Simply Ed

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Simply Ed

The artist formerly known as Elon Muskrat Love. Niners. Warriors. Giants. Democrats.
Peak New York Times front page
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Demanding that people quit their jobs because their employer is doing something shitty drives organizations to extreme polarization *and* ignores the economic realities of life today, especially in a world where quitting means losing your health insurance.
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Carnegie made his legendary fortune in steel. Rockefeller in oil. I’m going to make mine by introducing Europe to: * Fitted sheets * Shower doors * Shower floors with a barrier between the water and the bathroom floor * Window screens * Electric fans
Well then don’t engage. If you don’t like people you hate calling themselves Christians, tell it to them. Because to the media they are fucking Christians, whether you like it or not.
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look, I hate the NYT with all my soul, but what good does it do literally anyone to harass Jamelle Bouie into quitting his job (or more likely into quitting bsky)? You're only doing it because he's Black. Go harass Michael Powell or the Bretbug instead, those fuckers deserve to be unemployed.
Area man proud of being a fucking asshole on social media, doesn’t know meaning of word “sycophant”
I’m not telling you to quit your job, fuckface. Go and live on your fucking purity island where everything you do is perfect and leave the rest of us alone, Mr. Integrity.
I’m sure you never buy products from companies that employ child labor or pay a pittance to their employees. No skeletons in your closet, no way. You’re fucking perfect. But god forbid Bouie works for a paper you think sucks. Fuck you.
Who the fuck are you to tell this man a fucking thing?
"She's a prosecutor who pretends to be high" is just killing me.
A neurologist who "recently" published one article on Parkinson's (according to this piece, if it's more than one maybe you could find out) is a "Parkinson's expert"? Also, apparently you're taking story ideas from Murdoch's New York Post now? WTF?
President Biden's physician met with Parkinson's disease "It’s highly likely they were talking about Biden," said former White House Doctor Ronny Jackson.
I'm sorry, but "MORE THAN THREE POINTS" is not a "massive lead." It's actually within the margin of error of most of the aggregated polls. I mean, sure, make your case as to why Biden should step down or whatever, but don't be saying Trump's "already got the Electoral College locked." Bullshit.
I feel like too many people on here are not facing the facts about the extremely desperate and dismal electoral situation Biden is in. If you just take the states where Trump is up MORE THAN THREE POINTS in the polling average (a massive lead), he's already got the Electoral College locked.
Will Bunch has been really good for a long time. In a perfect world he would have a column in the NYT, and Douthat and Stephens would be writing for some right-wing vanity rag.
Le oof. (If you're a fascist or fascist-adjacent)
This is literally what happened.
WaPo confused Mark Takano with Ted Lieu. Oy. "The House Democrats who said Biden should drop out of the race were Adam Smith of Washington, Jerry Nadler of New York, Mark Takano of California and Joe Morelle of New York."
Four more Democrats in Congress call for Biden to step aside in the 2024 The new calls come from lawmakers who hold top Democratic positions on key congressional committees.
They all look alike to the WaPo.
It's what Rod beats off to
WaPo confused Mark Takano with Ted Lieu. Oy. "The House Democrats who said Biden should drop out of the race were Adam Smith of Washington, Jerry Nadler of New York, Mark Takano of California and Joe Morelle of New York."
Four more Democrats in Congress call for Biden to step aside in the 2024 The new calls come from lawmakers who hold top Democratic positions on key congressional committees.
Yeah, seems like it will come down to how much Macron is willing to compromise with the left, which is in the power position right now.
"The glass and steel fortress was inspired by Stonehenge and features a Lord of the Rings bathtub" Billionaires all having the emotional and intellectual capabilities of 12-year-old boys remains undefeated.
I know nothing about French politics, but this article seems to downplay the fact that both the left and Macron's party helped each other win seats. That seems to me like the beginning of an obvious coalition government, non? Gotta love this part (very NYT):
Monroe signing a major historical document at 18: Wow, how'd they pull him away from playing video games?!?
Time for some Conspiracy Theory