curious how hustlebro wellness influencers so often have such a constipated relationship with decency and reality (short version: his "lab" barely exists, the supplements he sells are pseudo-science, and he's a serial liar and womanizer)
Andrew Huberman’s Mechanisms of The private and public seductions of the world’s biggest pop neuroscientist.
As I understand it, all the alleged value from this Truth Social thing comes from enthusiastic MAGA supporters wanting to own "stock" in Trump. Trump can't make billions unless he dumps his shares, which would tank the stock, which would screw over his own . . . Oh. Yep. He's getting a windfall.
Anyone who tells you money can’t buy happiness has never struggled to make ends meet.
actually, you should read this fantastic collection, all written by disabled genre writers. I have a story in it! Science fiction, too!
We have amazing technology right now. Has it caused disability to vanish? What makes you think putting magic into the hands of the ruling class would change that? More importantly: disabled people are gonna read your story. Is your message for them that they can't be in your world unless "fixed"?
Soul My short story, The Last Dryad, is in the Soul Jar anthology, edited by Annie Carl. Released in October 2023, this is a collection of 32 tales by disabled authors. As someone with diabetes and mult…
Ireland, which can boast some of the most fertile land in the world, is facing major challenges for farmers, threatening our food supply, as global heat records are being continually smashed. It’s here, climate change is here, and we need to accept that everything we think of as normal is changing.
The easiest strategic PR move now would be for NBC News to say, "We made a mistake and we're proud of our journalists for being fearless and honest in calling us out for it," pay McDaniel off and send her packing. If that happens, this goes away much faster than if they try to tough it out.
Even accounting for greed, power, and general assholishness, I truly don't understand how anyone has a billion dollars and DOESN'T just walk around giving out $100 bills to every single person they see
i know people have income streams that they can’t just teleport over from twitter but it is otherwise weird to be on there. it’s like going over to someone’s house and they’ve had a burst sewage pipe going for a full year
the babylon bee actually found a new joke! it’s not going over well.
now, listen, i'm no south african emerald miner failson chud, but if there's one thing i *do* know, it's that customers really, really want to spend more time at the dealership with their car salesperson going through demos they didn't ask for. this definitely improves the customer experience.
oh my god he actually thinks this will help sell cars
The more serious argument is that police engaged in a labor stoppage in much of the country designed to silence critics and it worked and crime also still went down
just a reminder that if you’re feeling hopeless or powerless, doing something kind for someone else is a wonderful way to reconnect with the power you hold to make the world something different. 🖤
it's positively wild how much political/polling writing refuses to acknowledge the GOP spent 45 years building an extremely effective propaganda apparatus across AM radio, broadcast TV, cable TV, and now the internet and it's really, really effective at filling voters' heads with cottage cheese!
i think paens to "dignity" and economic opportunity miss the mark - the information environment people in these communities are in is basically 100% conservative propaganda.
I don’t like to explain myself, but: jarring that it’s happening because despite following this beat I retain my horror at seeing this, and I can’t and choose not to do the jaded “and you’re surprised???” thing—and jarring to see it plainly said in a headline, because it should be the headline
Still jarring to see this just plainly said in a headline
Worth rereading now that it has all come to pass:
If you’re a conservative lawyer with lofty career aspirations, it’s very important to either be not at all publicly racist, or else so openly, cartoonishly racist that Clarence and Ginni Thomas invite you to move into their home and then he hires you as a Supreme Court clerk
The Dem position on things like LGBTQ rights is basically just that the status quo is fine (it is not fine). For them to "moderate" on that issue would be to join forces with the GOP to strip rights away. They're *already* as moderate as possible without being outright regressive.
Tom Edsall has another column about Dems and the white working class, which contains some good insights. But I get frustrated by the framing of civil, women’s, reproductive, and LBGTQ rights as “cultural issues.” And what exactly would it mean for Dems to “moderate” their positions on these issues?
starting to think that tying the news to an economic system that encourages people to be as depoliticized, uninformed and mindlessly consumerist as possible may have come with some downsides
"Ezra Klein's plan, then, is to somehow persuade Joe Biden to retire because his election is uncertain, and instead replace him in a way which might well be a disaster. If this idea sounds half-baked at best, that’s because it is."
No one is replacing Joe Biden, The bed-wetting needs to stop.
The TN legislature is moving a bill that would bar cities from passing any sort of police deform. It’s basically directed at undoing Memphis’s reforms after Tyre Nichols. Anyway, I went to look for coverage of the law and . . . dear god. Just an bacchanal of bad ideas.
"We have no choice but to do our damndest to remain shocked and active, and to extend the same kindness and consideration toward [the theocrats] that they extend toward us. Which is to say, none at all."
Alabama's Anti-IVF Decision Is a Sign of Hell to If you’re looking for indicators of creeping fascism in America, look no further.
Thurmond didn’t believe in basic democratic principles either, at least not for everyone. But fascists are worse than herrenvolk democrats like the dixiecrats, and the Nazis made an error in believing those ideological distinctions didn’t matter
Biden goes off on GOP Congress: "I've been a senator since '72. I've served with real racists. I've served with Strom Thurmond. I've served with all these guys that have set terrible records on race. But guess what? These guys are worse. These guys do not believe in basic democratic principles."
If your journalism outfit isn't screaming bloody murder about this, it's not a journalism outfit. This is a goddamn outrage.
As someone who is going through IVF, and as someone whose household very recently suffered the death of a baby, I feel extremely qualified to say that no, embryos are not children