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Reposted byAvatar Grath
It's so difficult to watch Democrats show more sympathy for Donald Trump than for the tens of thousands of Palestinians killed in the last few months.
Reposted byAvatar Grath
Well, well, well. WELL. That whole “protests made cops feel bad so they all quit” narrative? Looks like it was mostly myth. Excited to read this paper by Ben Grunwald, who compiled a huge dataset on post-2020 police employment. Agg decline was 1%… and bigger local declines not tied to protests.
Reposted byAvatar Grath
I see we've reached the "famous artist credibly accused of sexual assault wasn't actually a great artist and you're a chump for liking him" phase. Consider that pretending terrible people can't make great art helps terrible people who make great art whedon their way into vulnerable communities.
Reposted byAvatar Grath
NYT says their performance on Threads today was an aberration, & not indicative of deeper problems they've had with social media. Unfortunately, that hasn't satisfied many observers whose concerns are growing louder. The stakes are too high. For the good of the news, the Times should step aside
Reposted byAvatar Grath
I can’t explain how fucked up it is that Threads created a more hostile atmosphere to the New York Times than we did. Tony the Tiger brand humping website just beat our asses.
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
Reposted byAvatar Grath
Reposted byAvatar Grath
“Oh but Biden—“ Is not Trump. That’s how you end the sentence in the reality in which we live. It sucks and we need to change it, but your choices are the Damp Waffle Administration or Project 2025. That’s it. Sorry.
Ramos doing a very big yawn. He makes an adorable little squeaky sound when he yawns.
Reposted byAvatar Grath
Bonus Discworld QOTD for Pride Month, from Feet of Clay remember, Terry Pratchett said trans rights
Reposted byAvatar Grath
Just a heads up that well known dangerous pest Vic Mignogna has arrived on Bluesky. Anime News Network has good coverage on his history: Also has a really good THREAD(naught) on him.
Reposted byAvatar Grath
The Tulsa Race Massacre began on May 31, 1921 and lasted for two days until June 1, 1921. White supremacists killed dozens of Black people and burned the Greenwood District aka Black Wall Street to the ground. There are people who survived this massacre that are still alive today.
Reposted byAvatar Grath
"average president has been convicted of .75 felonies" factoid actualy just statistical error. average president has been convicted of 0 felonies. Felonies Donald, who lives in Florida & commits 34 felonies, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
Reposted byAvatar Grath
You can sing "Trump is a convicted felon" to the tune of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Reposted byAvatar Grath
i'm at the taco bell, i'm at the waifu car, i'm at the combination taco bell waifu car
Reposted byAvatar Grath
Just want to point out that the white-guy-doing-blackface-to-examine-racism book that is definitely going to generate a ton of hate-posts on here is ... self-published. So dunk-posts and hate-posts are literally its entire advertising campaign. It's okay to let foolishness scream into the void.
Reposted byAvatar Grath
DMs on Bluesky will not be "end-to-end encrypted" until we are able to do some more protocol work. We have very careful access controls within our systems. If you're extremely privacy conscious, I'd recommend using Bluesky DMs to share your Signal accounts!
Reposted byAvatar Grath
The Washington Post seeing its profits tank does validate my long time belief that major legacy media deciding to relentlessly cater to and platform noxious right-wingers and freaks with bizarre “centrist” views over the last 8 years is absolutely *not* helping them make more money
Reposted byAvatar Grath
I’m watching a Chekhov play and so far there has been no violence but this sign was on the wall at the entrance, so…
Reposted byAvatar Grath
we should call DMs on here "squirts" so everyone who works at bsky remembers Who We Are
Reposted byAvatar Grath
"Police don’t solve serious or violent crimes w/any regularity, & spend very little time on crime control." They spend more "time conducting racially biased stops & searches of minority drivers, often wo reasonable suspicion, rather than 'fighting crime.'"
Police are not primarily crime fighters, according to the A new report adds to a growing line of research showing that police departments don’t solve serious or violent crimes with any regularity, and in fact, spend very little time on crime control, in contrast to popular narratives.
Reposted byAvatar Grath
The second letter that sent to LAPD reps on my behalf. Even more savage than “LOL, no.” I’ve highlighted my fave parts. What are yours?
Reposted byAvatar Grath
Don’t forget all moms are half-price tomorrow.
Reposted byAvatar Grath
Return-to-office mandates at some of the most powerful tech companies — Apple, Microsoft and SpaceX — were followed by a spike in departures among the most senior, tough-to-replace talent, according to a case study published last week.
Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study In the months following return-to-office mandates, an increased number of senior employees departed Apple, Microsoft and SpaceX, often to work for competitors.
Ramos is considering whether or not to try to go into a new career in ability.
Reposted byAvatar Grath
800,000 imprisoned people in the US produce $10 billion of value each year through their labor. $2 billion for private industry. The state of Alabama alone makes $450 million off the labor of incarcerated workers. We have a word for this.
Reposted byAvatar Grath
Cheers to for consistently being one of the only Senators with a decades-long track record on advancing meaningful legislation that will actually ACCOMPLISH THE GOAL, not "look good in the headlines and actually make things significantly worse in practice".
Reposted byAvatar Grath
Reposted byAvatar Grath
It is now officially fair game to make fun of this little shit
Former president Donald Trump’s youngest son, Barron Trump, is making his political debut: The 18-year-old has been named to the slate of Republican Party delegates that will represent Florida at the party’s national convention this summer.
Barron Trump makes political debut as Florida delegate for GOP Donald Trump’s son Barron, 18 and about to graduate high school, was named as a delegate at large for the GOP national convention in Milwaukee.
Reposted byAvatar Grath
Jack can say he wants “unmoderated spaces” and act like it’s a matter of principle, but it really means “I want to see the content restricted by moderation.” [goose meme] what content motherfucker
Also: unmoderated spaces are a ridiculous idea. We created a shared network for competing moderated spaces to exist. Even if somebody wanted to make an unmoderated ATProto app, I guess they could? Good luck with the app stores and regulators and users, I guess. Checks and balances, not anarchy