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Which is obviously not future-oriented! But it's a kind of alternate reality future. I do think whatever happens with this period and whether it's Biden or someone else, a vision of what's over the horizon is pretty important and has been a bit absent in this campaign.
There are 9,500 Palestinian hostages being held by “Israel” and if every four of them were rescued at the expense of 274 “Israeli” lives, that’s 650,750. But nobody thinks the West would welcome such a rescue operation. Not surprising, just a very transparently racist calculus.
The only people who've ever held Trump meaningfully accountable over the last nine years have been ordinary Americans and they've spent that entire time being lectured to and berated by elites who've failed to do anything.
5 more months of "guys perhaps continuing to facilitate mass murder might make The Left less likely to vote for you, they're weird like that" "lol if we lose it'll be the fault of The Left"
By the numbers, we aren't. But we've got shitloads of people who haven't had a raise for two years getting their entire income eaten up paying for rent and food. My stock portfolio looks fine, but that doesn't mean shit to people who don't got money to eat.
Why don't our stupid readers understand these things we never explain to them? Fucking morons
If y’all perceive yourselves as Biden’s outreach team, my god. You’re terrible listeners, don’t actually appear to care about the people you say you’re trying to win over, and — more times than not — the shit you say pisses people off rather than win them over.
Pro-Israel counter-protesters at UCLA previously took part in anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-vaccine events across Southern California. Some of the pro-Israel counter protesters are also associated with local Proud Boy and Three Percenter militia chapters and fundamentalist Christian churches.
Why far-right groups are disrupting US campus protests: ‘When there’s so much attention, they show up’www.theguardian.com Gaza counter-protesters at UCLA took part in anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-vaccine events across southern California, researchers say
"I was setting up a fundraiser for a family in Gaza, and then yesterday I found out they had all been killed." - Shared with me by a Palestinian friend of mine
Some truths: 1. US Anti-Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian hate is exploding 2. US Antisemitism is exploding 3. Fascists are using this moment to grow their power 4. The Rafah invasion is an emergency that needs to be called out urgently 5. All these things mater at once
still ZERO local news coverage of a zionist agitator plowing into pro-palestine protesters. only a handful of national outlets. what is going on here?
Describing a genocide as "stuff to complain about on the internet" is really giving away who in this conversation has any skin in the game
It's funny how Jews get the blame for throwing their money around when it's Christian Zionist funding that is the driving factor in all of this.
Only one person can navigate us through these troubled times
War can’t be separated from discussions of authoritarianism. War breeds authoritarianism. It expands authoritarian power even in democracies. It destroys democratic institutions and disempowers citizens. The very structure of authoritarianism is in many ways militaristic.
As part of an indefinite suspension, Columbia’s administration effectively evicted a student from her housing in the middle of the night after her arrest for leading a peaceful protest on campus, affording her only 15 minutes to pack her room. Makes a mockery of their homilies about student safety.
"No evidence" other than the clearly labeled vehicles, the fact that the attackers bombed them multiple times, with time enough in between hits for the victims of one attack to escape into another car. Which the Israeli belligerents then bombed again.
It is extremely consistent who is given grace and benefit of the doubt and who is immediately given outsized punishment and ridicule. If you can’t see it you’re part of the problem.
Dems who censured Rep. Tlaib over Palestine comments largely silent on GOP Rep's call for nukeswww.thehandbasket.co It's telling who does—and does not—get the benefit of the doubt
As a progressive, I am obviously used to being disappointed, but this guy really sucks harder than I ever thought possible.
Trump: "the Jews, they love their dual-loyalty to Israel, don't they folks?" Media: "could this perhaps show a possibility of antisemitism for the presidential candidate?" Student: "stop the genocide, free Palestine" Media: "Breaking news, college campus is wall-to-wall TURBO HITLERS!"
Honestly me and a mutual were talking about how dangerous this whole situation is because millions of people around the world take drugs together due to ya know... having multiple health issues. Ruling the mere presence of 2 drugs together as "died by suicide" is DEEPLY ableist to say the least.
So like if MrBeast wants to run for president despite being only 25 years old do the states have to put him on the ballot now and wait for congress to pass a law disqualifying him
We never ask this about bombs.
Look I’m not a political mastermind but if half your posts are “if Trump wins we’re fucked” and the other half of your posts are “you don’t like Biden? Go fuck yourself! go to hell!” you might want to reflect on if the second group of posts is making the first possibility more likely
Christopher Rufo has never, ever been shy about this. He laid out his whole messaging strategy on "wokeness" in a fucking twitter thread. And yet so many media people keep covering him like he couldn't possibly mean what he says, & then making shocked Pikachu face when he does what he said he would.
Rufo: “I try to launder certain words and phrases into the discourse.” Dear university admins, op-ed page editors, & “reasonable observers of contemporary affairs”, you are getting played so hard like absolute dumbasses www.theguardian.com/world/2024/f...
End of feed.