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understands English and German
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Oh my god they dont even work in fortnite
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My friend Jon showing the length of an Andean Condor primary flight feather. They have a few here at the lodge. 🪶🌿🧪
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Look, I really need you lot to stop this. this ain't it. not as a way of getting at Usha Vance, not as sarcasm, not as anything else. and if you really can't, go do it in a place that isn't my mentions. some of y'all really need to understand where the line is sometimes
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a beautifully preserved fossil* of the Henson Aerial Carriage (Vaporavis Brittanicus). these can occasionally be found in shale deposits in the South of England (* actually a printer’s block, circa 1840)
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As much as I'm anti-Shapiro for VP, this is a strong sentiment, as much it kills the vibe lmfao
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are you a journalist who needs to interview a handsome transgender redneck who was forced to flee his homeland in the southeast because of GOP policies and who hates Trump with a passion? Reach out today.
It would not be hard for them to find reeneck-presenting rural Appalachian people who love Dems and hate Trump to run the opposite version of this story! I know a few I could introduce them to if they can't find them on their own
"Maybe the clinical efficiency of my rage was hampered by my current inability to carry out percussive maintenance on the fucking thing." - Machine by Elizabeth Bear
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it is time for Dems in Array Behind Kamala call, write, email, fax, post loudly on the internet - she will be the nominee and she will win in November
BRB calling my elected officials right now and asking them to immediately support Kamala Harris
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Just want to point out that the main political goal of Republicans right for the past five years is trying to convince you that their opponents are strange weirdos and now they’re doing it with Donald Trump and a guy who fucks furniture
I'm normally against kink-shaming, but I seriously think the Democrats should start calling J.D. Vance "the Couch Lover."
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THIS. Fighting with people online is not doing the work. Posting is not doing the work unless you're posting to organize people to take specific action to protect the vulnerable and/or put pressure on the political process.
Today goes to the pundits. You won. Bully for you Tomorrow we don’t do online activism—we take actual action in the community. Pick a cause and stick with it. Postcards. Talking to neighbors. Fundraising. Crawl up your rep’s butt and stay there until we get forward motion Head down. Do the work.
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*Allied planning meeting, Pacific theatre* Allied Command: We need a way to keep up morale among the troops fighting a relentless enemy in tropical heat. Any ideas? US Navy Rep.: Floating Ice Cream Factory! Royal Navy Rep.: Floating Brewery! USN: ... RN: *chugs rum ration* What?
HMS Menestheus - Guide 395youtu.be The Menestheus, a minelayer and some-time brewery of the British Royal Navy, is today's subject.Read more about the ship here:https://www.amazon.co.uk/Beer-T...
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I don't know who needs to hear this, but if you get those cool biodegradable business cards that are embedded with wildflower seeds, they will not let you into Australia.
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It's hard not to think about the wurst case scenario.
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Exactly two brain cells, and both of them are chanting "murder."
We owlposting, here's Hamish, look at him, he's never experienced a thought in his entire life
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Just discovered another cool thing about Bluesky’s nuclear block: if someone replies to a post of yours to scam/spam those reading it, you can block the person and remove the spam for everyone 🎉
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This is being presented as 'feelgood' and charming, when it is actually the most dystopian thing I've seen in quite some time. And that's a high bar to clear. www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmil...
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"Oho! You won't see ME paying full price!" // Wondermark #1549; A Bargain at Any Price
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In "In the Moon's House," Dawn struggles to fit in with the rest of her team—the backup crew for the next lunar mission—but she and her colleagues may have more in common than anyone realizes… This story is part of the SILENT SPACES collection. Back it at www.kickstarter.com/projects/mar... (3/3)
Silent Spaceswww.kickstarter.com Silent Spaces is a collection of short stories from Mary Robinette Kowal's award-winning Lady Astronaut series!
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Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
Reposted byAvatar R_Kraft
Sticker Mule is Tr*mp trash. Use StickerApp or Sticker Robot or Zug Monster or literally anything else
I found out last week that SM are Trumpets, and despite me using them once a month for years, it was a really easy decision to say nope, never again. And I would then to tell them exactly why they lost my business.
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Since I'm thinking a lot about gender and masculinity lately (and I swear I need to just fire up the laptop and log into DreamWidth and write an essay): there is - correctly - widespread understanding that toxic masculinity is bad, and a pretty solid understanding of what that is. HOWEVER. 1/?
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wine mom memes about what would ordinarily be treated like a horrible tragedy...there's something in the air and it isn't good for the Trump ticket
my mom put this in my whole family group chat last night
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just a reminder that this behavior sucks and writers shouldn't do it
Had another author tell me they were happily using AI for book covers and hey let’s not okay? Let’s not do that.
Reposted byAvatar R_Kraft
Hee hee, look at the stray little tufts! This young one kept chirping outside my dining room/office window until I finally stopped what I was doing to look. And there it was, sitting on the suet feeder politely requesting some food. (American Robin) #birds 🌿