Graham Shevlin

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Graham Shevlin

DNA-identified as North European mongrel of vague descent.
I.T. Consultant, writer, guitar player, music fan, slayer of authoritarian bullshit.
Lester Holt got what he deserved for showing up to an interview with the POTUS with a sheet of damn-fool questions.
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First 24 hours are ideal conditions for bad media: * Interest in the facts is off the charts, but there is only a handful of them * Bad actors fill the unmet demand * Civiltarians try to silence political discussion * Both sides bromides roar to life * Memory itself is now said to be in bad taste
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
remembering how Vance essentially stole money from opioid epidemic victims via a scammy non-profit after documented shilling for Purdue Pharma
what is the betting that Senator Scott's representatives are currently on the line to Beards R Us cancelling the contract for his "marriage" to the 40-something Canadian woman?
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
LMAOOO the Biden WH should continue to dunk on the press and ask if Welker needs to step down because she's obviously not mentally fit for the job
nbc is fucking wild for this
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
Again, qualified immunity is one of those things that if you describe it to someone who has never heard of it in simple factual terms they will think you are entirely full of shit
are you fucking kidding me
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
Here's a news site — the Daily Maverick in South Africa — that gets 40 percent of its revenue from active members, of which is has 30,000. That's membership, not subscription. Which means there's no paywall. People contribute because they want the site to exist.
Membership now accounts for 40 percent of overall revenues for South Africa’s Daily 2024-05-28. The Daily Maverick in South Africa has created a membership model that is widely recognised as one of the most successful reader revenue models for news publishers worldwide. Called Maveri...
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
This. It's not an exaggeration. Every legal argument that is being used to justify the claim that the state should be able to restrict access to gender-affirming care would apply in principle to a nearly limitless number of other areas of medicine.
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
Still need the list of the dipshits who lauded this twerp as a free speech hero
"Hopefully, some states will consider criminal prosecution," Musk wrote, suggesting he wants it to be illegal for brands to refuse to advertise on X.
Elon Musk calls for “criminal prosecution” of X ad boycott Congress accused advertisers group of colluding to tank X's revenue.
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
"[Elon Musk] said he plans to die [on Mars]." ...Okay, look, that's the one part of his vision that I think we should all unite behind.
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
Don't print lies in the newspaper
Adam Liptak should be fired for this. It's not some sort of minor technical error or a debatable issue. He's simply lying.
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
Communications tip: don't say "Project 2025" say "Trump's Project 2025." He's trying to run away from it, tie it to his neck like an anchor by making the words "Project 2025" naturally follow the word "Trump" in people's heads.
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
This is fucking deranged
In which the New York Times' top Supreme Court reporter says the court "enhanced the availability of abortion" this term
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
Adam Liptak should be fired for this. It's not some sort of minor technical error or a debatable issue. He's simply lying.
In which the New York Times' top Supreme Court reporter says the court "enhanced the availability of abortion" this term
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
i would simply not violate the ada with regard to the person i hired to know about health policy but i guess im just different
NEW: Former WSJ health-care reporter Stephanie Armour files a disability discrimination lawsuit against the paper, alleging her editors kept trying to revoke her disability accommodation of working from home and ultimately made it impossible for her to continue there (via David Folkenflik)
‘Wall Street Journal’ sued by star reporter for The Wall Street Journal has conducted multiple rounds of layoffs this year. In a lawsuit, former reporter Stephanie Armour says the paper tried to shed employees with significant health-care costs by ...
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
I am once again being forced to tap the sign
Love yourself enough to not be paying any attention to James Carville 32 fucking years after you were forced to become aware of who he is because he won one election with the brilliant strategy “talk about the economy and essentially agree with the GOP about everything else.”
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
Bread and circuses
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
Anyone keeping track of the narratives pushed by law & order centrists during the pandemic that have disintegrated? I've got the shoplifting panic, cops quitting because of protesters, progressive DAs ushering in new age of crime & violence, bail reform = more crime . . . Others?
This narrative has been pushed by heterodox types for years. It never made much sense.
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
"Mounting fears of a rout" I'm sorry this is pure fantasy-land stuff. Most people in the country still hate trump, his unfavorables are always in the mid-fifties. Obviously he could win but he's not threatening to sweep into power with a huge popular mandate, despite the wishes of the NYT
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Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
My husband, a descendent of survivors, is always reminding anyone who will listen that before the US entered WWII, it was not at all clear which side they would enter it on...
It is becoming clear that some of the Reform UK parliamentary candidates in the UK general election were and are invisible. Some of them cannot be found online, and several of them never even showed up for the result announcement, when candidates (even the silly ones) want to be seen.
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
It’s amazing the extent to which our billionaire tech bro overlords are just telling us out loud that they are rooting for fascism. Makes me slightly nostalgic for the days when American plutocrats plotted against democracy in secret.
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
The easiest way to see that Democrats don’t understand the threat Republicans pose is that they aren’t acting like their lives literally depend on winning.
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
very hard to figure out what this use of DEI could mean other than the n word
Subtle. Very subtle.
Reposted byAvatar Graham Shevlin
'The exciting story of how the Scottish town of Dull was paired with Boring in the US'