
idk it just seems to me that laws, like tech, should be created with the question "what would the worst person i know be able to do with this power" in mind and it's truly incredible how much this opinion fails at that basic task
John Roberts must be the most neurotypical person in existence because the immunity ruling reads like someone who has never had a single “but what if…???” anxiety spiral in his life
They don't even need to imagine! The individual literally named in the case is one of the worst people on the planet. He's got a track record of doing or attempting some of the worst shit imaginable. This isn't some distant hypothetical!
“The dissent is indulging in extreme hypotheticals” says the justice in a case of a president trying to use fraud and force to overturn an election
the problem is that they might have a hard time transcribing [JUSTICE PUTS FINGERS IN EARS AND SAYS LA LA LA LA LA LA LA]
Begging Justice Roberts to recall the bygone era called “2017”
Obama spied on Trump? So what? He was The President. He could do whatever he wanted.
No, Democratic presidents have zero authority to do anything that the courts don’t approve, but now they just can’t be criminally prosecuted for it
Trump has been repeating this so often and so long people believe a) it's true b) it justifies any illegal shit Trump does It really is important to dig out the lies in Trumpland, even though it's a Herculean task..
Donald Trump is out there this very week indulging in extreme hypotheticals about what should happen to his enemies, and Roberts thinks they should become practical realities asap.
imagining a hypothetical scenario where a president clearly didn't have immunity and had an incentive to cling to power by force, unlike in the case in front of me
I realize we've all been overusing the word gaslighting but to me the word that best describes this is gaslighting
Setting aside that the entire principle of American government rests on the idea that an official will abuse whatever powers you grant them unless restrained by a credible threat of accountability. A system that depends on the good will of the executive to work is already something else.
Ken are you inquiring into the president’s motives again, silly? That’s not admissible! Come along now, you’re late for your rendition.
i think the majority genuinely believes the stolen election lie and that trump and conservatives in general are the victims
That's absurd. We're the stupid ones. They're the ones getting suitcases of money.
And yet they purposely wouldn't consider the facts, the man, and the ACTUAL case before them. Instead, they are engaged in hypotheticals about future Presidents and hypothetical sham prosecutions and hypothetical timid Presidents who may hypothetically hold back bold & decisive action when needed.
After being charged with involvement in the insurrection by a state supreme court, making them say no, congress needs to make that law in order to enforce it, but also he's immune from it anyways.
They’re fine with it because they think they’re actually in charge. For supposed fans of history they don’t seem to be familiar with the precedents here.
Their own hypotheticals were all "but what if a future president needs to do these terrible things" -- they see Trump as normative, a usable wall against those horrible Democrats who want to empower the poor and unwashed.
they don't think a Democrat will be President again or, the federal judiciary will be there to stop him or in the worst case scenario, the SCOTUS will remain dominated by conservatives.
Yup. The GOP SCOTUS knows what an evil person would do with the power, and they carefully wrote the opinion to: 1) Excuse Republicans who will gleefully break the law, such as Trump. 2) Retain the looming threat of punishment against Democrats. Win-win.
To me it's if anything more simple. As Stafford Beer said: "A system is not defined by rules, but by how they are enforced." The GOP has been demonstrating my entire life that they don't care what law says, only how it can be used for their advantage. Dems have consistently ignored that dynamic.
The ruling makes it possible for a President to be a mad king (they can take bribes, run death squads, can do any horrific act personally) but doesn't make it possible for them to be a technocratic dictator (can't tell a factory how much to pollute, except by using death squads to punish its boss).
If Dems finish with a trifecta, they are still going to be faced with "does the President have the power to call bullshit on SCOTUS?" We are fast approaching an "Andrew Jackson But Good" moment, even if we avoid a "we couldn't keep a Republic" moment.
It is hard to make a man learn from history when his paycheck depends on him repeating it
conservative activists to the judges:
Pretty much every Republican thinks this until they slightly disagree and then Bane is turned on them
Tbf, recognition of precedents doesn’t seem to be their strong suit.
Can it be a coincidence that I had a dream in which I sang along with La Marseillaise, Casablanca-style? Admittedly, it was during my daughter's wedding in Westminster Abbey, but that just shows I had monarchy on my mind. To the barricades, comrades! All power to the Commune!
They might be the last group of old establishment/elite conservatives to realize that the old establishment isn't in charge of jack shit. They should ask Mitt or Jeb or Liz Cheney if they are actually in charge.
Everybody thinks they can control and discard the monster they enable. But, in reality the monster is always in control
When you get to fuck around your whole life without ever finding out...
My time as a ship's navigator and Captain were filled with "What's the 4th level back-up plan?" I once struck and jammed my rudder with a log and was Not Under Command doing donuts in front of a ferry carrying hazardous goods. We had a plan, lol
Okay, with an opener like that you can't leave us hanging. What was the plan, and how many backup levels did you employ?
Ok, so it was a tight passage 1) Had Special Sea Dutywatch closed up 2) My Nav0 driving 3) Had Tiller flats staffed (Pix below) where rudders enter water 4) Had the anchor ready to let go. I dropped anchor and stayed motionless as I could until they passed, lol
Yes, it was a WWII era ship, lol
But what if that worst person is a prominent member of a group you fundamentally believe is entitled to only be protected by the law and never constrained by it? Much to consider.
Did they deserve to be a member of the group? Their disqualification?
🤬 This is the man the MAGAs want as our President - THIS GUY??? (this is from just released Jeffrey Epstein court documents) Full documents: #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2024
I would submit that not needing to imagine and knowing what that person would do is exactly why this smirking ghoul ruled as he did.
It tells who these judges are that they looked at Donald J. Trump, maybe the worst human being ever to hold high office in the US (not the one who has done the most harm or evil, just the worst human) and said, this is the leader who must act without consequence, and this is good.
I really don’t see how anyone can think they will regret the decision when Heritage went out of its way to make threats after the decision. They’re all on the same team! Paid by the same people!
The Supreme Court majority in the immunity decision took an originalist position, since as Madison wrote in Federalist 51, “Since angels govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government are necessary.”