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#StarTrekProdigy S2 [SPOILERS] gives us the Wesley Crusher Traveler I didn't know I wanted, far better than the staid person we see for one scene in #StarTrekPicard S2.
Reposted byAvatar Chuck
I see a lot of people here suggesting rather petty ways for President Biden to use his newly discovered immunity. Think bigger. What I'm hearing is that Biden no longer needs congressional approval to send money and/or weapons to Ukraine.
Reposted byAvatar Chuck
Well, that worked out about as well as I should have expected. But Prodigy S2 was amazingly good.
I'm going to try to savor Prodigy S2 and not watch more than two episodes a day. I'm not sure my willpower is up to it, esp. with a 4- day weekend coming up. It also means staying off BlueSky & various other sites until I'm done. See you on the other side.
I'm going to try to savor Prodigy S2 and not watch more than two episodes a day. I'm not sure my willpower is up to it, esp. with a 4- day weekend coming up. It also means staying off BlueSky & various other sites until I'm done. See you on the other side.
Reposted byAvatar Chuck
March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
The attempted reassurance (at the end of the syllabus) that the expanded immunity is necessary for and applicable to all presidents would be a lot more reassuring if it came from a Court that appeared to respect precedent.
Considering how many people confidently report misinformation or wild guesses as fact, maybe the Turing Test has already been passed? Is "put glue on pizza" that different from "ivermectin cures Covid?" #AI #artificialintelligence
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Locutus management tip: A self-organizing collective makes decisions better and faster than a hierarchy.
Reposted byAvatar Chuck
Donald Trump: “We want all remaining Bitcoin to be made in the USA” I think it may be time to move this man into hospice care
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There are some who will hate you for who you are, for no reason other than you do not conform to their insular notions. Do not let them sway you! You are a warrior of honor and courage, not a puppet who bobs on the strings of their prejudices and bigotry.
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Manners 101 from a 101-year-old: Mr. Mac always recommends wiping your mouth after a meal! 📷: Aldabra tortoise by Assistant General Curator Mel
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people think our current information environment is uniquely poisonous because of social media but idk I'm old enough to remember when the highest rated daytime talk show was telling people there were networks of satanists sacrificing thousands of children a year.
Reposted byAvatar Chuck
The students at my school did this. They negotiated for it, they got it, and they're disbanding their encampment now that they're done. Not one arrest. No police. The first campus in the UC system to do it.
For anyone who is tempted to think former VP Pence was a hero for his action on Jan. 6, this is a reminder that he was more of a stopped clock who happened to be right once in four years.
When Vice President Pence, leader of the Trump administration's coronavirus task force, tours the Mayo clinic, he refuses to don a mask, as the facility requires of every visitor. He says he doesn't need one because he is tested regularly and wanted to "look them in the eye" to thank them.
Reposted byAvatar Chuck
When Vice President Pence, leader of the Trump administration's coronavirus task force, tours the Mayo clinic, he refuses to don a mask, as the facility requires of every visitor. He says he doesn't need one because he is tested regularly and wanted to "look them in the eye" to thank them.
📽️ Jimmy in Saigon (2022) #indyfilmfest #documentary 9/10 hope this eventually gets a streaming release somewhere so more people can appreciate it.
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Welcome to Bluesky, we have rules here: 1. Feel the rain on your skin 2. No one else can feel it for you 3. Only you can let it in
Welcome to Bluesky, we have rules here: 1. never gonna get it, never gonna get it 2. never gonna get it, never gonna get it 3. never gonna get it, never gonna get it 4. never gonna get it WOO WOO WOO WOO
📽️ Midsommar (2019) 8.5/10
📽️ Dream Scenario (2023) Eh, didn't care for this as much as I'd hoped I would. 5/10
"Sacrifice of Angels" has such Big Season Finale Energy that I sometimes forget it wasn't a season finale. It's the end of a six- episode arc that *opened* DS9 S6. #startrek #stds9 #ds9 #treksky
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does paramount hate trekkies? does it hate having a dedicated fanbase? does it hate making money?
When I see a skeet about "Ripley," my first thought is Ellen, not Tom.
Reposted byAvatar Chuck
April 8, 2020 Trump brags about distributing 30 million doses of hydroxychloroquine. He's not a doctor, he says, but he's "a person with common sense." He adds a new target: "If we can stay substantially under 100,000 (US deaths) - which was the original projection - I think we did a very good job."
Reposted byAvatar Chuck
FUN FACT: If during today's total solar eclipse the sun is scared by its shadow and retreats, the earth's surface will be plunged into a six-week deep freeze that extinguishes all known life.
Reposted byAvatar Chuck
Amazon and Space X are fighting in court to have the National Labor Relations Board declared unconstitutional. This means the two richest men on earth want to dismantle the agency that holds them accountable for union busting. Nothing terrifies them more than worker power.
Reposted byAvatar Chuck