c word on air, she might be the only woman they hate more than Hillary.
Well, except that they secretly believe Michelle is a man.
Christ I have been seeing Republicans claiming that she's a man for like 15 years I mean even if it were true it shouldn't be disqualifying but alllllll of the haters would come out and be loud if she were running
They called her a monkey while she was First Lady!!!! Jesus.
They might even gin up some nonsense about, oh I dunno, a terrorist fist-bump say. As a hypothetical. Obviously.
I almost had a stroke reading some piece abt Trump rally goers saying the Obama years were good and she would be a good candidate—she was pilloried for saying kids should eat some veggies! The second she would announce just back to all the racist crap of that period.
No matter how much I like her, I assume that once she entered a race then if she was not a perfect campaigner the same sorts of complaints would begin.
She’s a great speaker who also has had a luxury basically no other nationally famous dem did, which is the ability to simply leave the conversation anytime an inter-dem fight broke out
The right is already incredibly vicious towards her, and the usual suspects on the left would join them as soon as she put out a policy platform
what we need is a candidate who is somehow continually slightly too far away for cameras or microphones to pick up clearly but the images and tone seem nice
People do like to lie to themselves when they bring up this point. Same sentiment whenever Oprah enters the chat.
This is like how Hilary had pretty good approval ratings, except for when she was actively running for an office. The act of running changes people’s perceptions!
The act of running, which includes opponents making you a specific target! Which has a negative impact on people’s perceptions!
Especially women. Especially Black women. Ambition is a sin.
michelle obama has literally never held high public office what the shit is this. might as well insert oprah here
I don't think the US needs any more political dynasties either.
why do so many people feel like everything political needs to revolve around a few families of Cool Guys and why were some of them in charge of the Star Wars sequel trilogy
Seems like everyone suggesting Michelle Obama is doing so because they need to not appear racist after saying Harris should step aside for (waves hand) unlikeableness, but none of them can think of any other Black women. Kind of damning.
I'm guessing most of these people hate Harris because she's a Black woman who's proximate to power. Which explains why they like Michelle Obama: her husband's no longer the sitting president and, as Bouie's pointed out, she's not seeking office.
Michelle Obama has in fact said repeatedly she does not want anything to do with any of that.
And she easily COULD!
My god the terrorist fist bump, for starters?
People were taking the most revolting photos of her in order to prove that Obama's wife was a "t****y" and thus his kids were getting molested. She was only behind Obama and the Pope in racist lunatic's lists of antichrist candidates.
Or how she's still being portrayed by right-wing media going on 15 years because if nothing else right-wing strategists have thought about this possibility since 2008?
Don't know if all these ppl were around 16 years ago when rumors circulated, never borne out, of a "whitey tape"
Only now they can easily make a deep fake!
If only we had a recent example of a how a former first lady who was reviled by conservatives was received when she ran for president in her own right
Even now, staying completely out of the spotlight, conservatives attack her all the time.
I know a white woman who has held a grudge Michelle for saying that she was “proud" of America for the first time in her adult life during the first Obama campaign in ‘08. Obviously if Michelle had never said that, said white woman would simply find another reason…
Has anyone mentioned Michelle Obama probably does not want be involved in politics as a politician? I am pretty sure most say* she is fine with getting out/ encouraging the voters to vote. If she was okay with running, she'd done so before now. *articles state
That is... Running for any office. She supposedly rased their daughters by strongly discouraging them from getting involved in politics. Again: from articles
Considering how she was treated by the right wing from 2008-17, I can't blame her in the least.
That is one of the main reasons I would think. To be honest, I think there are plenty of morons who still joke about her. But, it is weird that she more than Obama had administrative experience as a lawyer. She might be good. However, we should respect her for not wanting to run for any office.
This woman had the radical agenda of, "Maybe school lunch could be a little healthier?" and the response to that was probably more unhinged than any MAGA bullshit since 2016.
Just hanging this up as a backdrop to your arguments about which hypothetical candidates are obviously more popular than Biden or Harris
when you're not brave enough to say Harris seems uppity but Madame Obama is more our type of Black woman, uh huh
I remember it was controversial when she took the position that school children should *checks notes* eat healthy food.
I remember some really awful racist and anti trans bigotry