
Evergreen advice. It’s over when you give up and not a moment before. The Supreme Court ruled against Dred Scott, too.
I say this bc I feel your pain: log off and go for a walk watch a movie and hang out with some friends or family in 1943 we were getting our asses handed to us every time we engaged the Nazis in battle and the Pacific was still very much a tossup we’re gonna get through this
That is correct. I was already alive when my Mom first got the right to have a credit card of her own and not have to use that of her husband, and I'm like 55. People are lazy but when pressed, do fight back: fascism sucks to live under, gets rebelled against. And that's good.
Mine knew that she hadn't had her own credit b/c she was married, but hadn't pursued it b/c she assumed that she shared my daddy's. She learned when she tried 2get a dept store card & make a rather large purchase, interest-free, over time. She est her own & made sure I got est too, when I was older.
I grieve that we are being forced to repeat the failings of previous generations, but absolutely yes to what you say and thank you for saying it.
"Losing is not the end! It's giving up that is the end de aru!" -Important (and last) message from Pollution President Batcheed
i played a bunch of videogame last night, and after i finish breakfast i intend to play a bunch more videogame highly recommended (too eepy to touch grass) i'll be back out there later, always am
And worth remembering that these decisions are happening because the Right didn't give up after decisions were rendered, or after laws were made.
Democracy was created by the common people and even if we lose it all we can & will create it again.
All well and good unless you're one of the losers of it.
Remember Sherman and Grant at Shiloh: "Well, Grant, we've had the devil's own day, haven't we?" "Yes. Lick 'em tomorrow, though."
It is interesting how many people think that all of these things are somehow eternal. Even constitutional amendments. It saddens me that we have such a lack in knowledge of fundamental American history.
It definitely feels like hope’s in short supply these days, but it’s also worth noting that SCOTUS precedent was Plessy v Ferguson before it was Brown vs Board of Education. Change can and does happen, and eventually the bigots lose.
they want you to throw up your hands and declare all is lost forever so shut up shut up shut up and they have spend BILLIONS of dollars to crawl even an inch in that direction. The fight isn't over until they're dead and gone. Make them want to be.
Zakaria’s new book is a good spine stiffener so far today
Just discovered a great quote: "performative despair is not political strategy"