
one thing I’ve noticed about this generation of dems is a sort of “plan for the best, don’t even contemplate the worst” approach to political strategy. once you see it in one area, it’s hard not to see it in a lot of other ones too
examples include garland hoping a money trail from low level rioters would lead him right to trump, biden hoping he could calm reactionaries by avoiding cultural issues, dems in general hoping a conservative on scotus dies so they don’t have to actually legislate around the court,
I’d argue Biden’s original approach to Israel fits this framework too. Give them unfettered support and hope they’re on their best behavior and a ceasefire materializes
“don’t have to do a real impeachment cause trump will just go away now that he’s lost” also fits the paradigm
I would like everything to go swimmingly at all times too but, as a parent of small children, I am apparently more aware they will not than Dem leadership
I've seen this dynamic play out in low level campaigns as well: "we don't need to come up with substantive responses to these Republican attacks; voters will simply believe us when we say they're not true!"
Can you help me with this one? They went through with it in 2021, but got rope-a-doped by McConnell, who wouldn't supply the necessary votes to convict (and who also wishcasted that Trump would go away and refused to fall on his sword to get to 67 votes in favor).
sure; recall that they called no witnesses in the senate and essentially wanted to cut to the chase. my reading of that is simple, senate comity and desire to move on were prioritized over exacting a political price for those who would vote to acquit. as we saw with the j6 committee…
…a real, robust hearing could’ve been very politically powerful. they still might’ve not convicted but they could nonetheless have *hurt politically* individual republicans and the GOP generally in the process. instead they fast tracked it as a sort of sop to the base: see we tried, and…
They went into recess. They should have impeached him on the morning of January 7th and sent it to the Senate that day. Instead they begged Pence to do a 25th Amendment dance, and went on recess
OK. I guess the original comment invoked "real impeachment" (lengthy fact finding, full trial in Senate), but this strategy would have involved maximum speed + pressure on Rs to vote to convict. That makes sense to me, but I don't believe there would have been a 67th vote to convict.
Sorry, what would a “real” impeachment have looked like and in what universe would this have gotten 2/3 in the Senate for a conviction? This sounds like the same kind of magical thinking you are critiquing. I ask this genuinely, what am I missing?
No True Impeachment. Should have done it faster! No, wait, should have done it slower! There were never 17 R votes to impeach, stop pretending that’s the fault of the Bad Dems who live in your attic.
How was it not a real impeachment?
Every time Garland gets mentioned, I return to my view of him after reading Bring the War Home, and think Garland was just a clear failing upward story. Convicting McVeigh alone was such a spectacular low-hanging fruit that cemented his career. Plus there's a section re: sedition and DoJ leeriness.
I am not impressed by that job performance, a houseplant could've convicted McVeigh That's where this dork comes from
I myself struggle with aversion to confrontation, so I certainly empathize with this mindset, but I also recognize that hoping problems solve themselves is a character trait that makes me ill-suited to be in government.
Did any of that actually happen?
yes and it’s all well documented in their public statements and the papers
just for example, see here (gift link) for the garland point.
I think both you and the articles authors are making simplistic assumptions about how the justice system works. There’s plenty to criticize garland about (I have a lot personally) but in this case there’s a real possibility that the alternative to his methodical approach isn’t a quick conviction
But the complete collapse of the case. There were other things happening on the criminal front while they were pursuing the Jan 6 rioters, and I think the really instructive part is that none of them were able to get trump into court before this year.
lol buddy i am a former lawyer who has worked on big federal investigations, i promise you i understand this shit better than you. you are wrong.
It feels downstream of age. They're all old, old, old Garland is 71, Schumer 73, Pelosi 84, Hoyer, 84, Clyburn 83, Biden 81 I don't get the same timidity from Hakeem, 53
Yes! It's crazy. I would honestly love for some consultant to write a tell all about this current crop of Dems and explain this shit. I know I'm too online, but it doesn't mean that sticking your head in the sand while Alito puts up an Insurrection Bat Signal is a good choice either.
Why I can't stand most Congressional Dems right now.
The GOP is dragging every college admin they can infront of committee hearings to get brow beaten over every single cultural grievance the Right has, and yet the Dems didn't get that Pub Sub lady under oath to explain why she gave $500k to Roger Stone and Alex Jones for the J6 speech permits.
The current crop of dems is best understood via their Rosetta Stone, West Wing: own conservatives with logic about biblical inconsistencies while working with them on dismantling social security. Demand decorum and civility while committing crimes against humanity.
They internalized the whole "arc of history bends towards justice" thing without also realizing it only bends that way when you jump on it with all your might
Just a huge charisma vacuum too! You can't be good at retail politics when you just float with the current like a fishing bobber
It seems to hinge on the idea that if we can just get back to "norms" all will be well. Like they're working out the formula to revive bipartisanship, faith in institutions, Tip O'Neill style politicking, etc. Just unsettling denial that what the GOP has evolved into can't just be rolled back.
You're kinder than I am. I just call it the "Roll Over and Play Dead Strategy".
It's terrifying to me how much of Dem strategy has been to avoid conflict with the right. Surprise surprise, the Roll Over and Play Dead strategy has Biden's poll numbers in the gutter.
Excellent point! What this country should be doing right now is thinking about what will happen if Trump gets re-elected. Everyone in MAGA world is telling us exactly what is going g to happen and it is the end of America. I wish someone could explain to me why MAGA-GOP hates America. 🤔
It’s like an entire group has never heard of risk management
I think generally, the approach is don't do anything to fight the right, if that doesn't work, make empty gestures. Biden's democrats are ideologically unable to actively fight the right.
Has anyone considered that maybe they just don’t care?
As you’ve noted, this is especially frustrating when “the worst” is “what our opponents campaign on on TV”
Demolish two party system. Enact party system, all have base equally funded start. Three potential president's per ballot minimum.