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"accelerating capitalism will galvanize the proletariat" obviously, but to what end? when material conditions worsen & workers lack the necessary education/consciousness, they are galvanized towards fascism class warfare is not like jenga, but rather a tug of war letting go of the rope is suicide
This is because liberals always prefer fascism to even moderate socialism. They can thrive under fascism. They agree with much of it. They cannot, though, abide any politics which doesn't let them be part of a mechanism of exploitation.
It's truly incredible the lengths people will go to avoid stating the obvious: The "business establishment" has always, and will always, prefer racism and fascism to social democracy.
@business: It's time for France's business establishment to break its silence on the consequences of a far-right election victory, writes @LionelRALaurent via @opinion
WHAT WAS JOE BIDEN & THE DEMOCRATS' RESPONSE BOBBY!?! WHY HAS JOE BIDEN CONTINUED TO FAIL ON INFLATION & THE ONGOING COVID PANDEMIC!?! Why didn't Joe Biden repeal the Bush/Trump/Republican tax cuts, first day in office? Oh right, the Democrats are fine with corporations siphoning money from you..
Corporate profits drove more than half of recent US inflation. What's the GOP’s response? They don't just want to extend Trump's tax cuts for the rich, they want lower corporate taxes too. They're fine with corporations siphoning money from you and keeping more of the spoils.
Chris Hedges has reported on so many wars, I trust his word on this and it rings true anyway, although I would say the US is also going down with Israel.
This AP tweet is an instant candidate for the Museum of American Fascism. Carve it in stone and put it over the entrance. It should be an enduring source of burning shame and embarrassment for the entire organization, as well as a warning to other media
They’re A/B testing fascism
Republicans reject anyone's right to observe a reality that they do not dictate. This is what modern fascism looks like.
NEWS: After sustained attacks from House Republicans, the Stanford Internet Observatory is being dismantled. A huge blow to academic freedom and our ability to understand platforms and influence operations
That’s the thing about fascism. It sucks for pretty much everybody. It is definitely worse for some groups more than others, but no one’s life is ultimately made better by it, even the ones who start off thinking it’s gonna be great.
In our time of fascism & the collapse of America's structure, social media has become vital as a modern iteration of the long held practice of mutual aid, so that we can support one another & survive difficult conditions.
My first thought on hearing about the proposed TikTok ban is that a lot of folks still think of social media platforms as unnecessary fluff, failing to recognize how absolutely essential it is for a great number of people.
the new york times is a bad newspaper that likes fascism shrug
The mask bans are a manifestation of our country’s rapid advance into fascism.
I am so pissed about the mask bans and how the movement is gaining momentum! 🤬 People have a hard enough time going into public masked, this will just make masking more difficult even if it doesn’t go through. I want to be able to protect myself and my family safely. My mask doesn’t affect you!
They're very often the same people anyway. The number of fascists who've been busted for kiddie porn or grooming or abuse... At this point we should probably just declare neo-fascism the political wing of paedophilia.
Pedos are like Nazis, if you let them stay "because they aren't harming anyone" eventually they'll bring their friends, who'll bring their friends, until you have a pedo place because everyone else noticed you weren't kicking out the pedophilies.
Left wing economic policy is broadly popular because it benefits most people; it’s the way to defeat fascism. Let’s hope this new left front in France can not only beat the fascists but also achieve the sensible policy goals they’ve set out.
‘We Need to Unite’: Protests Against the Far Right Are Held Across A newly formed left-wing coalition called on demonstrators to stop Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party from taking power in upcoming elections.
Open fascism Compassion for Nazis Child labor Book bans Vaccine preventable diseases Abortion bans Voter suppression and now Raw milk The Republican Party is truly the party of regressive bullshit, and tens of millions of people are going to vote for them.
Raw milk becomes Republicans' newest Turning Point USA now sells a shirt with a cow on it, with the words "got raw milk?" printed beneath the image.
The essence of fascism boils down to this: "You are Weak, We are Strong. You... DIE!"
Southern states are lacking vital infrastructure other places take for granted while also facing the country's most brutal assaults of fascism & currently rewinding the clock back to the days of segregation.
"Across Alabama, around 800,000 people—about 20 percent of the state’s population—rely on private water supplies...In rural Marion County, where around 94 percent of residents are white, connections, money and power often determine where the water flows"
Where the Water Doesn’t Flow: Thousands Across Alabama Live Without Access to Public Water - Inside Climate In rural Marion County, some residents do the only thing they can think to do: call their legislator and cry.
affluent brunchlords believe fascism is an acceptable price to pay for a several percentage point reduction in the corporate tax rate and a freeze on antitrust inquiries
Because I’m very slow, the NYT coverage of Trump baffled me until I realized they quite simply want him to win.
Marc Bloch is an example for all of humanity, but to historians, and medieval historians especially. May we all show this courage in the face of the latest rise of fascism, and stop it before it comes to this.
Today's the anniversary of the Nazis executing Marc Bloch. Or, someone who could sit with uncertainty, champion inquiry & trying to understand, and recognise plurality & perplexity. And, in that knowledge, made the choice not to remain passive. Bloch, Historian’s Craft (MUP, 1992), pp. 64, 119, 160.
This is fascism
This kind of argument about schools is a classic sign of authoritarianism. It’s the opposite of how officials who value individual rights and free society should speak about education.
Pride month has turned into "how to stop fascism governing my country" month for me.
Marching with all those people against fascism gave me back some energy and hope.
New York City libraries are facing a $58.3 million budget cut that could force most branches to reduce service to just five days a week. On the Day of Action for Libraries, tell @NYCMayor & @NYCCouncil: #NoCutsToLibraries
Day of Action for Libraries: #NoCutsToLibraries — Invest in Your library and your community need your help! Our public libraries are facing a potential $58.3 million cut.
Remember when we banned TikTok because our autocratic adversaries might use propaganda to try and undermine faith in institutions and erode trust in the very idea of objective truth - using covert, subversive tactics on social media?
Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to incite fear of China The covert effort began under Trump and continued into Biden’s presidency, Reuters found. Health experts say it endangered lives for possible geopolitical gain.
Money is definitely a source of power. Also: knowledge, capacity for violence, charisma and different kinds of social capital. I think that all the things the ring does are a reflection of all the different ways the slide into fascism works.
There isn't going to be a Cool Kids section in the concentration camps, so maybe don't worry so much about whether or not something is "cringe" when fascism is breathing down all our necks. P.S. P.S. If you're openly worrying about what is or isn't "cringe," you're already a dork so let it go.