Marie M.

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Marie M.



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A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
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Public librarian here. Please do what you can to help keep these fuckers away from power. 📚
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
The poor cat is so SAD because he's been ABANDONED by MOTHER and he will not stop YOWLING (am in bed with Covid. K has been taking care of him. Even got him the fancy cat food, keeps chatting to him, but apparently Billy feels the service is inadequate or something)
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Not trying to armchair diagnose or anything, but a whole lot of people who are constantly screaming at other people about Causes on social media exhibit A LOT of behaviors that would make me put them on moral injury burnout leave if they were T&S agents I was managing
I am frankly not much use to anyone - friends, family, anyone I might use what resources I have to help - if I am constantly living in a black hole of despair and neither, I think, is anyone else
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the year is 2027. i log on and is asking for its 400 gold per week since i'm 16k in gold debt. i don't have it all bskyttrpg!! a drone flies into my room and tasers me. i wake up and hobble over to to see if anyone's willing to play 5 minute blitz for
Reposted byAvatar Marie M.
This is a good point. Hey, cishet authors who threw in a queer character or two because it seemed trendy? This means you, too! Start caring, or that gay you buried is going to be what buries you.
I get the double whammy of being a creator of queer media and a library worker who provides access to "pornography" like a picture book of two men holding hands. For the record, I'm not queer. So if you think "I'm not queer so this won't affect me," you're a fucking walnut
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It’s so undelightful when people you like dislike each other a lot
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Someone in San Antonio, TX reached out to me today because she has a sweet, magical boy with FIV who desperately needs a home ASAP. In fact, he's so sweet that his name is Sweet Boy. Look at that face - he obviously just wants love! 💔 (continued with more info)
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Pass it on with alt text
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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where do we go, when we go on the computer?
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Gotta change the name of the band to Irresolute D.
I need an x-ray on my bruised leg but can't go to the hospital bc COVID+ and I'm being a big, whiny baby about it all. Somehow, K is still taking care of me and hasn't complained once and OMG now I'm crying?? Because I don't have to do this alone anymore?? Alone was HARD. We all just need care.
Longing for a new Leuchtturm dotted journal, which I will forget to use after 3-5 days
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Here is your Monday Moss. More specifically, a little forest of moss sporophytes - the capsules at the top of the red stalks contain the spores.
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I’m still not over the fact that 11 years ago I watched a guy parachute from space to earth, and imagined it would be one of those moments we never forget, and everyone kinda forgot it happened
I Jumped From Space (World Record Supersonic Freefall) What does it **really** feel like to jump from space? In 2012 Felix Baumgartner took a helium balloon into the stratosphere and skydived back to earth in a s...
Covid tip: don't catch Covid
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I would like to live in uninteresting times for a wee bit
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It seems like every pleasantry in an email is now an insult or inappropriate. Cool. Finally free to express the real me, and close every email with ‘stop emailing me,’
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Imagine the looks you’d get if you told someone in 2003 that Donald Trump would break up Tenacious D
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When Nora Met Nettle 📷 Kathy Street
Some of my moots aren't appearing in my Following list at all and I'm missing posts from people I care about. 😔 Boo to this, boo I say
Yeah, definitely an oak tree. They don't have social media.
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Hey, uh, just your regular reminder that if the people you follow make this website worse for you, you can just like... unfollow them & then go eat a pear.
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so like being real here: it’s important for us to carry each others stories because in the possible scenario that fascism radicalizes in the US not all of us are gonna make it. This is what Milan Kundera means by “the struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.”