
there are still some of my fellow shitlibs who hold minor grudges against sanders for things that are years in the rearview, but sanders has been one of biden’s strongest soldiers since day one of this administration.
Exclusive: Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Sen. Bernie Sanders sounds off on the Israel-Hamas war, antisemitism, college protests, and President Joe Biden’s record while in office
lol, my fucking god, i’m muting the thread, argue amongst yourselves
Yeah, best to let the Bernie War dead lie peacefully in their graves, disturbing those ghosts will only bring you heartburn 🤣
Still better than Twitter where it's all 'Biden is worse than Trump' among leftists there.
well that escalated quickly
The leftiest people in Congress know that Biden, for all his faults, is the best president we've had since FDR, and it's because they've helped push him that way and know that ships take a long time to turn. It's going to be really infuriating if people throw away that progress because it's too slow
The supporting Israeli war crimes bit and suppressing free speech is very very hard to get over though.
Also: You're a Canadian living in Hong Kong, so fuck you and who cares what you think
Wankers like you why are Trump is going to win. Pathetic.
Well, I hope he drops a nuke on Hong Kong if he wins.
Just as fascist as Trump. Your mom must be embarrassed
Here's the thing: Government is a motherfucker, and it's always going to suck. That's just the nature of the thing. Bitching an moaning about it not being the perfect little thing you'd like it to be doesn't change that.
Shame on you for belittling war crimes
Stick to Canadian and Chinese politics, hon.
It's all hands on deck. Great that Bernie understands that and is acting accordingly.
The thing about Sanders is that everyone gives him shit because they want socialism to be a delusional, pie-in-the-sky fantasy politics, but the reality is that Sanders has always been a socialist in principle but a *relentless* pragmatist in practice.
Sanders' flagship policy was universal healthcare, which is the norm for every other first world nation but us. nothing about what he or his supporters wanted was delusion pie in the sky fantasy
oh, yeah, sorry I can see why what I said was confusing. I was using "everyone" as apostrophe for the people who largely control the mainstream conversation around politics, and who treated universal healthcare as a necessarily impossible political problem.
his fireside speeches on youtube recently have been excellent, i feel like he's really acting like the leader of a minority party in a coalition and i mean that in a positive way, he's setting the tone for everyone else
100% - and he has results to show for as well.
I like Senator Sanders far more than Presidential Candidate Sanders for sure. Helps that his Senate staff is pretty normal progressives instead of the weird tankies and dissidents his campaign attracted.
Bernie coming out with full support for Biden would go a LONG way to pull in some of the “I can’t because…..” ones.
you’d think that, but bernie’s backed biden to the hilt in affirmative good ways (not just best of bad option ways) from the beginning
Was always pretty clear that they were personally friends in a way that Bernie and Hillary weren't, and that affected how he treated them respectively
I don't actually know and I am speaking purely as a mostly uninformed citizen, the way I would if we were like chatting as an airport bar (I overqualify things like this when talking about candidates bc people get mad) but I feel like the bullshit attacks on Hillary were mostly his campaign, not him
Yes (and not having a presidential campaign apparatus around him is assuredly part of why he's been good the last few years lol), but also I think there wasn't really any love lost between them
I wonder if it's also that in 2016 he was winning enough contests, even ones late in the game, that it never really felt over to his campaign and supporters where in 2020 it was pretty obvious that he had a much lower ceiling of support.
While this is true, he hired some genuinely bad people, and as the saying goes, the Cossacks work for the Czar.
which quickly made him an enemy to some
My theory is that Bernie's biggest problem was always that he has absolute dogshit hiring sense, and surrounds himself with nutjobs despite being pretty reasonable himself. That in turn translated into supporters who are there for the nutjobs more than the man himself.
A lot of is was he had a cult following and he hired too many of those cult members. He seemed to have learned that lesson after 2016. Thankfully.
He absolutely did, yes. I wish he could've brought more of his followers around as well.
nah, its mostly just turned a lot of those ppl away from Sanders unfortunately.
Nah, they've already written Bernie off.
Yeah, but Senator Sanders supporting Biden probably won't move the needle much. And of the two, only Senator Sanders is able to do it
If you’re Bernie or AOC or whoever, and you really get up close to this shit, the people who are going to be tapped for the hypothetical Trump ‘24 admin, you won’t sleep unless you try to prevent it posthaste
I dislike the Bernie of people's imagination. The real guy is good.
I never really had a grudge against Sanders. The man was almost always a team player when it counted. The problem was with Sanders people who were a huge part of why he didn't win in 20. IMHO.
I absolutely, 100% hold a grudge against him but also yes he's been very good the last few years
*whispers* Bernie is actually just a pretty run-of-the-mill New Deal Dem.
Anecdotal to be sure, but I never hear criticism of Bernie from anyone, even on the right.
people with "#stillwithher" in their bio absolutely hate Bernie more than Trump
Yeah, but does anyone actually take them seriously?
good for him. he’s still a dick.
how fucking bad *are* you at reading a room? do walk into libraries with an airhorn and a karaoke machine?
a biblioteca con mariachi would be lit