Farty Pants

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Farty Pants


we must imagine sisyphus happy
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Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
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Discworld QOTD, from Witches Abroad
Discworld QOTD, from Moving Pictures "Ordinary laziness was merely the absence of effort. Victor had passed through there a long time ago, had gone straight through commonplace idleness and out on the far side. He put more effort into avoiding work than most people put into hard labour."
Just found the biggest morel I have ever seen in my yard
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Came across this again and it cracks me shit up every time.
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Thinking we have a profanity problem when in actuality we have a motherfucker problem.
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Comrade Linus ✊✊
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Every single person in any position of power would gladly slit their grandma's throat if they thought it'd make them a buck. Government, business, doesn't matter. Each and every one somehow manages to be the biggest piece of shit you've ever seen even if you've seen the others.
Bird cherry, first thing flowering in the woods
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In honour of May Day, we have seized the means of production! We make all of our stuff in our studio on 3d printers -- some of which are of our own design and construction. It's post-industrial design, if you think about it.
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A client asked me recently: what is leadership? I had to stop and think. Because what matters to leaders is unique to each one. But after some mindfulness work, I had a powerful realization. Leadership is when you [PRESS BUTTON] and [RECEIVE PELLET]. It's a powerful lesson for us all.
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Reposted byAvatar Farty Pants
If he be sick with joy, he’ll recover without physic.
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so much of the pronoun bullshit is just people being angry at being asked to treat others with a basic level of respect you don't have to understand gender dysphoria or being nonbinary or neopronouns to just... respect people's wishes about how they want to be addressed
games released when I was 12? you don't wanna know what I used to do for quarters...
I'm sorry to say the lemming on the satellite is no longer available, as I have just purchased it, so you are shit out of luck if that's the one you had your eye on. Lots of other fantastic work still to be had, though!
Hi folks. If you've seen any work of mine that you're interested in please make an offer and help me to remain housed. These drawings were $300 (Cdn) ea (about $223 US) but I'd be happy to see $200ea, or whatever you can manage.
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Anyway, the bottom line is I come with a lot of baggage because I have a lot of clothes and accessories.
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hey guys check this out
just subscribed, $36 for a year, this is worth a look if you know how to read
Speaking of the collapse of traditional cultural journalism model, myself and this amazing lineup are launching our writer owned co-op Flaming Hydra at the end of the month. flaminghydra.com/welcome/
MAKE A PLAY X RATED A Street Whore Named Desiré
MAKE A PLAY X RATED Into the Woods with a Furry
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Happy 21st birthday to Trogdor!! (This is sadly not a joke. That sbemail debuted 1/13/03. We are old).
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fully convinced that the popularity of this screenshot has single handedly created a powerful tulpa that people are manifesting and it will cause the downfall of the UK in 2024
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Reposted byAvatar Farty Pants
If you see this, I invite you to post a picture from whatever device you're using without explanation.
If you see this, I invite you to post a picture from whatever device you're using without explanation.
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they call it rokos balls or some shit and it means a dot matrix computers gonna be mad at you forever
Reposted byAvatar Farty Pants
Inside one of those game show chambers where dollar bills fly all around. I’m not reaching for any of them, just kinda standing in here quietly. Everyone is mad at me